Bervie WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 13, [1995] - [2011], p. 5

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Memories ofyesteryeoc triggéFeg at The By Mary Golem GETW Staff Writer Rcmcntbcr the eras ol' t‘anttlx sing songs tiltil; Grandma pla_ d tltc pump n on tir using a tort ttamici tn the inn j. on u cold \ttntcr mont- tl': ' Can \Du l";:|ll tls’lnt new. it rug tor the b room llont" Vtr \\l‘lt.l‘t hrcad “(l b cd lit the 3\.n ol' the \toodstm: etcn on tth l'tC'llLEl nl' dot :' list a \ tstt to the Mnhnhc House Jnd 1h. Vining;- Depot. tusr south ot l lmtmud. \\lll no doubt trigger a lonnt tn D\il\lel’ Dan Council at Dcput purchased the urns: and had it l1]t"\.'tl original location mar .t to llit.‘ hlnnmnd mt ' [k‘l’t \tltcn tl tontu nthn; unnamed tnnhtr not» and :cntun-cld blllltl» our lists [or tllCm \ltlm: Block and Z’dlll Ev silmt .n nanny the \Cl'lllln-ttl'nl hunt: \Zt‘V' l‘vr mini-t tonm; hut ll. J- well until it in ltc a mo; wlu:u I'nr SHARON CHR pcnplc to stop rtitd have a look around." Etcrest commented, as she txnlLod through Lhe house showing all a \Lll‘l“‘l collection of antiques .tttd antl'ctL ‘. some of them for sale, and some on loan l‘rom pnt'ate col- lccllOns for C\llll)ll|Oll purposes. Tltcn. ill a naturall} hnght room in 1hr ltutne's l'ront comer is a collecâ€" tinn Lll art. most or it of local land- St ins done it} artists Jefl'thlmore :tnd Pant Hmtrtrtl In the home's mam room. a large lL\lllC factor} loom [s set up, entitling Jtll to US? ptc:es of old thllllll sltr has been noon to make mu fllgx For use on the original hard? tmud .lonis l:'tll\ldt'.‘ \OlllnlCC‘T gardener t (nit) l’otts-Halpin has created beau- ttl‘ttl l‘lnttu. ltd“ t\\o wtllow chairs. ll}; \tan of Diane thGCn of Honour. >ll on the front potclt. "Our children how no concept of nlvat ltlic “as like years ago,“ l' -t «.ntl, as <ltc talked about tlte Jay} ol‘ qlllllll‘lg. canning and black- sntitlnttg "(J‘lr hop: ts that people \\ Ill drop tn and sec \tl13(\\cllfl\c n hops someone \\ ho remembers t. . . M}: on lllC ton“. but now lives in [OH n. \\t\llld Izke to come out here COLLth TINA her husband Glenn Johnston. John Farrell and his wife Carol and do some quiltutg. weaving or simply sit on the front porch. enjoy a cup of tea and toast and share stories With us. There's so lunch we can learn from those who have lived through those years ‘ Many of the Visitors to date have expressed an interest in restoring an old building they own and come to the Vintage Depot and the Maltnke House for ideas. “It's just :t pnvtlege to share the past with them.“ both Everest and Connell commented The Vintage Depot‘s motto "items with history . . and afuturc“ is most fitting Material from the lumber yard has been used to add instant century appeal to tie“ homes. as well as for flooring. wamscotting and landscaping “There‘s a character to old wood that can‘t be found Just anywhere," Connell added. About a month ago, a market was established at the sttc. Open Fnday from 2 to 7 pin and Saturday from B an) to 4 p m _, the market features home baktng, fresh produce and for those interested, an opponttnin‘ for them to set up tahles for garage sale items The Mahnke House is open every Church on Thursday. October g day but Sunday from 8:30 am. to 6 pm. There is no admission chargci flagging "Just come and enjoy,“ Everest M / fig Jill Everest stands on the porch ot the Mahnke House, walcomlng visitors to the 18605 log house at The Vintage Depot near Elmwood. Farrier. George Dahmer. Alex MARLF. Sth'Un Clll’iNllna Marie (‘ullnn tl'let: Stewart) at RR 5 Kincrtrtltnc. ltagtcally. on Saturn: October to 2004 at thc agr- of 57 Belmch Wlfc (il Ken Ctlllll’lh Dear mutltcr ol Ketru (‘nllinx and her husband Bill (iwrgmpoulos nt AUslrfllld. and Kurt Collle of Ktncurtltnu Sadly missed by her mother Ryllu Loved sister at Fttll StCWMl and NM will- \lanty. Sam Farrell. Paul l'arrcll. CltT‘lnlC Mrknhratlzt and and Darlene and her husband Dnn Murray. Fondly rcmemy burcd by her nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews Also survwed by her moth: -tn-law Joan Collins and sixft’râ€"lli-lllw Barbara and her husband Glenn MacKcnzic. Predcccased by her son cnt, parents Mary and Eldon tcwart. and one sister Tricia. Visitation was held from the Daveytinklater Funeral Home. on Wednesday October 2th 2004. Funeral semee was held at Kincardine United 21. 2004 at 1 pm. wtrh Pastor Judy Zarubick officiating. lntcrrnenr Kincardiite Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Kincardine Hospital Foundation. Canadian Cancer Society (Bluewarer Unit) or the Children's Wish Foundation were appreciated as expressions of sympathy. Active Pallbearers were Bareu Stewart, Tad Stewart, Nicki Mrkobrada. Matt Farrell, Clint Farrell and Jamie MacKen/Jc. Honourary Currie, Dennis Delany and Ray Watson. Active Flowerbezuers were Alicia Euler, Jennifer Biescl. Angie Michael and Lynn Bradley. Honourary Flowerbearers were Gloria Farrier. Helen Currie. Nancy Juanita Watson. Pallbearers Bnh Bradley. Harry GETW Photo by Mary Gotom shared by Bob Bradley and RSM Lawrence Sun'idge. Baron Stewart sang Amazing Grace and Matt Farrell played guitar and sang. Keri Collins read the commendation. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Davey-Linklater Funeral Home. Kincardtne.

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