Belmore WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 5, [1986] - [1989], p. 5

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PAGE 16 â€" THE TEESWATER NEWS. wounded- January It 1'“ Wedding Bells FISCHER « COLVIN Knox Presbyterian Church. Teeswatar was the setting tor the candlelight ceremony uniting Ju- anita Gaye Colvln and Larry Joseph Fischer. The double ring ceremony was perldrtned by Rev. Ruben Shaw'on Saturday. Nov. 16. 1985 at 6:30 pm. The bride Is the daughter at Mrl and Mrs. Robert Calvin ot FLFI. 2. Toeswetor and the groom la the son at Mr. and Mrs. Lorna Fischer ol Teeswater. The altar was tastelully decorat- ed with globe candelbras accented with red roses. while stephanotls and holly. The alaie was enhanced with single globe candelhres mark- lng the pews. decorated with red roses. white bows and holly. Ac- centan the church windows were white decorative candles with red bows in a bed at evergreens The bride. given In marriage by her parents. chose an elegant gown oi polyester sheer with a high madrln neckline and basque waist- line The bodice ol the dress was covered In Schillle embroidery and tiny seed pearls. The gown leatur- ed long Legra mutton sleeves with wide culls ol lace. A plain skirt lell lrom the waistline to a hetnllne border at Schittle embroidery and onto a lull cathedral train. shewore a coach style hal ol satin covered in tiny seed pearls with a lull length tlowirlg veil. Shannon Calvin. sister at the bride. was the maid ol honour. Bridesmaids ware Wands Inglis and Sonya Graham. sisters ol the bride: Kathy Fischer. sister at the groom; and Trudy Short, lrlehd ol the bride The members ol the bride's par» ly were dressed alllta In two piece gowns ol red satin. The dresses had shoe string straps and were accented at the waist with wide pleated cumberbunds The waist length Jackets had snort pulled sleeves tapering lo the arm and gathered stand up collars. The girls were identical hair pieces ol red netting. while stephandtls and holly They carried in hurricane lanterns accented with red roses. white stephanotls and holly. The llowerglrl was Kelly Fischer. niece or the groom She wore a knee length dress oi white lace accented with red ribbon and gathered oi the walsl with a tea bow. Kelly were a head place or white Stephanotls and baby's bre~ am. She carried a while basket ol red roses. white ataphanotls. Ivy and holly. The best man was Brad Colvln. brother at the bride. Guests were ushered by George and Ken Flea char. brothers ol the groom; Mike Hunter. cousin ol the bride; and Kaerhylock. lrlend ol the groom. The members at the groom's party were dressed In black tux- edoss. accented with red ties and oumberbuhds. The groom chose a black tuxedo with black tie and cumberbund. The rlngoearer was Joshua lnglls and train bearer wasderemy inglls. both nephews ol the bride. Joshua and Jeremy were dressed alike In black tuxedoes and tails accented with red ties and cumberbunds. Just prior to the ceremony the lights were dimmed and the array oi candles were ill by the ushers Music tor the ceremony was provided by trlends at the bride and groom. Alan Klaller. violinist. aocompanled by Lisa Armstrong. played Edlawtsss and Ave Maria Lise also olayed the love lhomo lrom Romeo and Juliet. Erlan King sang. It. Because. and Longer. accompanied by Lisa on the piano. Following the ceremony a recap- tlon was held at the Teeswater Culross community centre. Music was supplied by Advanced Audio Systems For receiving guests. the bride‘s mother chose a parlwlnkle blue street length dress at polyester sheer The pleeled overiackel lea- tured. long sleeves and a quaker collar wtth embroidered scalloped edges Her Outlll was accented with a pariwrnxie blue hat and navy accessories She wore a coâ€"ord~ inailno corsaos ol roses. The groom's mother chose a midnight blue street length dress or polyester sheer The dress taaiurad dalman sleeves, a criss- cross drape to lhe waist and a flowing skirt Her outlil was ac‘ canted with a winter white hat and navy accessories She wore a CO‘OI’UlnalI'lD corsaoe oi roses For going away the bride chose B grey and black pinstripe suit with red accessories She also wore a black llnnhal hat trimmed wtth red The groom wore a grey sports coat black pants and red accessories Following a wedding trip to Margarlia Island. Venezuela. Ju- ariia and Larry look up residence in Cambridge Overall wlnners In I Toe-water Agricultural Junior Paul Tolten. Sandra Bonsai-l Jun. 2 were train I- The Women's Missionary Soc- lelles ot Mallland Fresbyterlal held their annual meeting on Jan. 20 at Sl, Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Wingham wllh 65 In attendance. President. Mrs. Robert Bragman consliiuted the meeting at 10:30 a.m. with prayer. The morning session Included a welcome by Mrs. Hugh Clugston. minutes and roll call Rev Larry Walch oi Eluavale brought greetings lrom Presbytery and commended the work being done. He told us In keep in mind the whole church which is mission-oriented. The treasurer reported we had exceeded our allocation oi 518.650. The suggested allocation tor was was $19.3d5. and It was accepted. Mrs. Don Robertson and Mrs, Hugh Nuganl were thanked lor printing the reports. The theme oi the afternoon session was “Sharing lheJourney" and began with a trim presentation on Native People by Mrs Robert Arbuckie and Mrs. George Elliott. Brussels Theliltn is avallaoleto all quilplem Mrs Arcticxie Ladies lrom Teeswater W.M.S, lad lll devotions. with Scripture read by Mrs. Wrn Mclnnss. meditation by Mrs. John MacDonald who said. "Llle ls Impossible without God. We must share the tourney withoul larntiy. triends. and others". Mrs. Citltord Young led in prayer, Mrs. Paul Mills was pianist lor [he rymns The altering was received and was dedicated by Mrs. Wrn Fllnr toul. Whilechurch The various SEElelartES reports were accepted DEIEleeS were named l0 attend Synodicai annual meeting al St Andrew's Welland on April 22, 23. Mrs. Bregman. retiring prestdent commented on the orestdant's activities during her three year te'm ol olllcc Mrs Ted English presided tor the elerttan and installation ol Glitters Mia Evaii Ketll’t. new was irorn Wlnghlm. Mullet. Jane chllnn and Bill Hllnu [Ill ). The rtnlt 4A9 3 9(- THE TEESWATER NEWS. Wednesday. January 28. was â€" FAGE a Maitland Presbyterial met in Wingham president. then presided and com- pared Maitland Preebyterlal to an English garden with is plots (societies) each at dllieranl size but each doing lie best. Courteslaa were given by Mrs. Floss Cumming and closing prayer was given by Mrs. Alex MacLeod. Brussels. 158$ olllbers: honorary presi- dent. Mrs. Floss Cumming. Luckâ€" now. past presmant. M‘s. Robert Brogman. Teeswaier. president. Mrs, Evan Keith. Ft.Fl, 5 Lucknow; Iirst vice president Mrs. Robert Arbuckle. Wlngham; second vice president Mrs. Glen Haldanby. RR. 1. Holyrood: third vice presi» dent. Mrs. John MacDonald. Tees- water; treasurer. Mrs. Harry Bateâ€" man. RR, 1. Wingham; historian. Mrs, Henry MacKanzle, Lucknow; assistant historian. Mrs. John Slo- Kes. RH. l. Wroxter. Socrelarlcs: recording. Mrs. Gl- beiier butler Tiny lea “if an Haldenby; corresponding. Mrs. Ewan MaeLean. RR. 3. Lucknow; adult (wast). Mrs. Joe Boron. Klncardlne; adult (East), Mrs. Geo. Elliott. Brussels; youth and children. Mrs. Hugh Nugent. Filb~ ley: associate members, Mrs. No- ble Johnston. Lucknow; friendship and service. Mra. Ira Dickie. FLR. 5. Lucknow; literature. Mrs. Wm. McCraath, Ripley; Glad Tidings. Mrs. Howard Baker. RR. 1. List- owel. publicity. Mrs. Gordon WallI Windham; supply. Mrs. Thea. MacDonald. FLFl. 1, Holyrond. Members without porllollo: Mrs. Eiart Thompson. FLR. 3. Teeaweter; Mrs. Alan Machugall. FLR. 5. Lucknow; Mrs. Donald MacAdarn. RR. 2, Windham. BY CAROL HELFENSTEIM Earl and Audrey Pitch and Bill and Bonnie Taylor were top curlers al the annual bonsplel held In Belmore last week. sponsored by Gay Lea Foods Next In line lnr awards were Rod and Susan er- TH and Paul and Chris Dickson The (Halli which 8 .rtad last Sunday evenlnq with a wine and c 7656 party inhaled lismendous nlliuuia wtlim the Bolmora Club which has ah;ul l25 mam» DL‘IS Al Iriir, nnrly tickets were drawn to tl lerl' To .vllihh players '-’)‘,ii<l gin ii 9 bonspial it was :t double Knncil»’JLli lournr men and as lhr. nest progressed “ritesâ€" bla-g 1cyeryi niqnl at 7 and s p m Large CIUWL'S altandod which croalad added llavour and exctlemerit to Me Bl’llire event, Six‘eerr 'lrlkfi participate On Sun- day a: 5 out. a pot luck supper wd: Dim)qu by all are live curlers were presented with trophies and a Wide variety 0! dairy products by the sponsors Directors at Gay Lea item Goderch and Exeler arid Wroxeter were among the specta- lDrSaf‘U attended the supper. Each addressed the gathering hrletly Eight bonspleis are sponsored ey- e'y year in this area by this Company On Saturday evening. the cur'ere sponsored a dance in the commun- ily centre which was very well attended

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