driving through the Exhibition Grounds, theY filed for lun°h in the Administrative Building. The train was delayed reaching Peterborough. Mary E. Kydd was hired to teach beginning September 5, 1939. The teacher and pupils improved thegroundswith a perrenial border rock garden and a flagstone walk. Mr. M. H. Park of the Peterborough Normal School exchanged duties with our Inspector Mr. Copp for the year September 1939 to June 1940. 8.8. No. 3 Burleigh School was closed by the trustees in June 1941, as there weren't enough pupils. On September 1941 the children were transported to Lakefield until December 1943. There was only one pupil so she was boarded in Lakefield the remainder of the term. During the term 1945â€"1946 two pupils were boarded in Lakefield. Children were then transported to 5.8. No. 1 until 1954 when the 5.8. No. 3 school was reâ€"opened after being cloeed thirteen years. At a trustees' meeting, August 17, 1950, it was moved by John Stone and seconded by Douglas Dunford that the speed limit of a school bus be 25 miles per hour. During the 1941-1954 term the school wasn't neglected. A new steel roof was put on the porch, and brush was cut in the school grounds and other general repairs. In December 1954, N. M. Bolton completed 25 years as a trustee. Teachers were Mrs. Cecile Guthrie, Miss Carol YOung, Miss Myrtle Grant, Mrs. Ivy Crowe, Mrs. Florence Hamilton, and Mrs. Grace Bolton. School closed permanently in 1964. In the meantime some pupils from this school enrolled in Apsley Central