may of mm m V Leusra war: mum bl a mug :camun 5 was Sam .0 lFlnt World War. Mâ€"a Danna Elmhlnl mm a mm a: ms Eranch wmch was orgamiL‘d an Nnvcmher m 1915 n the laslmam anwnsmp Hall was N. v Pwall of wmnw m: chalrmnn and Mrs c Macoun m‘ Cnmpheflfuxd asamsa la ms ar ganmuaa, There were an mam hers enrolled and Mn lahn A Sexsmiul was denied mas-meat, Omel- amms elentud were 15! Vice Presldénl‘ Mri n Tlnney‘ 2m VIC: Prcalasal, Frenma - Secrelan 7 Trauma M155 Magsu Penplu‘ Dutchl-a. Mas Joseph Stain-oak, ma Geo 5mm. Mlss l-lauls Seumvth. ‘Audltms Mrs M xylall W was wla Andersun Scruhnecns llm- me slssllan were Mlss lllas Kclcm and Mus Mngglc psaples Mrs Sexsmflh held ms amcs nl prssmsm until 1925 asl- hns» bum was tuned and ssma m a human of years as (Edam! ‘mcmber oi rsrllamam [or \M \lllcn nding M Eu‘ Faerbmnugh and ll was largely lamush nu cfl‘uns that ms Insmum “a: o: gamma Mlss Maggls Peoples was ma nan sna mde away wimm a mall. w Um manuaum um. ‘Mn Joseph mamas»: was sleep cd to (hr pasmaa al 5601(an an alias sm- asld for z; ylars Thu: ol ms Gwen slams, members were mum, Mrs. w Manson M. wnosc hams me Am mamas was asla Mrs. .1. 3/111 lamasl m Ema; a; m was,“ law has lam lanascsasa anal maple use ama m as "m a as“ mam m m a: W m ham a “mic "as. are sun grow as ma small aw m m mam was me Inshun: mamhel‘ hem a slsaa up bee lnmdr me ha“ Tas ‘npphcatmn of soap and mm and palm soon made me mu lmau- Prestahlz. a kuchen was Dally cupbmuus and sum lnslall. ed. slaw dlshui aml slxsmac llurchnsrd Mmy needy lsmlllss lms has" hdped as we“ as m» sansms Fax man Ears a icnlm| Yan- was sy-mlsornd wmch was mm m Hsvslosk n alllaslm knrgc amas, Each mm schno‘l Dampelv mg ssamsl ms emu (a Wm (he most palms and wm ma comKPd awnm, s shlcd on walul me am of the wmnlng suhunl was plan-Cd l palms the Second wma w“ a large number of Gum: am ssm ‘0 mm mm Crass, and soaks, glam am awsalsn wzrv also made Ma. and Mn. Jas Saaber were hnmured an 2 masmas- on lhelr 50:11 wedding anmversdry and on l (annunued m1 page 41