Balsam Hill WI Tweedsmuir Community History - Community #11. Township & Council, 1917=2008, p. 4

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. - i ‘ . ’31“ } th~ I I Hi I funerals t - L. - .5 ‘ - ~{g‘059 Of Robert _ ' r. 2 l 'ilsun, both inn-- ; . _ W‘Ml. Jan. nth, 1915. ' A in; been victims of the influenza i ‘Tha Connoiilnr: ‘cieoi. tor the yen ~ ' . _ . eNannie- ‘ 1915 «met '5”, the 1m“ to day at 11 o'clock Uthe s ,whu are down with it are .flnmrmd utter making declaration 0! Mr. Sam Dunfieid and his Wholc aflioewegs [sailed to order by the Reeve. hm” - WOW m0~ Mil hatter ilut . The Councillor-e compesinz this year's MPS' Dunne“; L WEB A‘il'iimuxn’l 'Caunnil are: Reeve. P. H. Bolger: Coun- Lind "18 family: Th Ii Fiiitun. whu 6mm James Bo; Michael Qumyv Jo's. bought the iv‘iold‘ m; and Jain ‘Frencls‘. and Patrick C. Shannan. “"1 Milli" 1“"“011. living on the lmmi Minutes a! meeting on December 15th, INCH“ l‘l‘mer “PE “is” under rhw‘ .1914, we" rum and m, mmtmruomed‘ weather, Ali-X. Fulton. gnu "r ML, flammuriicatiéns fend bills t-ead1â€" Nox- lmlilmy “lull-T H II' ihr- ‘ tmn, has also been smorva ill -‘ A letter from the Rentrew Journal. Soliciting the municipal printing for the“ year. A An application tram .I’as. MoAdnm.: snemmck. (or appointment as Assessor for the year 195 and at a salary or $46. From the Municipal World, 5t. Thoma as, onering a clubbing rate of $.00 Ior‘ six copies of the Municipal World. Request iron: H. Hommen (or refund‘ or {1.50. charged in error for statute in-i hot. v Request from J. English. P.M.. for a new scraner for his road division. Request for conulderatiun at purchas’ my email graders for trial in the town- Shiv. Request to have road division of R. Hazel's added to the one over which F. Byers in pnthmnster. Request from Mack Dick to have bridge on town line betwaen Grattan ‘lnd Admeton rebuilt. also for permis- sion to do his road work an the road leading into his term. Ffum A. E. Berienquet. secretary of the Admton public library. the annual report as bet auditor's statement. nnu request. {or annual grunt. Receipts lor Inkâ€"Balance on hand. 311-301 members' (can, 310.00: Government grant. $18.75: township mt. moo. Tomi â€"- 360.69. Expenditure: â€" Postage and stationery. 1615.; Insurance, $.15: iibrnrlnn'a salary. $12.00: books. $28.52. Tomiâ€"Ml”. Balance on hand. 32.17. Request from August Perehik to have creamy an concession IJ. opposite lots 3 and 4. covered anew with clay. Request from Alex. Fulton tor per- mission to perform his statute labor on "Duncan Box'a rand divillan. Request from Henry Kuezler for e . mi of $0.“). tn In expended In blui- lng rocks out 01 certain ditches, on the Lake road. south of Leo. Fremo'e. A nouns tram P. C. Bhuhu, of the dnnxaroua condition at part or the bridge et William Hill's. A recommendation from Lewis Gel- brlith. P.M.. to have a new bridge built over the” creek on the mounnln road. Notice 0! a. bridge on the north Mc‘ Naughton une. apposite W. 1?. GI!» hom'. that needs in be renewed. Mr. Quilty gives notice of the lnLro- “auction at this meeting a! n bylaw to npnoint certlln townnhip 0mm. On motion the hyinw was read 3 (Int time. Council now adjourned for dinner. and menu-d: reassemhlrd. Mr. Quiliy gives notice that It this meeting he will Introduce n Byinw to Improve mun Ind lending roads. i On motion the bylnw to npvoint cer- thls wmk the report V'li‘um \'il'|vv|’i.! ‘ hospital is that he has been very l..\\. i i “ A CROZIE . n interestin illggueary 28th 30 am mace on or Adnhgmig; n+1? Mrs. 'T.- Ngismtiltlln n“ . . ie ovcus' ' I zrriage of their daxttzlizgnJc‘gsitieulm . n fiâ€"NAieMm-q, '~ g are in 1L 111‘ took Christie of Otmwd by the REV, Who was Minister in 135 he ihnt I“‘FV‘liny “m a ‘Utni thn ElfggswanPI-ushv most}: to n \voilgggggs ('"g-Ipsont an in 187 _ i i T, as to me Rona U .u a and did ‘ . I A iin r . I WWI-"Ina? , i 1 13; willie 11nd bi‘iliORlOlJlliAbir'lpilo‘I‘ll)" ‘ em mu ,, I an for VVthPrn o ““ “H' I A famflfir‘dimte ‘En Henfrtvu- {m n isoveraf years and one whn i‘nrnmrly‘i N farmed ‘in Admnstun township pus-39.4 1 Juli’ the scenl- by the death “1 in i Duncan CnmphL-il. He was ‘I “'i‘ll‘ known and amniilur l'lilzvn who I' ' ried lhifi [VCIII‘S iigi‘ii‘i)‘. ’Flit- rirm. was mm oi‘ one or Adaiuisinn's l known mm'lilL-s iri Iwhulu there nnw icmaln [but one hl'oihL-r uml unr- .‘ tor. Illr. P. .l. (‘umnlwell "r l‘u-nl‘i \\' :ind .Mrsi .inhn slmu' “r Luim inun- He had been ill fur album three ‘wee'ku. n sufferer \{rum Dl‘l‘li'iiliii“.. r i and (lied nn ‘o'i’iui‘iiill'. in W:- X7111 Eyem'. The funeral [.mk pluvi' ‘lrnui i hie lain i‘osiiiencn, UH Lynn turn-r". nn .\iunil., iLCtei‘Iionn in Till: Ail- nms‘iun Cornell-w, llioi'. Mr. iini‘llnu icumiuotlng survives iii ‘iiu: linmu nrul nisu ill the l'f‘inPlCI'V. llir‘i ‘ Mm) n-i tlu- lilm'n ur lililr'ilti h l v N". lit-Mullen uiuhlflihsiuh. l'iilâ€"iw Wert- Messrs. Dum‘un vii: (it a, I'vter l'pmiol'. _Duncun (‘.-n|[viu-il. Lorne Fumnheil, Arthur l‘umwlwll and “7m. (Himphcil, Surviving 1h.- (it“E-IENJ is his unrunnl \vih': uhun- Ian n Hun My (“1' first iiillnll. Ihn ; n! Aimn Cnm‘plwil u! l' l_1lri . ‘ ‘ V The liiil' i.\ii 'iimi. '13s West rur :. min..- 4 ' he din-i [cult ' If. in heir was?" W9" Thrl‘diI‘ni-f. ('urn f‘lilliiu: nml y any] dim“ ' urv ilw uriivr u! liu (y I 'lr 1 Mr, 1 .\ir.~' TiIIIIIIlL-t Mi‘imviuuii and mm; hart: this Mr l-' mid M15»: N_ ti’l‘ v u nl' :d at Mm ir. Ian-kn. 4 mi Sunvlnv \“ rd him inron i‘nr uml John lfnnn. mnlu-r lien for it m-tbun, WUIflJdI! in Friim-v Minn Effie Sharpe of Gratin“ L: vin- itInK with 1- Helen Mrn. Hillrl'li 80x. Hill! W .“ilki‘ Fian mtrireli nl itrznfruv u uhurt visit .it Imr permitnl hum: Ihll week , Mr. Daria] McImuKail in viwiiing wilh his mother here. â€"un Henlember mm. I’JI1, to Dir. . Jahn W. Hot. a ton. n_ ileum-bur and. II"; N Hr. . Gumbel! lam I can; H‘.. "'VM hI-i whu wnu 1* hits 1|le ..r CHIEF OF POLICE PLAUNT. ' I At the time of (‘hiei leint's up """’ pqutmL-nt, Thu Mercury published his portrait In civilian attire. A photo by I-Iundturd at the Cbiei in of- i so much more in" i. _ J . be

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