HOME & COUNTRY HOME & COUNTRY is published quarterly by the Faderated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWlO). HOME & COUNTRY has two objectives: I. To provide educational material which cultivates more knowledgeable and re- sponsible citizens and promotes good family life skills. leadership development and community action. i To provide a “communications link" among all members of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario and other related organizations. EDITOR Janine Roelens-Grant GRAPHICS Debbie Thompson Wilson © Willurrrarian 1996 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Sue Harris (Chair) Janine Roelensâ€"Grnnt (Secretary) Mary Janes, Marg Harris Anne Dyas Lynn Lodge (Copy Editor) DEADLINES: Spring issue: February I Summer issue: May i Please address all correspondence to: Janine Roelens-Gmm Editor. Home & Country FWIO 7382 Wellington Rd. 30 RR 5. Guelph ON NIH 612 Tel: (519)836<8296 Fax: (519)336-9456 Copyright © l996 FWlO Copyrighted material (including graphics) may be reproduced as long as it remains in context. its source is recognized and it is not used for monetary gain. To reprint copy- righted material under any circumstances please contact the Editor. lSSN O70l-578X Printed on recyclable paper by Melroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing. Willowdete. Ontario. 2 Home & Country. Winter ’96 FWIO OFFICERS/U)li‘lMlTTEE CONTACTS. 1995-90 ‘ NOM 280. (519)247-3695. Fax:(519)247~3921 President - Mar Hams. HR 3. Kerwood ON I Past Presidentsflonna Russen. RR 3. Stirling 0N KOK 3E0. (613)395-3643. Fax.(613)395â€"4305 Presldent-Eleet- Anhena Hacker. FlFt 1.Flichan:is Landlng ON FOR 1J0. H-(705)2tlrs.2377v W- 7032462002, Fax:(705)246-236 Public Relations Oflicer » Mary James. 6563 Egremon (519)756-5511. Fax:(519)786-4622 (with adVch) Program Coordinator - Mary Lou Norton, RR 2, Bloomï¬eld ON KOK 1G0. (613)393-2052. Fax:l613)393-3378(with adwcel Membership Coordinator - Lorna McGralh. RR 1, Elmvale 0N LOL “’0. (705)322-1320 Western Regional Vice-President - Wilma Caner. RR 3. Orillia ON L3V 6H3. (705)326-5907 Eastern Regional Vice-President ~ Ann McDougaIl, Box 751, Almonle ON KOA 1A0. H-(613)256-2851_ Wv(613)957-4827 Executive Secretary - Chris Green. 7332 Wellington Rd 30. HR 5. Guelph ON N1H 6J2. (519)936-3078, Faxlï¬islBSGrBASï¬ Assistant Secretary - Jo Hayden. 7382 Wellington Rd. 30. HR 5, Guelph ON N1H 6J2, (519)636-5296. Fax:(519)536‘9456 Resolutions Convener/Hospitality Homes Coordinator - Gillian Catto. Box 16. Site 14. RR 1, Whiteï¬sh 0N POM 3E0, (705)85670253 Tweedsmuit History curator - Marcie Johnston, RR 4, Listowel ON MW 369. (519)291-2949 Erland Lee (Museum) Home: Committee Chair - Pauline Lindsay. HR 6. St. Thomas ON NSF 3T1. (519)6315247 Secretary-Treasurer - Barbara Oldlield. 327 10m no. Vinemount Post Office. Vlnemounl ON LEJ 3P1. (905)643-2272 Editor. Home 5. Country~Jamne RoelensGranl. 7352 Wellington Rd. 30. RR 5. Guelph ON N1 H 6J2, (519)836-8295. Fax:(519)836-9456 FWIC Unity Convener - Marilyn Sharp. 53 Parkwon Dr. Cambndge ON N15 3K9, (519)621-2046 FWIC Representative - Margaret Munro. 18 Calherwood Court. Kanata ON K2K 2K1. Phone/Fax. (613)591~5590. VWIO BOARD DIRECTORS. 1995-98 lFld., Fiï¬ B. Warlord 0N NOM 250. Subdivision Mary Inglis. 62 Craig 51.. Russell ON K4Fl 1A2. (613)445-2934 Eda Van der Linden, 9185 Ray Wilson Ftd..RFl1.Metcalle ON KOA 2P0. (613)821-1936 Ann McDougalI. Box 751, Almonle ON KOA 1A0. H‘(613)256~2961.W-(613)957A4827 Marie Thomson. 396 Maple Grove Flo , RR 1.Gananoque 0N K7G 2V3. (613)382-7962 Alta Vance. RR 1. Roslln ON KOK 2Y0.(6131478-2751 Mary Elmhitsl. RR 1. Indian River ON KDL 280, (705)295-6960 Olive McDonald, Box 447, Cannlngton ON LOE 1E0. (613)382-7962 Aleta Campbell. 100 Glenhlll Dr. 3 .Apt. 212. Whitby ON L1 N am. (905)430-3257 Margaret Richardson. Box 98. Bolton ON L7E 5T1. (905)857-5142 tomxlmmt-wlvâ€"n 10 Dianne Orr. HR 1.Conn ON NOG 1N0.1519)B48~644O 11 Winnitred Mann. RR 2. Listowel ON N4W 3137. (519)291-4389 12 Doris Lindsay. FlFt l. Limehouse ON LOP 1H0. (905)877-2438 13 Wilma Caner. HR 3. Onllla ON L3V 6H3. (705)326-6907 14 Marie McVely, Box 394. Bradford ON L3Z 2A9. (905)775-2829 15 Leona Slubblngs. RR 1.Markdale ON NDC 1H0. (519)986-2294 16 Anna Hodge, Box 344. Yara ON NDH 2N0. (519)934-0193 17 Victoria Braeker. RR 4. Durham ON NOG 1FlO.(519)334-3548 1B Norma Hanes. FlFi 1.Troy ON LOH 280. (905)628-6605 19 Jean Egener, 1759 Barron Fict. RR 1. Fonthill ON L03 1E6, (905)8923388 20 Shirley Csonto. HH 3, Scotland ON NOE 1R0. (519)446-0096 21 Phyllls Laughton. 234 Gore 51,. Ml Bryoges ON NOL 1W0. (519)2644464 22 Margaret Armstrong. HR 2. M1 Elgln ON NDJ 1ND. (519)485â€"3283 23 Mary Nleklas. Box 885. Tavtslook 0N NOE 2R0. (519)655-9915 24 Peggy Roger. 8776 Talbot Trail. RR 1.Elenhelm ON NOP 1A0. (519)676-4755 25 Donna McGuire. Box 125. Oil Springs ON NON 1P0. (519)834-2873 26 Helen White. HR 2. Cedar Lane, Bracebndge ON F1 L 1W9. (705)645-5474 27 Laurena Ulnek. RR 1. Powassan ON F'DH 120. (705)724-5247 28 Anne Dyas, RR 3. Cochrane ON FOL 100. (705)272-6886 29 Joe Ann Lane. 44 Meredith Si . Gore Bay ON POP 1H0. H-(705)365-3075. W-(705l2BZ-2500, Alter Six-[7OSl282-3137 so Mary Vezeau. Box 79. Iron Bridge ON PGFI 1H0. (705)843-2175 31 Edlth Lazamk. RR 5. Thunder Bay ON P7C 5M9. (807)939-2757 32 Elsie Ball. 1031 River Rd. Furl Frances ON P9A 2V3, (807)274-5954 I r gion 0N NOE iGO,(519)675-4652 RR 4. Siltllng ON KOK 3E0, (613)395-0364 JUNIOR Sue Harris. 1610 81h Con. Fld. NW. RR 3. Lari JUNIOR Janet Ellenberger.