As your new Program Coordinator. I ask each member to read about my duties on page 57 and 58 ot the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) Handbook. The following pro- gram themes were chosen tor 199687 - "Sale and Healthy Communities†and "Women's Insti- tute - 100 Years of Active Involvement." From May 1996 to January 1997. plan at least six programs on our Theme - “Safe and Healthy Communities." From February 1997 to May 1997. plan your program to tell the 100th anni- versary of Institute work in Ontario. More ideas will be sent home With your Board Director. How did these themes come about? The former FWIO Program Coordinator. Glenna Smith, and her Planning Committee se- lected these themes. Joan Playle and Arthena Hecker. by virtue of their positions as Fiegional Vice-Presidents at that time. worked with Glenna to help develop these themes. They were presented in the form of a recommendation .3 the annual meeting in November. 1995. at hich time the FWIO Board 01 Directors dis- cussed and unanimously approved them Why should each Branch, District and Area support the chosen theme 01"Sate and Healthy Communities?" Here are several reasons: By supporting this theme, you are supporting the FWIO Program Coordinator and her Planning Committee of Ann McDougall. Eastern Regional Vice-Freeident. and Wilma Carter. Western Regional Vice-President. Also. you are supporting the FWIO Executive officers. Board of Directors. the various comâ€" mittees and the President, Marg Harris. as they carry out their work. With the suppon of every member. Branch. District and Area. we have a stronger, more united voice to help bring about change in our communities and our governments. Together we can present a stronger mesâ€" sage - to our members. our iamilies and communities. our governments and our na- tional (Federated Women‘s institutes of Canada) and international (Associated Country Women oi the World) affiliates - about what FWIO is doing. The theme is current with today‘s issues and concerns which ailect all members. Current issues will interest women of all ages in both rural and urban communities in join- ing an existing Branch or forming a new one. In their work towards sate and healthy com- munities, our members will be asked to network with other community groups and agencies and to represent the Women's In- stitute on boards and committees for which the FWIO will be recognized, Coordinator By Mary Lou Norrmi Through support at all levels. the Women's Institutes will appear as a more coherent organization to the press. who may then be more Willing to recognize us in print. By supporting this theme we are iultilling our aims and objectives and our mission state- ment - an organization tor personal growth and community action. Program Planning Ideas From May 1996 through to January 1997. let us plan at least six programs based on our Program Theme - "Safe and Healthy Communi- ties." Please consider the lollowing ideas when planning your upcoming programs: “Safe and Healthy Communities" in Relation to Canadian Industries tour a blood lab View an ambulance ask a speaker from and/or tour an Ontario Breast Screening Centre tour the X-ray Department of local hospitals invite a speaker to talk about the latest dia- betic or blood pressure equipment discuss the use oi plastics in hospitals "Sate and Healthy Communities" in Relation to Citizenship and Legislation read and discuss Bill 26 with the approved amendments inwte a speaker trom the Ontario Medical Association You - Your Doctor - and Bill 26 learn about the Ontario Hospital Association and how it altects you You - The Pharmaust - and Bill 26 "Sale and Healthy Communities†In Relation to Education and Cultural Activities busy hands help create a healthy mind provide a demonstration on silk ribbon em- broidery quilting r Celtic, paper piecmg. log cabin quilt in a day. machine quilting write a play or drama and present it to your community or seniors' homes investigate the theme - “Computers and You" "Sale and Healthy Communities†in Relation to Agriculture learn about and then encourage individuals in your rural community to undertake an Enwronmentai Farm Plan organize food demonstrations on howto pre- pare healthy soups and casseroles Irom Ontario produce organize iood demonstrations on how to pre- pare low-budget meat dishes This is our new “Sale and Healthy Communities" Iago. A copy may be obtained from the FWIO Prowncial Office. Please use the logo often. i:i "Sate and Healthy Communities“ In Relation to Family and Consumer Affairs learn how to cook for one or two using a food processor. crock pot and microwave invite speakers and learn about a variety oi health conditions iibromyalgia. Chrones. diabetes. muscular dystrophy. lupus. Lyme disease. liver dialysis. leukemia. lite threat- ening allergies (ie. nuts. Iish. etc.) ask a representative trom one ot the tollow- ing groups to talk about the work of their organization the Heart and Stroke Founda- ii0n. Seasonal Attractive Disorder (SAD), Attention Delicit Disorder (ADD). Osteoporosis Society oi Canada. Aiateen Please Note: A package of inloimatron with more sugges- tions and ideas has been sent to your District Secretary and Board Director. Please obtain a copy tor your Branch to use when planning your programs. I am endeavouring to iind resource material lor all my suggested topics. so let me know it you need speciiic resources, it you have any questions or suggestions pleasa forward them to the Provmcial Oitice or mail them directly to me at the address below. In later mailings. watch tor more ideas on the issue oi salety in your communities, Miujy l.irii NlWIllIi II‘ the Program Curinliliiunr frir [/10 I’eiivnirt'rl iVIlIPit'll ‘\' hi iliiitmr rij Orirririii .S'Iie i all be rcrrilii-ilrii RR 2. liliiiiriilir‘ld ()N KHK Iii". Piilllll’ (6/1)}‘1173052, i‘ilJ (013LWj-3j7h' Women ’s Just/Mfr Mont/1 Remember. June is Women‘s Institute Month; plan your program to tell the WI story. - ask your local Council to declare June WI Month in your community set up a public display In a mall. library or municipal building organlze an invitational breakfast, lunch or dinner. or a strawberry social for members of your community, especially women Home a Country. Spring '96 5