7 The News, Wednesday. April 25, 1990 Congratulations Belmore Feed Mill Sunny skies prevailed for the Eclmore Feed Mill on Thursday as they celebrated ihcir 4th an- niversary wilh an open house and customer npprccralion day. The ml†was purchased from Ken Dickson by Mac Inglis and his son Bob who manages the mill and employs Dean Thompson, Tom Inglis and Ron Bester as trucken The mill is doing well. serving area farmers wiih prepared Shur- Gain feeds in both bulk and bags. animal health producls. fencing supplies and pet food. Our con- gratulations to me Inglis family and best wishes for success in the future. él Three young perspective farmers enjoyed posing far their piriure atop bags of feed on Thursday morning as their fathers attended the Customer appreciath day at the Belmore Feed Mill. Michael Jeffray (centre). son of Ross and Wilma Jeffray Is accompa- nied by brothers Blake and Paul Jefli'ay, sans ofDnug and Olive Jelfray. Looking on is owner-manager. Bob Inglis. and brother. Torn. r who helps out at the milL Mrs. Norma [nglis was kepl busy serving coffee. doughnuts and sausage on a ban to a number ofpeuple who dropped into the mill to help them celebrate their 4th anniversary. Enjoying his morning snack is Nick Schieslel. Photos by Eadie. r970 \‘ 1â€"- . . l . 7' . . _. A . Cuugmlulzllmni 10 Raymond a Egggeâ€"E‘ï¬ga Eigégggg anilWilmavun Engcn 0" "1° :5 '= o “'2 - g B c '5 x _. = g -3 5 [mm 01’ men daughter. Patricia ; avg E E3 55 En: E f "E g Ki 3 E g 'E Ia†CLlrc. born On Monday, Mvcmv a: mu:_ u = = _ l_‘ Hâ€! 2 ES 2 Eg E's = {8 G 5 E ï¬ 5 E E Ely Take limo lo clear out your accepted Thursday. June 4 and Mfg“? "Lat > 2: = 'U EH†g ~33 : E a 95 '1 N 5 9 a» Q .‘_ bookshelves and bring any un- lune 1]. from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. HO‘P'U I“! C; JR“ o _ g u... ED 5 = i; 8 E g . g 0 x3 '5 5: §.E a wanmd‘ oulgmw" or outmad al me Library. For [mu Infor. grundlluughur nr arty/33 CIL g as g“ :1 lg a: .4: a“: E 2 g a £3 E 3 .‘2 books [0 line Bclmore Library at malion call June McQuarrie an \an ant‘n and EVC†J" a“ g." '5 5 g g}? B a"; gig .§ :E g E55 this time. Donauons will alsu he 392-6634 Vosnl Burlnrihfl m o -' _. h -... -â€" .7, 0 SE gsgé': Egan‘s E: ‘B§2°£:E g Asurpnseml’llldfllhrumhum 59:: g «aw; a.) 5.. ,°'5â€"ama- . . . -.in«l w’S-Sizml5>'a 5.3 pâ€"z‘ SEEZEauE ixilunlmiumu Rnlh m E) E :1 *5 E 21:: E 3 .3 2:5 8 d3 0 9.3 E § 8% [Mum [minim (in Sunday and Hm .tll\l\llk‘(l in thc Ulllmm and Emmi] iunulm in hulp “'lll [um “w. 14w