Anniversariel; - Lena E Byte 7 Muriel Scott 7 Juan Smithers 7Jean Stevenson Selwyn WI, V Pewrbomugh I I ‘ _ I V V 50 Glasgow WI, 7 Annie Vanderheyden Burnstown wg, Review 5mm" Sunshine WI, Prescott Renirew South . . . . . 90 7 Sh'lley Pane“ ' Lila Howard Grassland wr. Highgate WI, Kent 7 Rita Lalonde simcoe Cam“, > ‘ V 90 7 Lena Mazan - Georgette Surch Castleton WI. 7 Helen Mcfachran Tansley WI. Brant Northurnberland East 95 7 Beatrice Teetzel - Marianne Ames Conlngsby WI, ' MU'iEl TEEQZEI 7 Anita Neukamm Wellington Centre 95 McDonald's Corners WI. 7 Ella" R. Riddle Wellman’s WI. Lanark 5°th - Hela Se] HBSUHQS Nonh .. . . 95 -Jean E. McLelIan Thumdaie WI, Camhray WI. Lorne Sutherland WI. Middlesex East Vltlotia West 96 Carleton _ Dummy Emu“ . . - ~ Helen Ann Dean _ Lucy Emcm L'le memhenh'ps' 7 Mary Jane Dickson ~ Shirley Elliott Amherst Island WI, Mcnquham‘s w|v Jessie HI" Lennon E. Addington Lanark South - Margaret lanes Helen Miller â€" Ethel E Davidson V Irene Mcmm" Ashgrove WI. Halicn Navan WI, Russell A Manly" Smim Verna and 7 Joyce Bradley long-time Members (50 Years +) Castleion WI. Northumberland East 7 Myrtle Ducie 7 Si Foresters Falls WI, Rentrew North 7 Norma Bennett 7 51 - Viola Millar 7 54 - faye Valliant - 52 Avonrnore WI, Sturmont Joyce M Dlngwall Eelmore WI. Bruce County - Myrtle Meicalie Brucedale WI, Brute County 7 Blanche MrCuIIoch Eilean Ribey 7 llene Stewart Clanhrassll WI, Haldlmand - Helen Burns - Verna Cotton - Mary Dashney - Elizabeth Deavy - Maria Dingemans 7 Hilda Edwards - lean Hall - Jacqueline C Williams Russell Village Wl. Russell A Cherry Bekkers Jamn! Hunter . Ina Henry Selvvyn WI. Peterborough Colpoy's Bay WI. ~ Mary Inglis - Della Bell 7 50 Em“? (“WW South Lobo WI. Middlesex . Isabelle meweu _ 50 7E(lilh J, Stephens Northwest 7 Muriel Torrance 7 50 Foresters Falls WI, Renirew North A Vera McLean Vinemouni WI Unveils Memorial Plaque Members of the Vinemount WI under- took a pro/act to have a dusk to dawn light installed In the rear parking lot of the Eriand Lea (Museum) Home In memory of Hilda Beachin. iormer Curator of the Home. Donations tor the pro- ject were augmented by the Wentworth District. by other WI Branches and by individuals who had known Hilda for many years. A memorial plaque was placed at the base a! the light. Ralph Beachin, son of the late Hilda Beachin, and his wife Doris, are shown at the plaque unveiling last tall with Vlnemaunt W/ members Joan McLean, Project Coordinator, and Peg Andrew, Branch President (from left to right). Suhmrlled by Marlene Weyhe. Vmemounl Wl, Wenlworth. I2 Home 8. Country, Spring 200i Signs of the Times Prince Edward District wanted to increase the visibility of the WI I the county. As part of this initiative, 3 sign was placed at each at the four entrances to Prince Edward County, with the distinctive WI logo. Other fraternal organizations and service clubs heard of the plan and sought to foin the WI. The results or this cooperative effort are visible at the Loyalist Parkway entrance. Pictured beneath the sign from left to right are Prince Edward District officers Joyce Brown - PHD, Margaret Vandsrveide - Past Secretaryâ€"Treasurer and Evelyn Peck - President. Subrnllied by Joyce Brown, PRO, Prince Edward Distrlcl Members of the Donegal Women's Institute erected a sign at the entrance to their hamlet. From left to right are Phyllis McCIuskle, Shirley Buchanan, Mildred Douglas, June Cochrane, Bath Patric, Dorothy Barton, Helen Erwin, Diane Wlmmenhove, Mary Hoshei, Bette Cockweli, June Cockweil, Dorothy Buchanan, Ina McMillan, Eva Buchanan and Brenda Van de Gavel. Last fall, this group was honoured to host Jill Daniels and Gladys Humphrays from the Chelstieid Evening Wi in England. Suomlilea by Helen Erwin. Public ï¬elailons Committee. Donegal WI. Perth Norm. Hastings East District WI Six WI members of the Hastings East District pre- sented a $1000 cheque to Dr. Macintosh ol' the Oncology Clinic - at Balievllle General Hospital. From left to right are District WI members Mabel Shelley, Val Badgiey, Jean Sills, Doreen Morgan, Jean Deshane and Wilma Huffman. Submlltad by Jean DBSI‘IEIIB. PRO. Hastings E35.