PIONEER TEACHERS AT HAULTAIN LOG SCHOOLHOUSE SOUTH BURLEIGH Miss Benson 1866 Miss Burroughman 1885 X Miss Flavelle 1868 Miss Simmons 1883 Miss M. Thompson x 1870 Miss M. Haye 1888 Mr. Walter Bryce 1873 Miss E. Thompson 1390 Miss Anna McDonnell 1876 X Miss Margaret Kannady 1892 Miss MacPherson 1878 Miss Elizabeth Arnott 1893 X Miss Grant 1880 At present frame building of 1894: Miss E. Keffer 1896 X Miss F. Bell (rep.) 1926 X Miss Simpson 1898 Miss A. Oram 1928 Miss Payne 1899 Miss F. Tedford (rep.) 1929 X Mr. William Spence 1902 Miss E. Evans 1933 Miss Mowatt 1905 Mr. Roy Tranter 1934 ' MacDonald 1907 Miss. R. Tedford 1935 E. Robertson 1908 X Miss C. Legon 1936 M. Payne 1912 Miss B. O'Connor 1938 Anne Bates 1909 Miss M. Kidd (rep.) 1941 X Windover 1911 X Mrs. William Church 1945 5 Ogilvie 1913 Miss G. Menzies (rep.) 1946 s ?etrie 1915 Miss MacDonald Sr. 1951 Miss Anderson 1916 X Mrs. R. Tucker 1953 Mr. 3. Reynolds 1917 Mrs. Sampson 1955 Misa Colvin 1918 Mrs. Beith 1957 Miss Ella Brown (rep.) 1920 X Mrs. Ward 1958 Miss Patterson (rep.) 1923 X Miss L. Thompson (rep.) 1959 X Miss Woodhouse 1924 Miss M. Colby (rep.) 1960 X rep. â€" Those indicated by rep. later taught again under their married names. X â€" Lady teachers marked X each married a local man and continued to live in the Burleigh Area Scholars of South Burleigh who themselves became teachers: Margaret Kennedy Maralyn Brethour Laura Windover Maryâ€"Anne Shewen Anne Bates Diane Stone Dollie Church Mary-Ellen Eowler Verna Thompson Dr. E. F. Bolton George W. Booth Norman Cowan Marion Bo1ton The one-room schools of East Peterborough County were visited each autumn and spring by an Inspector of the Department of Education- Those whose tenure spanned nearly a century were JCoyle Brown, Richard Lees, Leo W. Copp, B. K. Smitheran and K. D. Berkin.