Page 10 - The News. Wednesdav. January 24. 1990 John and Betty Stafford at- tended the Dairy Farmers' of Canada annual convention in Monoton. N.B.. for four days this past week on behalf of Gay Lea FoodsCooperative. not It's that time of year for annual meetings and everyone is re» minded of the Chamber of Com- merce dinner meeting on January 315i at the complex. Guest speaker will be Vern lnglts. Tickets are available from any director. 3" We are sorry to report that Mrs. Agnes Brehner had the mis» fortune to fall this past week and is a patient in Victoria Hospital. London. Also Ken Newton is a patient in County of Bruce Gcn~ cral Hospital. Walkcrton. Friends from Belle Haven and the Bel- morc area send their best wishes to both of these people and hope their hospital stay will not be long. u. There was a good attendance for the regular monthly meeting of the McIntosh-Belmore U.C.W. which was held on Wednesday evening at the lounge at Belle Haven Apartments. The meeting opened with the U.C.W. purpose, Mrs. Mary Renwick was in charge of the devotions With the theme being 'Dreams.'11ie sean ture was taken from Genesis 28:]0»16 and acts 16:6-10. Two well-known songs were sung. "Climb Every Mountains" and "Dreams." Mary rad a couple of articles pertaining to "dreams" and closed this portion with a prayer. The roll call was answered by each member donating a roll of pennies. Mrs. Norma Inglis was in charge of the study and Curling Clip I acted as the narrator for a skit about "Garbage-thoughts in the mind that should be discarded." She was assisted by Mary Ren- wiek. Eileen Johann and Cathy Mulvey. Cathy also gave the bible study which compared the lives oi the disciples. In business the various reports were given and Rev. Knock installed the new executive for the writing year. The meeting closed with prayer and residan of the Belle Haven Apartments served a delicious lunch of homemade scones, bis- cuits and mufï¬ns. n. There was a good turnout for the regular monthly institute card party with ten tables in play. Winners for the evening were: high lady - Flora WilliLs: 1nd » high lady - Linda Davtdson; high man ~ Lorne Lamhkin; 2nd high man - Ken Dickson and most lone hands - Lorne Kelly. The door prim was won by Alan Dar- ling. Hostcsses for the evening were Janet Inglis. Reta van En, gen and Liv. Wcrshar. Next party on Feb. 1. us John and Jean Rutherford spent the weekend in Maple with their son. Grant. and all attended the Robbie Burns banquet and festivities at Newmarkct. This was sponsored by the York Rey gional Police Pipes and Drum Corps. of which Grant is a member. Paula Rutherford of Oakville also attended. in Jan and Chris lnglts and Bill and Bonnie Taylor have rclumcd from an enjoyable week‘s vacar Lion in the sunny south at the Jack Tar Village in Pueno ValA Lana. MCXICU. Great curling this week for our lads & lassies Congratulations to the Chris Eadie rink, representing F.E. Madill. as they captured the "B" side of the Gore School Boys Zone 138 play-downs last Tucs- day in Vanustiu. 'lhey defeated Norwell of Palmerston 112 in eight ends. The)‘ now advance to the Zone ii A and B ï¬nals on Feb. 3 and Jili at Bt‘lmore. u. Congmtulutions to the Murray hchaguc rink on some great curling at the BASF Canadiur Farmers' Curling Championship held Ill Harris‘tnn on the weekend Sixteen teams lrom acrns< On tario took part tn the threedti) event wrth Chatham Granite Club emerging as Grand Charn~ pions over the Tilker rink from Palmerston. The McKague rink representing the Winghum Golf and Curling Club lOSl to Cheslt‘y and Forest but won over Godervt It, QltllllC and the Brampâ€" ton B tcum to captur: tht‘ Curgtll cvcnt. Other member: 01 the rink included l’lttltp Eadie. .\;irt de\'u~‘ and Neil llk‘nllngklu) Cungritrrltrtmm to the Mac Malia: “th nn capturingv "pond at lht‘ Rllllt‘» ltdm Spiel rm Monday t)t|t.-r members of Lime rink tttt'ltitlcd (itat‘t‘ Multc}, Ann (lofldflll 'tllltl latt‘l Mirttrrn u. Hockey Shots: Sometimes you win, sometimes you just skate hard... All the teams saw action with the following scores to report: TYKE: The Tykes played two regular games plus an exhibition game and came away with two ties and one loss. On Monday night they hosted Wingham and managed to tie the visitors 4-4 with Mitch deBoer getting two and Brad Wright and Nicky Heisz cach neuing one. On Friday night they unveiled to Clifford and couldn't get the extra marker to win, so settled for a 3-3 tie. Scorers for Belmore were Brad Wright. Ben Inglis and Chris Greig each with one. On Saturday they drew a blank in an exhibi- tion game with Totuiwatcr 3-0. ATOM: Bclmnre came out on top when they hosted Lucknow on Monday night winning 672. Jason Metculfe had a hat trick while Brad Metealfe notched one and Jamie Vollmor 2. Assists went to Brad Metcalfc (2). Jason Metcalfe and TJ. Hoisz. On Thursday the hometown boys were out-gunned by Kincardinc 4- 2 with goitls going tn Brad Met- calfe. assisted by Jason Mctcalfc. and Jason Mctcall'e unaSsisted, On Saturday the boys travelled to Kincardine and the hometown team showed no mercy defeating the Belmore latlx 6-1 with Kevin Wright getting Belmore's lone THE BELMORE MTTE BOYS' TEAM league tournament on Saturday. Left gardtn Mark Lewis. Bradley Hurlm eye coach}. Rob Douglas. Ronald Bairtl Adam La '> Armstrong. Wayne Douglas lcoach). Photo by Eddie. Liven“. marker unassisted PEE WEE: The Pee Wees had a busy week playing four games altogether. On Tuesday they hosted Hanover and defeated the Visitors 52. Scoring for Belmore were Davtd Jacques with 2, Joe lreland. Jason Huber and Mark Huber each with one. On Thursâ€" day night they played an exhibi- tion game with Mount Form and came away winners 6-4. Putting the puck between the pipes for Belmore were Mike Heisz. Patrick Nclomans (2) and Mark Huber and Jason Huber with one each. On Saturday the boys took part in the Hanover Tounrantent and lost two close games. the first against Shallow Lake 3-1 with Patrick Nelemans the lone scorer and it was Midland 3. Belmore 2. Scoring for the home team were Mark Huber and Pat Nelemans. BANTAMS: Early mornings seem to agree with the Belmure boys as they battled a strong Figure skating Kincardine team at 8 am. on Sunday and managed a 6-6 tie. Kevin Murphy was the big gun for Belmore with three goals and two assists. Joe Vollmer notched two and Trevor Metcalfe one. Assists also went to Trevor Metâ€" calfe and Joe Vallmer. The boys then travelled to Brussels and played in a mini-toumamem but had run out of strain as they lost both of their games to Milvenon and Brussels. BANDITS: The Bandits had another good week coming away with a couple of wins. On Wednesday they hosted Blucvale and won 5-3 with Keith Harper netting two and singles going to Lorne Millen. Dave Eadie and Rick McPherson. On Sunday they travelled to Howick and faced the Kurtrville Crusaders. showing no mercy with a 7-1 victory. Keith Harper had a hat trick. with Paul Toltnn 2. Jim Mawhinncy and Rick McPherson each With one. Skating exhibltion to be held February 14th Congratulations to the follow ing young people who were sucr cessful in passing badges. Amanda Kieffer, Basic; Jeff Loultit. Denise chrrcr. Atlum Harkncss. Greg Jcllray. Melissa Johnston. Warren lnglis and 5' oh Deuman. Elementary. The senior skaters are working hard in 10 ï¬ght. front row ess, Jeff Martin: back row A preparation for their test day which will he held on March ZilIJt. Anothcrevcnt of interest to those who enjoy watching figure skating, will he held on the evening of Feb. l4th when a number cl skaters will perform in an interpreted free skate exhibi» tion. posed for their picture following a wm at their » tloltn Dryell. Jason Reifl' Tim Mtiluey. Mag David Inglis. Randy