Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall 1999, p. 5

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Policies & Procedures: FWIO Handbook FWIO Hammett isnowavailabie froth the Provincial Office. The revised Hand- book Including the Constitution and the By-LawsoftheWomen‘sInstitute. iswritten in an easy-towed format and should help members accustom themselves to doing thingslnedifferentwey. Theoostofan hsert'sszsomeoostotaninsertptusthe blue cover is $7.50. FWIO Policy Manual Board Directors have been working on writ- ing and rev'sing policy on a number of items. The following policieswere approved by Board and witlbe Included in an updated version of the FWIO Policy Manual. A brief sumrrtary of the approved policies follows: Change in Officers Officers relinquish their responsibilities at the end of the Annual General Meeting at which time their successors are declared elected (See Concise Procedures for Meet- ings, Kane King, 1996. p. 30). Notification of a Death Following the death of a Provincial Board Director. 3 Provincial Advisory Councillor or a Provincial Coordinator. a memorial done» tion will be sent. When the Provincial Office is notified of the doom of a member a sym- athy card will be senL vernight Stays The weather. lime or day or evening and the distance to travel are factors to consider when considering an overnight stay. How- ever. common sense should prevail. Unbudgeted Spending Spending In excess of budget requires prior approval or the Board, Official Charity Receipts Official Charity Receipts can only be issued lor monies that flow through the FWIO Pro vincial Office, Consignments Personal consignments will be issued to a maximum of 5200. Event consignments will be issued to a maximum of $1 000. In both instances, a Requisition Form should be signed it possible and the money owmg must be paid in full or the items returned within three months. Expense Forms Expense Forms must be accompanied by receipts. They are to be summed every three months or less. Membership Cards Lost or damaged Membership Cards will be replaced for members who request and a stamped sell-addressed envelope to no Provindal Office. Mailing List The names and addresses of FWIO morn bars will not be given out. Keys The authorixed key holders for the Provin- cial Office are the FWIO President. Executive Assistant. Editor of Home & Cortney. Custodian and the Corporation of the Township of Guelph/Brahma. Eadt Board Director writ be provided with the names ol those cunentty in possession ol keys. The key for the rental of the meeting room will be arranged in advartoe with authorized key borders. Other Products Requests to sell supplies for any Branch. District. Area. other province. FWIC or ACWW. must be made in writing to the FWIO Board of Directors A description of the item. its purchase end sale price. how long it Will be available and the benefit to FWIO for selling this item must be outlined. To Review: Provincial Advisory Councillors. please take the time to revrew the following items from the April and June Board Briefings: I Elections at the Annual Meeting - Nominations for Provincial Positions - Nominations for Executive Officer to FWIC . Nominations lor the Eriand Lee Award - ACWW Area Conference information Motions: - That FWIO purchase nine more Concise Procedures Ior Meetings: A Reference Guide by Kerr 5 King ior incoming Pro vincial Advisory Council members. I That recommendations costing more than $5000 have Mdmirds approval of the Provincial Board. 0 That Lila Memberships automatically be noted In the Congratulations column rrt the Home a Country newsletter. 0 That the FWIO 90th Anniversary Educa- tional Award be one award at 51000 to one recrptent per year. I That Marg Hart's. FWIO Fast Presrdent, be the olficial FWIO delegate to the As- sociated Country Woman of the World Eastem Regional Conference in Prince Edward island, with expenses paid. I That FWIO rectum the Federal Govem- ment of Canada to immediately grant survrvmg members of the World War II Canadian Merchant Marineall monetary wmpensation for benefits denied them over the intervening years. - Thattheresolution re: World WarIICa- nadian MerchantMarinebeforwarded to FWIC. - That the mileage allowance paid by FWIO be increased to 25 cents per idio- metre. This amount to be reviewed annualty during budget preparations. - That FWIO request the Federal Minister olHeeIthtoenact legislationthetre quires any food products containing genetically altered components be dearly labelled 'wt order that consumers can make an informed choice. - That the resolution re: food products containing genetically altered compo nents be forwarded to FWIC. - That a workshop fadlitator accompany theFWIO President to AmuaJAreeCon- ventions to conduct workshops. with the acceptance of the Area. - That a workshop on ‘How to Prepare a Committee Budget“ be presented at the Annual Meeting in the year 2000. - That the FWIO Proposed Budget for Pro» cal Veer 19992000 be appreved. - That the FWIO resolution requesting food safety standards and policies be established regarding food products containing genetically altered compo nents be sent to Jane Cooper. Chair oi the Program/Proiecl Preparation Com mines. to develop as a project. - That a portion of the FWIO President‘s fonher honorarium be used by the Presi- dent for secretarial services as needed. ~ That FWIO look into sanding Mary Janes. Public Relations Director for the Ontario Coordinating Committee for ACWW 2001. lo the Michigan Associa» tlon lor Famity a Community Education Convention and the Country Women's Council Convention in October in order to promote the ACWW Conference in 2001 in HamiltonI Ontario. Note: Individual Motions on the Poltcres as outlined were also approved by Board. A REMINDER... A reminder to Provincial Advisory Councillors (PAC) to bring their Concrsa Procedures for Meetings A Reference Guide by Kerr 5. King to the November Annual Meehng Board Briefings June 24, I999 FWIO President Arthena Hecker wel- comed the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) Board as they lurked up lor an early morning teleconfer‘ ence on June 24. Hacker noted the ease in joining Board together and keeping them up~lodate vra teleconference. While race- io-lace meetings are an absolute necessity. it is hoped to use teleconlerenc- ing more alien in the future. A lot oi ground was covered during this four-hour connec» tion. Note: Only those Items lot which an upto- date report was not given at the August Board are highlighted Irom this teleconfer- once FWIO Annual Report FWIO Will have a prolessronally desrgned and formatted Annual Report produced tor 1998-1999. Having been cornmended 0n the format of last year's Annual Report. Board dectded to print a srmrlardocumenl. II is recommended as a ‘usefui tool‘ for the organizatiort. particularly tn tolerance to partnerships and fund rarsrng. Distribution of Home 8r Country ll ls the Board-approved policy ol the Pro- vincial Office to only distnbule the exact number at Home 6 Counfrynewsietters to a Branch as there are paid members. When new members tom the Women's Institute they are sent a membership card and a newsletter as soon as the Branch Secretary sends the toes into the Provin- tzlal Ollice. In the meantime. perhaps long-time members could share the most current and any hack Issues of Home 5 Country ACWW Conferences The Assoctzttad Country Women of the World are holding the Crrnnrltt Area East ern Conference in Cornwall. Prince Edward Island. from October 15 to 17'. l999. The ACWW Canada Area Wasfem Cmierence is lrorn November 12 lo 14. 1999. In Saskatchewan Ontarrors allowed to send live Voting Delegates to each of these conferences. Il you plan to attend, please let the FWIO Provrrtmat Olftce know as soon as possible. ill tinturtn 88 4-H Regional Scholarship Applications Several minor changes were made to the «1-H Regional Scholarship at)» pltcatron Due to the poor quality of taxed copies. only original typed applications Will be ac cepted, It Is important that both the 4H Club Leader and the Chair of the Local Scholarship Committee sign the applica tion form; the application will not he accepted unless both signatures are on if . .conrrnued on page 6 Home 0. Country, foil '99 5

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