Adansville Tweedsmuir History The cmmmunity of Adansville got its name from the first post-i master ,Mr. Adams who keptthe first post office. There was also a general store ,school, &Presbyterian church. About two miled north , was a hotel called the Halfway House, where the rural mail stage stopped to feed or change their horses ,as it was half way between Wiarton, and Lions Head. However with the coming of motor cars , this business closed up about 1920 & the building tore down. Mr.&Mrs. Tom Waugh were the last proprietors. The General store was run by Ar.& Mrs. Alvin Ward in the 1930.5 , then the Adams family operated store, & service station , till the l9503,when it finally closed up. The Presbyterian church Joined with the union in 1925, and became known as the Adamsville United Church. About the same time it was made a mission church with Cape Croker and Purple Valley , and was served by a missionary who resided at Cape CroKer. Many splendid ministers came to us from the mission field, but with the changing times , &young people leaving the farm , there were many empty pews in the little :ountry church. As a result the final service was preached on June 11, 1967,with Rev. Crawford, assisted by Rev . Hunter from Toronto ,who was student minister at Adamsville ,53 years before, so Adamsville church was no more. The Adamsville school , built in 1899, & named 5.3. No. 3 Albemarle, saw many a brilliant student start out in the world. in the 19H05,a school area was formed, &, all the schools in the township were run by five trustees, till l967,when all Albemarle pupils were transported by bus, to a consolidated school in Wiarton. The commgnity then purchased the building and renamed it,The Adamsvil 6 Community Centre. Around the 19205, a prosperous saw mill was Opented by the Vogt family,on the corner , north of Adamsville ,and a mile south ,Ar Fred Balls worKed in his blacksmith shop as early as 1880. in the early 19005, ,Gillies Telephone System opened up a new life for many farmers,and many homes were equipped with telephones. in the l9j0s, Taylors bought out the Gillies Svstem . till June , 1906,when Bell toou over, and installed the dial system. In 193§*the Womens Institute was formed ,and through the years has made the community a better place,by sponsoring h.H. groups ,short courses, helping fire victims,ect. The Postwoffice served the community from 1899,to 1915, when rural mail was begun. With the coming of hydro in 1939, farm work has been made much easier.Most homes still burn woos for heat ,of which there is still plenty in the conmunit The Adamsville Tweedsmuir history book was started in l963 ,although research began two years. before. James Drury and Hrs. Howard CrOW. The first Cnratcr's were Mrs.