1975 - 1985 Rev. Glenn A. Sim - incumbent January 197A - September l97£ Further growth in evangelism was encouraged during tie Rev. Sim's tenure by the formation of a Community henen': Bible study group. A Parochial Advisory Committee canyceec of leaders and representatives of all areas of perish Life greatly assists the rector and wardens in parish busizcee during the year. both in beauty and heat conservation. Many doneticne e: memorials replaced the warped, clear, leaded winizw: tit: stained glass panels of red, green, blue, mauve an: :c_:. A new larger furnace and improved duct work made it :12: warmer. The rectory was improved by the addition :5 e breezeway and garage. Sand-blasting of the building 5 TH well as the application of stain added to the appearan (’3 m Archdeacon F. G. Ongley Mr. Murray McColl, Lay Reader - October 1978 - February 197? Rev. Ronald L. Scott - February 1979 - December 19E: During Rev. Scott's incumbency, changes were made in the services conducted in the parish. After a series of study sessions the "Blue Book" was adopted for use and the altar moved outward to allow westward (facing) celebration. Three other special services were introduced, Easter Vigil held on Holy Saturday, Requiem Holy Eucharist on All Soul's Day,