The Zzth Anniversarx The reguler meeting 0; the Belmozt w02en's Institute WES held in the hall on Thursday, November 2l, 1940 at 7:30 p.m. This meeting took the form or a fowl supper with an 1;known number present. A delicious birthday cake with 25 candles on it was on a table on the plstform. It was out aid served to all present. After everyone had been served the meeting opened with the members answering o the roll Call. irs. Macoun who had previously blowr out the candles on the cake, gave us a short address which Wss very inspiring. Hrs. Saabrooke read the minutes of the'orgenlzation meetin; and also the first regular meeting and the first roll CPll. The KcIullen sisters gave a delightful vocal sclecticn. Hrs. Heller, the district president gave an interesting add:ess. Handle and Bernice Ellis ryave a musical selection which was .uch eij One minutes silence was observed in honour of the me-ory of Hrs. Serenith, the first president. Kiss Dor a Eetchen a:d Kiss Yargaret Mrs. Harry Kenn gave a {Wort :ddrees l; a few well-chosen words with a short poem, "Thene'll Alwrds Be An Englandâ€. Clifford Kennedy Sang a solo, “Wien You a d I Here Iounj, K :ie" in his own pleasing style. Hrs. J. Scnbrook gave us a reading " he Lay of the Last Chicken“. The reetin; closed with "God Save The King". Mrs. William Iar Sec.1 .rs. Donald Ande:sou, President.