Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1998, p. 5

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Constitution Committee evising the FWtO Handbook, It will be reformatted so it is easierto work with and to read. What is part ot the Constitution versus what is a by-Iaw will be defined. Further changes are expected pending final adoption oi the Restructuring Com- mittee Report In August. The expected completion date is December 1998, _ .Tha Constitution Committee is currently The Ontario Rural Council Mary Robertson. spokesperson for The Ontario Rural Council [TORCL explained that the Council is a catalyst lor rural dialogue. collaboration and action. It is a «lo-seat Council with representation lronr economic and intrastructure, resource and development. human services and community and government sectors. Site outlined TORC's mandate: - a lorum to bring together provincial organizations and governments that share a commitment to rural Ontario - a iorum where members can discuss, listen and understand the many changes and issues lacing rural On- tario. and mobilize a response - a means to strengthen the rural voice . through multi-sector collaboration - a member-driven. consensus-based approach (the Council will not speak on behall ol the individual organize» lion) Their proposed three-year outcomes are to: - exchange inlormation and perspec» lives - consolidate a vision of rural Ontario and ensure lending is targeted to ad dress gaps - launch a campaign to promote "rural" - provide input into federal and provin- cial policies - ensure new iunding is allocated lor rural development research - share inlormalion on best practice - encourage young people in the lield ol rural community development - act as an etlective sounding board tor member organizations Formore information about TORC, call (519)843-7759 or tax (519)3437773. At the March Board Meeting, the FWIO Board decided not to become a chaner member ol TORC. FWlC FWtC expressed their concern to the fed- eral Health Protection Branch about the regulation permitting pharmacists to make substitutions when dispensing drugs, An example ot this is the use oi conjugated estrogens in the treatment oi menopause and osteoporosis. Under cur- rent regulations, the natural and syndtelic versions are interchangeable even though they have not been proven bio» equivalent. FWIC is urging the Health Protection Branch to establish separate standards for natural and synthetic conju- gated estrogens. Home 84 Country Alter some discussion. the Board or Direc- tors approved the wording of the Home :5 Country Survey which appeared on page 16 ot the Spring issue. It your Branch has not yet tilled out the Survey, do so and send it to the FWIO Provincial Oitice. ice Storm Report Dwyla Pilgrim. Board Director trom Sub- division 3, reported on the Emergency Planning Workshop held in February in the Eastern Area. Inlorrnalron on how to cope in the event cl a disaster, such as Ice Storm ’98. was compiled. information on water and food storage and supplies, clothing, bedding and first-aid materials to have on hand was outlined. Suggestions on how to deal With the stress and other emotional health issues were also in- cluded. There are plans to refine this inlonnation and make it available prov- ince wide. Restructuring Strive! met with the FWIO Executive in January to discuss drlferent ways at im- plementing the new Board structure, the roles and responsibilities oi the Board and the Provincial Advisory Council, methods oi election. the importance ol regional representation and a schedule of imple- mentation (etc.). As well, Executive members called Board Directors for input on the implementation process. Based on discussions 01 this information presented althe March 1999 BoardMeeting, a report oi the Restructuring ol FWIO was revised and compiled. Once again,each Board Directorwillbe contacted tor their ideas regarding the concerns and questions that remained af- ter the March meeting. The Restructuring Report is still a working document; a final report will be voted on at the August 1998 Board Meeting. Business Plan The FWlO Executive and Board 01 Direc- tors finalized an oilicial Business Plan tor the organization. The Business Plan ex- plains who FWIO is. what they do and where they want to be in me future. The Plan is a working, evolvrng document that needs to be reviewed regularly Motions Passed - That members send all monies lordis- aster reliel in Canada to the FWIO Provincial Office belore presentations are made so as to glean as much publicity and government matching ol funds as possible. - That the FWIO Board ol Directors re- view the Constitution Committee Repon and send recommendations to the Provincial Ollice by April 30, 1998. - That FWIO purchase display equrp- merit (proper signage. tree standing cases for books. pamphlets and items tor sale. etc.) to be used tor provincial displays and to be stored at the FWIO Provincial Otlrce; not more than 5500 to be spent on this equipment; records to be kept oi requests tor its use. u Thatthe Marketing and Finance Comr mittees consider Items to sell as possible fund raisers that would ap- peal to the general public. as well as to WI members. - That FWIO set aside 52,000 tor the purchasing ol used computersystems when they become available to non» govemmentalorganrzations H'hisisin preparation for luture Board Directors to be able to communicate through the information hrghway.) - That Codrington Women's Institute have permission to use the WI logo tor T-shirts for sale. - Thalthe appointment oi the Unity Con- vener be left up to the Executive, - That each Board Director take one Centennial Plate to each District An- nual to be raflted at $1 per ticket That Board Directors take the minima- lron on the Gambia Fund. promoted by the Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation oi Atrrca - Toronto Chapter. to Branches for to take such action as they desrre Thai Board rescind the motion that the FWIO Executive Ofircer to FWiC also assume the roles at Unity Convener and lntemational Convener That by virtue other oitice and accord- ing to the FWIO Policy Manual. the Past President be the International Convener lor international Allarrs, That FWIO hold than annual meeting In November 1998 In the Guelph area. That the Home & Country survey as proposed by the Horne & Country Edi- torial Committee. be accepted and printed in the Spring 1998 newsletter That the Board approve the amatga- matron as written lit the lollowmg notices oi motion' that York Centre. Vork North. York East. Peel. Dutlenn South and Duflerin North be one Sub- drvrsron called West Central and that Durham West, Durham East, Victoria West. Victoria East, Ontario North and Ontario South be one Subdivision called East Central That the Board accept the amalgama- thn oi Brant Nodh and South. Nortolk North and South and Wentworih North and South Districts That FWIO torward the motion regard- mg the ice storm to the FWlO Resolutions Convener That resolutions be presented to the FWIO Resolutions Convener and Committee in time lcr adequate prepa- ration lor presentation to the FWIO Provincial Board. That Ed Janes. Paul Janes, Anne Marie Janes and Peter Janes each be presented with a provrncral Friend cl WI Award in appreciation oi than air torts and commitment to the Ideals ot FWIO. That the FWiO Provrnciat Oifrce lease arrangements be Investigated by the Executive Assrstant, That the Board request that the FWIO President send a letter at support to Prince Edward County wt to protest the closure ol hospitals and reduction oi health services. Home & Country, Summer '98 5

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