Belmore WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 5, [1986] - [1989], p. 6

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PAGE 0 â€" ‘l’ME TEEBWATER NEWS, Wedneldly. _Aprir r9. ‘0” BELM ORE NEWS ‘ BELMORE FlGURE SKATING CLUE The annual meeting ol the Belmore Figure all-ling Olub wan held on Friday evening, April A with 30 people Ittendlng. The evening alanea wltha aallcinul pol Iuoil supper In the audllurlum and than Mjuurned to the llbrnry lor lne hullneu portion or the meetâ€" lng. Praeldent Fat Even took cit-rue at the meeting. ery Lyn Bray read the rnlnulee ul lite laal annual and Jean Rutherlord gave the llnlnalat report. Pat Evan gav- a report on the recent mrnpetlllnna and Lll'll MnKIoua reported 9n ml day In Gilliam, Orula were preranied in as memben. The highlight nl lna evening wu ~ lne award pretentlllnnl tor lira mosl Improved tunlar and unlor skater al the club, Merlan Eadie mounted the club keeper trophy lar the most improved Junlnr Iltnler Io Tracey Mclnnea. dauulller cll Mr and Mra. Vlnoe McInnee of FLFI. 2. Winch-m. Merle Dougtu ol Atwood end lorrrlerly ol Belmore presumed her lteeper trophy la! the moat Improved aonlor altnlar to Jonntler Eadie. daughter ol Mr and Mrs. Don Eadie or EH. 2. Winunarn. soln alrla' rial-nee will he engraved on the Merle Douala: lrophy which la kept in the trophy can at the areal. Merle aluo presented her mum -up awards to Jnmla Vollmar. Perar Baird. Llu Metceile. Judy Knmroth, and Kelly MINOR BALL ASSDClATION HOLDSANNUAL MEETING Tne annual meeting at the Belmore Mlnur Ball Assoclullan was held "1 the library on Monday uventnn with president Mac Eeule lrl charge The mlnulea ol the last annual were read and the llnlnclal report alven by lhe eacrelerytreaâ€" surEr Don Eadle. An alecllon ol olllcors lDOll place lor the coming year wllh the lollowing elected. plesldenl. Gerald Smith; secretary. lreasumr. Don Eadle; vice presi- dent, Wayne Lelcnrnan. alraclura. Nancy Dickson. John Wilhelm. Tum untlorma were dlacussed and ll was decayed Ihal a Si!) depoalt be cnargad all players lor unlrurms WNCh Wlll be returned lo players tn Ihe [all at mlrlnr ball nlth, ll unllorma are returned In good condltton A minor bill reqlslrallon wnl lake place In the Ealmore library on Mofldfly, Aprtl 2‘ ll 8 p m Unllorm depoelt to be collected al that turn» The lollDwtno teams am] coaches hope In compete lnls summer Squlrl glrl: Wayne Leachman. no: wee girls: Nancy Dtcxson, banlam girls Brlan Mars- lan mldgal alrls Wayne Ballaon. mlle boys Nancy Smllh. wulri Dms Don McKay. Wayne Evers, Dee we: boys Dan Eadie, Gerald Smllh Harvey Oarllng. nanlam Dovs Bob Flauer mlooelnays Don Ead‘: l' mlerested m alarms on one or the ltsled learns please be at the ball reglslrallon night or conlacl one at the above coaches Coaches, managers and lnlereal~ ed helpers are urgonlly needed on sexeral DI [he above leaTs ll any parenls are lnleresled tn helplng lull“ 3 learn. uluese Show yuu! llllelES' m Conlacllf‘g one 0! the sums :lr come to the reglslratlon mth Leachmul. The new execullve lor the comng yur in ea lollwu: paat pranldenl. Marlin Eedle; presi- dent. Pat Eve's; aeerlrllry. MII‘I Lyn Brny: treasurer, Marlon Emile: mull: wordlnalora Marlene Met- oeiie, Phyllll Hammell: badna oo- ornlnalarc. Decals McPherson. Klrll ernht; test oo-ordlrlator. Lana McKeaue; urnlval oo-ord» lnatora. Phyllla Hlmmell, Jana Raper. Linda Doualaa. Joan er- nhl; directors. Bunnie Hm. Nellle Celllns. Jean Vollmer. Joyce Klin- mn. Coaches ler the coming yeer will be Mrs. Feye MacDonald or Bruaaels Ina Mre. Olive Jellrly dl Belmore, The Belmare Floure Skailng Club brought II: nelson in I clean WII'I I DIGG‘I and dill“ compelli- Ion. The lul nwlnu are winners; Junlnr: Pl unwinnere: Sha nda EIIlntt. Flat: -nuglea. Ronald Baird. Beginner - Angela deaoer. Kalle McPherson. Elementary - Brad eraht. HUE‘ ael Baird and Janlne erghl Hod In! Mound, Nlcnle Roll and Ardlll McDonald. Inlermedllla: Baal: - Nalernane. Golan erght. Novloel - Kevln erghl, .Ilcitle Mcaurnay. Candy Wright, Barbie Hammell. Novlco 2 - Angela Kamrnth. Patrch Nelemane. Jamie Vollmer. Novlca 3 » Shannon McBurney, Heather Vallmer. Novlce 4 - i<elly McKauua Palrlcll llIIrIitlilIIIIlIlIlIIIIIIllIllIlllllnlilulltltllIIIlIlllllltlllillllilllIlitllltIIlIlilIiIIlllitllIllllIIltlitIIIIIllIIIIIIlllIIlIl 'l til ACHIEVEMENT DAV The 4»H Achievement Dav lur . lheclub, "Mllk Make: ll" was held Joel Saturday in the Lucknow Legldn Two Belmore club: look part Glut: Ill waa led by Wllme Jellray and Chrls Dickeon wllh 10 girls lormlng “The Eerie Bulld- ' ors " Club #2 was led by Gwen Mcinne: and Laurie Wllllla wlth slum glrla maklng up “The Mllky Wheya" Editor's Quote Book EVPCHL‘HCCislllcl‘llcllilflg you have plenty Ur wllrn l‘nu‘rc loo old [0 gel .1 loll LlJltn'rltl'J I‘t'hr Belmoro Figure Slatlng Club moal presented by Merle Douglal Lell. Tracey Mclnnes. melt Improved lunlor Free Skate - Melina Even. Peter Baird, Greg Mllfll'e. Dance Competition: Novice Girla - Angle Klmrnlh. Kelly McKague. Humor vnllmar. Noylce Buy: - Peter Baird, flair Hammell. Grog Mole-lle. Dutch Wall: v Debbie Leechmon. Allllnn Molulla. Tracey Molnnee. Canal. Tonal: - Michelle lnglll. Sally Douglas. Swing Dance - Jennller Heelzle. Amy Wllhelm, Jennller Eadle. Ten Fox - Lin Melcalle. Janice Wllhulmr Floatatango - Kelly Leeann-an. Judy Kamrath. TESY DAV Our congratulations In the lot- Inwlng ekalara who were auooeealul at a recent last day held In Cllllord. Dutch Wall: 7 Melleaa Even, Dabble Leachmln, Shannon Mo- Burney. Tracey Mcinnes. Allison Meloalle. Sally Douglas. Canasta Tango ~ Michelle Inglle. Sally Douglas. Swing Dance - Jennlrer Eadie. Amy Wilhelm. Jonnller Heelzle. Ten Fax - Kelly Leechrnan; Fleala - Kelly Leachman. Pram. Flgure - Michelle Eadie. Jennller Haelzle. Llaa Malulte. TV Time The average Amerlcan house- hold watched seven hours and lo minutcsanVdailyin 1985. lather Mac w I: III no Belmure Convenience Slum: bunlnau n usual. Imprved Iltalnr Iwardl were similarly": rlghl. Jennller Eadie. moat Improved :anlor Iklldr. .1- v We an: pleased ln report that Mrs Isobel Jeflruy k able to he humc after being a pullcnl in ngmm Hllspllul and Mrs Mary Woods ls dblt m b: hume after huvlng m surgcry In London nus pm Wurk Mrs, Mary Fuel. .9 sllll a pallcnl m erlghum hospllal. We “Ish lmprmud hrallil lu Each 0! these Etlmnlimll) mumbcrs. ..

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