ti ;. #33232: it 5.5;: 3 I E r f i i p A“ '1' I: “it ‘35; l a... E The Bervie W1 meet- hg w: held in the hall Nov. 3. The meeting was opened by president Elsie Sdmla' will: the poem. In Hulda: Hdds. The roll all. I memory of a local bus'n of years gone by. W given by nine mam bet: The minute and ï¬~ mull rqaom were given. on another sum.“ Bazaar and Tea Wm of lhe dnws wen- Audl'ey McDonald. Norma l C I The 132%."; “’lfmcel- in; opened In (h:- mqu mum-Jere Elsie Srhulur, i president. gave a rcudmg ‘ Winch Jinan Am I7 The i roll call. your fuvnumv flower. was given by ll bet! and one gut-M The correspondence we: read. and a thank you note from Wilda 1110mm for mung u Old II Chm. 5}“: n1“) won one of the drum at our Bauer. The FWIO wnnu each mm: to send [he mum-‘ of in youngest member and the oldest member ' with the must yam unend- ing WI. Membcn nwrr an can ohm can pay men» , II I ntduccd let I! they submit Ihml' ngr In the Card pin.†Mart \Mlfl‘h 15]th been un Hurlwitk and Irene McKmnnni Syh'm Hnshury gave a gotx‘l "spurt an the rally and (he “HIVI‘IIUHH, Our original ‘l‘wu-ds» mun Boob have [wen dw nnlt'd In the chunimv ll bmry archives. Mlldml Chmlh n-ml u poem. 11!!!! End Hmms by Jun Hull Slw Lhm Inn-k lLdawn mommy lulu: n-mt mg nlmul difl'vn-nl Mum and hlLSIl‘It'MrS than mm! In hr lll Llw Kuwunhm- hears yalk on roses "aflbï¬niuu- m- i“. 111‘“qu mm! mm! purnm in uiiim plum-x hm lu-u-n lulu-ii \H mm ml] ulm lw S l 1| \ms «Ii-rulml In quill mmlhi-I‘ quill fur l‘iillil lint llnn l mlgv Iih'm an what in ii“ [m (h:- ICmi- in†gnu“ \w'n' ilm uwul '1 hr inn-ling turn-rd "\l'l tn \Iiuuvi n Munny whn gnu .I lull» nn Hurllv [hm-‘- "II/I"- “H'- Eervle news Birthday arm I! hruught hm'k ii In! of ï¬ll! nu-mnm-g m lhrlr im- not tun mum of Him.- ulil luinnu‘sww nu“ HU' \\l['\IL:1~‘ll'-Iililuil Uri-m \IIIIlllHi Him-(nu: chmul luni'h wm win-‘1 M \mnm HJHuii ii uni ii. .‘I‘l II‘.|II \l- 1 I‘HJHA! Hn' Um 1 Hindu.» Hh'i'llim |ï¬ n iiiillui i. I'Il'l :il nmln mlh .I iir: Ilisniyr \ru Iii-'iiilni i\‘\\i\\\ m Ii uni.» ul‘li‘ \'\i| i “mini! ‘ 1 iii -i ‘ Mililiiliif Hui uliiiilii “\II- ‘ ‘-i.l' .nul Inn."M i‘l\l'l \‘lllhli‘ lHIHi \mihi Lululol in“ AI'IIIH l‘i 4 '.' \HH ia Iii-Iil hiili ulfll ii ‘ wiliiii hrmiuiim 4i ( i .m- F4 W ii IIII‘I lmi.’ \- i celebrated at family picnic MCI-Irv .IlI-V \Lliir M IL |i| iii-m Iii ii Ii \nmlll ml [inh- i an \I i‘ .ml U ml mlh Huh ,m.| ‘.l nmi- Illi ‘.l u uw Mu i l’i'nlhll latch whidia mm ii Aiuln‘) In! ii inn iii! \mli l- u \Lu: iii-i inrth I'Iu'lm i I- r-zh n aim», H“ il \in in H. .md Mary Ilu'w --I Mimi Inm, in.- I‘ll“; i†Iml LIHHICI um \Lmnim ,iii‘u, i uml Run linflnli “n I II-Ia‘ Hi1 up ii ' in We an‘ suun 3 m4 niw ii m1 Kim, H i i HI Klmudinr "1 Ir hr] ,um Hm' I I? ul We hupc the in « |llll|[I|' 1» Hum iI .» i 1‘ 'Ct‘lï¬â€˜th «\ iiliill'. l-i- w Ir! RIIH Slrwn 'u w.n H vll ihu HM nu ‘» i 1 Hi Klnuldmc hn |'il,l| .m.‘ I i’l‘lillt Hi an t iwpiii Il‘u Lundnn hflepllll “i‘ all ‘-' h lmiliul I‘. H," ‘i ‘~- Ian A , hunllcucrhum. i-u. Imih-In him, nun. «II M Bnh and M-ugul Mir n" Pcrnval Iccrnll‘. \I‘IIUU xn Hrll mil l-‘uhui-J "-1'III‘IV I'M:an wulh :hur .lmyi, Valerie. her ’HI‘I'MHI'I ï¬lm: i If", "I!" TINA -.r-n_ GM 'i uf “Lap, HIJ" “1"‘I‘Il’ . . I'llrlllll'uh 4'I='|‘i|1|ll‘â€ii iui unllh V. il‘ 1.. mWTecaus