Rooted in History One of Janet Lee’s favourite bushes is now growing in the garden at the Janet Lee Public School in Stoney Creek. Eileen Kowa- lyshyn (right) spearheaded the school garden two years ago with the help from staff, parents, volunteers and corporate do- nations. Michael Gemmell (centre), Curator of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home, read the story in the Stoney Creek News and wondered what he could do to help. "After all, the school was named after the co-founder of the first Women's Institute," said Gemmell. "The Erland Lee Museum is always asking the community for something and I thought this would be a chance to give something back to the community." Vinemount WI member Joan McLean who looks after the Museum's garden suggested Gemmell present a tree to the school. Gemn-iell and Thelma Stewart (left), Erland Lee Committee Chair, presented a cutting from a snowball bush that existed on the Lee Home property when Janet Lee was alive. Eileen Kowalyshyn and Janet Lee students Neve Zubac and Tanja Kipervic are shown with the two-year old cutting. Extracled lrorn an article in the Sidney Creek News. October. l999. by Stephen Beocroli .Board Briefings. continued from page 6 HOME 81 COUNTRY Readership Survey All Branch members are encouraged to complete the Home 5 Caunlry Readership Survey. to be included as a separate ins/art with the Winler 19902000 issue ol me newsletter. Remember. the onus is on you - the member - to ralum the survey; it is your newsletter! Please mail all surveys to the FWIO Provincial Ofï¬ce by February 28. 2000. and remember to mark the envelope Readership Survey. MOTIONS That if there is only one application lor a le0 Pro vincial Scholarship. a mark pl 75 per cent must be reached in points to receive the lull scholarship amount; if 75 per cent is nol reached only hall or the scholarship amount will be awarded. That FWIO change their banking institution lrorn the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at the Corner ol Woodlawn Road and Silvercreak Fload (which is closing) to the Royal Bank ol Canada at the corner ol lMllow Road and Silvercreek Fload. That the Home & Country newsletter be indexed on an annual basis and the index be mailed to District Presidents to pass on to each Branch in their District That a Home & Country Readership Survey be in- cluded as a separate insert in the Winter 1999-2000 issue oldie newsletter: each bundle mailed to include the same number of surveys as newsletters. That 1000 copies ol the 1999 FWIO Annual Report be printed. Thai ten history books be sent lo local radio stations in each region to be used as prizes during the weak ol February 19. 2000, in honour ol the Women's Institute anniversary. Thai FWIO Health Program Coordinator Kelly Mar- shall respond as soon as possrble lo PICEPS (Partners in Creative 8‘ Elleclive Program Solutions] Consultants Inc. so that FWIO can parlicipala in the locus groups to discuss stialegieslor women‘s regular participation in an organized cervical screening pro gram. Thai FWIO increase their Board Director Liability ln- surance lrom lwo lo three million dollars at the lime ol renewal in January 2000, Thai the letter lrom Michael Gemmell, Curator ol the Erland Lea (Museum) Home. be received and ac» knowledged and be relerrad lo the Personnel Committee lor revrew. That the FWIO Presrdenlmay hire secretarial services in her own area as needed; lhe hours not to exceed 8 hours per week: lhe wages to range lrom $7 to $10 per hour. That each Branch receive a copy ol the FWIO Annual Report with their Branch mailing in January. 2000 Thai FWIO invite the Minister ol Health, the Minister of Agriculture and other dignitaries to all annual meet ings beginning in the year 2000. That the Convention '97 Time Capsule Committee be asked to continue lheirwork to have the Time Capsule placed in a cairn to be orecled 31 lbs Erland Lee (Museum) Home. That the minimum number ol Provincial Past Presi- dents Prris be produced as per the quota. That an additional 2,500 copies ol the FWIO Hand- book bc printed. Profile Focus on the FWIO Fundraiser Mike Paquet For the past seven years, I have been involved in r fundraising as both a professional and a volunteer for a variety of non-proï¬t groups in Southern Ontario. My speciality has been implementing productive and sus- tainable long-term fundraising programs for organizations that have traditionally relied on government funding or other narrow forms of ï¬nancial support. I be- came thoroughly acquainted with this particular approach clue to my experience as an Associate Fundraiser for Participation House Hamilton & District in 1995-96. My ï¬rst opportunity to "rescue" a chari- table organization in need began in 1996 when I became the Fundraising Coordina- tor for Friends In Grief (FIG), a bereavement support and resource agency in Hamilton. FIG was sharing limited office space and was on the verge of dissolving if fundrais- ing was not pursued more aggressively. During my first year with FIG. I intro- duced a number of different funding initiatives and established several partner» ships with businesses and groups throughout the community. l played an instrumental role in obtaining and devel- oping a new office location for FIG. Presently. their financial situation is re markably stable due to the strengthened long-term fundraising program. I have voluntarily coordinated several special events and fundraising projects for charitable groups, including the CNIB, Self Help Centre of Hamiltcn~Wentworth and People in Partnership ’95. Currently, i sit on the Board for the United Ostomy Associa- tion of Canada, and serve as the volunteer Advertising Manager for their official magazine. OSTOMY CANADA. My mem- bership with the National Society of Fundraising Executives (NSFRE) provides me with numerous opportunities to share thoughts, learn new conceptsand network with other fundraising professionals. My academic qualifications include an Honours History from the University of Windsor. And I need two credits to complete an Honours Public Administra- tion degree. A native of Hamilton, I reside on the city's West Mountain area with my wife Janet. our three-year old daughter Joelle and two cats. Any member wishing to speak with Mike Paquet can call or write to the FWIO Provincial Office. Home A Country, Winter 19994000 7