1"“ l in putting the church in order as far as possible for the eye Mr. Harding's reference to the ceremony is contained in his a in these worde:-- "Attended at the formal opening of the churï¬ln at Apsley. Dr. Smithett preached an interesting and effectivég sermon and announced that I am appointed Lay Reader by the Bi H until a clergyman can be appointed after the next ordination in August". A collection realized $6.51. Mr. Harding commenced 1 his duties on the following Sunday. January 17. starting on high diary as follows:-â€" "Jan. 16. Set off to Apsley. Bessie with me. The road'" through Barnes' place was quite drifted up. and turning a stumpli the cutter upset and threw us into the deep snow. The horse ran: away and smashed the cutter. and we had to turn back and get a L jumper, a heavy clumsy thing which ragged the horse and made net,“ very late at Mr. Golborne's where we were kindly received. x Sunday. Fine. Held my first service as Lay Reader in the ."il:‘ Church at Apsley. Few there. only about 25. Hoped that such ail‘ 4 service every Sunday will be the means of holding the churchuu , congregation together until a clergyman can be appointed. ifld ‘r believed such an event followed up in the fear of God willnéii,J more to the prosperity of Apsley even in temporal things b‘ anything that has yet beengddne. May our Gracious God aâ€