Foilowmg three weeks of hos- pitalization. Mrs. Frederick T. Dustow of 289 Minnie Street. Wingham. passed away Thurs- day. October 12. at the Wingham and District Hospitait Mrs. Duslow was in her 83rd year and had been in failing health [or some time. Born and educated in Howiek Township. Mrs. Dustow was the former Lulu Elizabeth Wylie, a daughter or the late George Wylie and Elizabeth Gambler she mar- ried Mr. Dustow in December of 1913 in Howick Township and they farmed at RR 2. Mildmay for many years betore retiring to live in Vi'ingham in 1963, He pre- deceased her in March of 1965. Mrs. Dustow was a member or the Wingham United Church and the Mary Hastings Club. She was also a life member of the Wn- men‘s Mlssmnary Society. Surviving are tour daughters. Mrs. Gordon (Myrtle! Grant. Teeswater, Mrs. Gerald IBeat» rice) Brophy. wingham. Mrs. Charles (trene) Perrott. Guelph, and Mrs. Homer (Doris) Yack. Kitchener; one son. Oliver Dus- tow oi Carrick Township: eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. One sister and one brother also survive. Mrs. Grace Dustow oi Carrie and Jack Wylie of Wroxeterl She was pre- deceased by one brother and tine sister. The late Mrs. Dustow rested at the S. J. Walker Mineral Home, \Vingham, until Sunday at two o‘clock when funeral service was conducted by Rev. K Barry Passmore Interment followed in Mrlntash Cemetery Pallbearers were six grandr sons. James Grant. Donald Robb. Firian Perrott. Ron Perrntt, Doug Yank and Michael Yack. Floral tributes were carried by Peter Askey and Ed Williamson I 7 '7)†. The death Oi Matilda (Tillie) Benlrlcs‘Farrell took place at the Hanover District Hospital. on Sunday Fehruary 26, 1973 She waspum In Garrick Townshlu on December 3i. iaflar 9' years ago. and was a naiignior oi the late John Fl Farrgit and Ellen Nickai She spent her tile in Carrck townsth \m‘ii at years ago '9- litod iC Cilliard where She was amtve n VENOUS pubic organl- :allons Surviving is one sister. Mary Farrell at Cllllorc and a number oi cousins Proooooassd by one . bruit’er John oi Eelmore. The remains rested at the F M Garrett Funeral Chapel what‘s {ha lunsral sarv cs and CDTimiliEI ._ -- J'O‘Vmflu =-mg-:~‘-.i=~ = Eirihsgsï¬-Egesjaag: gaggigwsg 3 '-'- ssséuaamsggsgg‘: ,ago‘éiug:§ï¬ï¬g 1'8 3%:§;§»EES§'EE§22§°§£§§E§= «:3 MrsGeorgInaMsyGowli-tgot : 55: .2233“ Edagggâ€"i nabs 53- awEdwardSt..Wingham.diedat E O .gta'av‘sin-‘aagé gguo'ï¬ gwâ€"iggâ€"gm‘e c theWInghamandDistrlatHospi- u -' SSâ€Â§Â§E'°â€â€˜EEâ€_§H3;‘59% =E§§33238F talonWednesdayoi‘lastweeltin u E "é-‘éé 1-25: 3‘. - .§E’“'f_'o._ï¬i her saidyear.Sheht-idsuttered Q) "- 64:3azaï¬bsï¬gin‘qvï¬agoflmï¬ï¬ggDE'EEE onlyashortiliness. i: ‘5 agg‘ï¬iï¬ï¬hgiï¬ï¬gg 25 at mE‘é-QEEE 333; Mrs. Gowing was the tormer c .2 Eigga?EESE-EE§§°:§§5§:§§=d:::e Georgina Mny Wooddisen. a < '0 3352382 Ezuauï¬â€˜som uufloEahUo- daughm DI the me George wooddlsse and his wife. Sophia McCullough and was born in Mnryborough Township. Wellington County on August it. time. She was married to Melvin Bruce Gowing tit Rothsay on Dee. 4. 1918. Her husband died in 1332. Mrs. Gowing was a member ot‘ the Wingham United Church. She is survived by three sons and one daughter. Cart Gowtiig. RF. 2. Eluevale; Norman Gowing. Blyth; Howard Sowing. Tiverton and Mrs. Bruce (Duneldai Deckert, Cambrldg one Itster and two brothers. Mrs. Emerson (Jessie) McNeil. Drayton: Richard Wooddisae. Rothaay and Hugh Wooddiaae. Palmerston, There are 13 grandchildren and , 12 greatâ€"grandchildren. She was predeceased by three brothers, Walter, Thomas and James Wooddisset The funeral service was con- ducted at the R. A. Currie and m Son Funeral Home at 2:00 pm. 4! Saturday by Rev. K. Barry Paar- , more and interment was in the Wroxeter Cemetery. Pallbearers were six grandsons. David. Neil. Kenneth. Paul and John Gowing and Wallace Chalmers The floral tributes were carried by Ross Dannabecker, David Wheeler and Bruce Corrlgan, "1?. Canada Isn’t Rama-d After All . v n ‘» ht i.“ u . 725_ New Zaaland Pedigree Poll Dorsets from New Zealand are thinking that perhaps their new home in Canada isn‘t that bad alter all. One thing. by moving here at this time, they managed to escape a winter season. (Top Photo) v-New owner Walter Renwick (lei!) ls explaining some of our customs with Don Robinson (Centre) and Crier Thcso ten Dorset sheep were the number one sale at Sheep Focus ‘78 In_Markharn. The sheepare owned by WailerRenwtck.FiR1Cililord. at: I? 7!. TOP DORSETâ€"A Dorset lamb of New Zeaiand breeding stock from theiiock oi Waller RDHWICK. RR l Clifford. was the toprgalning lamb among the group at 51 tall-born Dorsets which completed test at the On'ario Sheep Test Station. New Hamburg This growthy graduate averaged one pound per day dunno the 50 dav test nerinrt and luau: the.