INBLIS At the McMsstar‘ University» Medical Centre. Hemlltcn, on Thursday, February 2. 1978, to Mr. and Mrs. James G. lnolla oi Milton, a daughter. Jennliar Eliz- abeth. Prou grandparents are Mr. & Mr James Huioheon, Scarborough and Mr. A Mrs. .Iamoo‘lnglll. RR. 1. Gllttovd. ismhfâ€"iflï¬ond Janet Mac- Adam are pleased to announce the 'safenarrivsl r of their son, Darryl Kenneth; at Wingham and District Hospital’on Sep- tembr 12. Weight. nine pounds. F‘lrst‘ grandchild for Don and Doreen Macadam, RR 2,‘ Winghsm. and Fred and WRIGHT ï¬nd and ,susan Wright are pleased to announce the birth at their daughter, Erica Jane. at the Wingham &.Dislrlct Hospital on February 7, 197s. -rlo Belmore congratulated on sparkling new rec. complex Residents oi the community of Belmore can be justly proud of their accomplishment In building their new $750,000 community centre and recreation complex. Few communities that size have done as mum. Addressing the crowd of more then 500 people gathered for the official opening of the complex Saturday evening, many speak- ers applauded the fine effort and the spirit it represents. “A lot of larger communities wish they could put up a complex this size. it's really something the community of Belmore has done," Reeve Lloyd Lamont of Culrcss Township declared. Harold Robinson, r‘ we of Howlck Township, remarked on the Ilet's do it ourselves' attitude at Belmore end MPP Murray Gaunt called the new building, “a credit to the pioneer spirit of the community"; an example of the way it sticks together and works together. Much of the credit for getting the complex underway and see- ing it through was accorded to Walter Renwick. chairman of the building fund. Art Clark, the consulting en- gineer, recalled how Mr. Ren- wick had walked into his office last year with his ideas for the New centre is inspected by Belmore, area residents EELMORE V More than 70 people turned out for a commun- ily meeting at the new Belmore Communin Centre on Saturday night. despite blowing snow and poor road conditions. Alter everyone had a good look at the new centre, the meeting came to order with Mac Inglis acting as chairman Several committees were established to direct the opera~ tion of the new building for the coming year They are‘ auditor ium area. Mrs, Leonard Met calic, John Wilhelm. Bill Mul vey. arena ice area, Jim Chem hers, Ralph Meicalie, Franci- Schaeier; curling ares. Ton Inglis, Ralph Dickson. Eur Fitch. Mrs. Jack inglis reported 01 the meeiing of the internationc Plowing Match committee las week in Clinton. The Belmcri Catering Service will be operat ing one at the official caterini tents at the 1978 international a Winghem. Al 10 pm , the meeting ac Journed briefly to make the Bel more Loto 300 draw. Mrs. Sta llays, last month‘s Winner. drei the Winning ticket for November the Winner being Clem Bohneri, RR .1. Teeswaicr ‘ Election look place lor mem bore of the arena board. Each of the four townships must be repre- sented on the board. Elected, subject to Council approval, were Tom lnglis (Carrickl, Ken Dick~ son (Culross), Earl Fitch (How‘ icki and Mrs. Mac Eadie iiirnuerry I. ‘l'he institute reprer sentativo is Mrs. Jack Inglis; council members, Walter Ren- irick and Jack Stafford. There 'Mll also be a person appomted from me Belmore Chamber of Commerce in serve on the board Mary Eadie reported the Belmore Arena Board, with the great help from the Community, has paid off the new community centre. The Belmorc area community raised $213,000 for the centre. "It‘s completely free of debt now," she said. "That's pretty a: exciting to the community." "w in its first year of operation no it’\‘\\ages have been paid for ‘ ,mainzcnance Ol‘ carelaking, lbs People from each of the four Ntownships Belmorc is in lake l\lilurns supplying Volunteers :0 W'kcep the ice and the rest oi the l ibuilding operating smoothly new complex sketched on the back of a calendar. when he saw the size of the proposed project he doubted the community could manage it, he said, “But ldldn‘t know Walter: If he makes up his mind to do something it gets done " However Mr. Eenwlck refused to accept all the credit. It wasn't really be who decided to put up the new building or what type of building to constructI it was the people oi‘ the community, he de- clared. He pointed out he wasn‘t even at the meeting where the linal decision was made. Mr. Renwick congratulated the builders on the quality of the con- struction, noting there had been no real problems and “all the walls ended up in the right places". in fact the only problem that cropped up throughout the con- struction was picking the colors for the interior, especially the indies' washroom. he said. As a result of the choice one lady has been given permission to use the men’s washroom, he Joked; she can't stand the color in the ladies’. The community centre hall was packed for the opening banquet. Barry Mulvey, who chaired the opening ceremonies, said 525 bATU RDAVJANUAW 28. tickets were sold for the occasion and, despite the snow. all but [our ticket-holders showed up. Guests of honor for the occa- sion included building and tin» once committee members. build- ing fund and arena committee chairmen and the consulting en- gineer. contractor and construc» tion supervisor, all accompanied by their wives or husbands. Also attending as guestsoi honor were the reeves of the surrounding townships: Mao Metcalle of Car- rick, Lloyd Lamont ct Cuiruss, Don Eadie oi’ Turnberry and Harold Robinson of Howlck. and Huron»Bruce MPP Murray Gaunt and their wives. Grey-Bruce MP Crawford Douglas, Huron-Mlddiesex MP Robert McKinley and a rep- resentative from Winterio were invited but telephoned their re- grets at being unable to attend. Mr. Douglas made it as for as London but was trapped at the airport by the storm. Mr. Mulvey reported. Arena committee Chairman Earl Fitch recognized the efforts oi“ members of the finance and building committees by present- ing each with a photo album con- taining pictures of the demolition oi the old arena and the various l i7ii, ’ ' hair» GREETING THE CROWDâ€"Barry Mulvey acted as c rion tor the official opening at the brand new Belmore arena and CDmn‘inflllY centre complex last Saturday night. More than 500 people attended ‘he banquet and ceremonies and many stayed to! iiie dance atierward The Wingbam Advance-Times. February 15. 19“ng 1 Lakelet Personals Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Rodney Wright on the birth ofa daughter, Erica Jane, atthc Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday, February 7. Congratulations to Mr. and stages of construction of the new , one. They all spent long hours and did an excellent job. he said. } singling out Mary Eadie. who ‘ served on the finance committee and as overall secretary, [or special praise. 9 With Mrs. Eadie on the finance committee were John Wllhelm and Bill and Keith Mulvey. The building committee comprised .lim Chambers Dniie McPher- son, John Mufistt and John Stel- Ford. Opening ceremonies were held in the arena. Barry Muivey assured everyone this would keep speeches short since the speak- ers‘ l'cct would get cold standing on the ice. . Each of the reeves and Mr. Gaunt, together wim the en» gineer, contractor Harry Bye and construction supervisor Eev Plume, had a congratulatory message for the community and Mr. Eadie, on behalf of Turn- berry Township, presented a plaque to the new centre. The keys to the complex were then passed from contractor to Mr. Clark and on to Mr. Renwnck and, following a dedication by Rev. H. Park, Mr. Gaunt cut the ribbon to bill ally open the building. The ceremonies closed with the Marerel Singl'rs leading everyone in "The Queen". Earlier in the afternoon there had been an open house with free skating and iollowlng the opcnlng ceremonies there was a dance. The new complex consists of an auditorium With a seating capa- city ol about 350. a hockey arena and o curling rink. There is also a meeting room which can be screened off from the main audi- torium, a modern kitchen with walk-in cooler, a bar and coat- mom, a library. and an enclosed viewing area and meeting room upstairs The hockey rink has an ice sur- face about 75 x 182 feet, plastic lined boards and tempered glass wllidi doesn‘t scratch like plexi- glass, It has seating for about 1300 and a late] Viewmg capacity at about L500, The curling area has two sheets of ice Iotalllng 32 x I55 feet and a large lounge. The arena is also marked ior five additional sheets giving a total oi seven sheets of curling ice for bonspiels. The building also contains n lobby, snack bars, [our dressing Mrs. Jim Inglis on the arrival of their panddaughter. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis Jr, of Milwn. Curtis Dettman and Richard chocr spent some time in the Bahamas recently.