disappearad but lFre I Source at I:th revenue lu‘ th. farmers. The Township Hall was hut in the year 188} at a cost or 81,000, on land donated by Mr. prenevuen with the atiyule- tlan the Township Caunsll has to use it at least unee each year, otheruse 1t ruverts to the Preneveau estate. Belmont has «7,300 acres. Tnoiuret records 01 s csuneu meeting was in the year l851 when Asphadal, Belmont end Methuen were united Township: under one cauncll with RLchard Birdsall as Reeve and thn Mummy as clerk. This continuad until 1855 when Belmont and Methuen Iax‘e incorporated as United Township with William Rea as Reeve Ind Rnhsrt Slaan as clerk. 1'th Robert Preston, Thomas Saaright and John Methessn renewed each other as Reeve. In the years I365- 6b the municipality was known as the united tnwuships of Belmont, Methuen, Chandoa. Csrdifl’, Harcourt, Eruncon and Havelock incurpnraticn a! 500 ecres. Deputy reeve until 1953 when the population reached the required number. George Newton was then elected Deputy reeve. Peter Pearce wee Reeve with William Rea Township clerk. In the yea:- \887 Belmont, Msthnen had enough a: a pepuletlsn to have two repressntltives on the County cauncil, John Erain Reeve and James Wilde Deputy reeve. This continued until the village of Havelock was in- corporatsd in 1891;‘ Thus Belmont lost a portiun 0! its pupuletisn and was not eligitle fax- a The wages of all township officials were paid in Puunds, shillings and pence so that must have been the monetary system. Belmont, Methuen tswnshipe have had in the past 102 years ï¬ve men selected as Warden or the county they are John Brown in I859, William Griffith 1n 192I, Frank Brec‘nenndge, Isaac Anderson in 1%}, and our present Reeve Walter Van steenhurgh. Next ts tune was Wilfred E1113.