Bruce Centre District WI Scrapbook, [1908] - [1993], p. 8

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se‘oreturiéa shnrtly. A for the 'aréa. will jbe chosen all: the first convention unintent- oers he being asked to study this matter. I An. important roasting took place on:Friday at the YMCA. when the first meeting or the Interim Board of the new Grey- Bruce or the Women's Iriâ€" stitute was held and the doles, N umber 2nd and 3rd Set. Ior the _ A itgst Area Convention_ Mrs. Gorâ€" More than a00 women are in - . - - u’attehdance at the first annual ‘mm macihfifér €535; £35033}; “95 “Mention a! Gi'eyBruce ma“ 3" L ,' Twelve membm Women‘s Institutes being held in; was aim! a?" A the Coliseum Monday and Tuesâ€"- Weir’gep‘hegan ni'ea is composed 0' day the largest convention of wo~ 146 Branches. 62 that are leavin gel“ “9" held in Owen Sound. the Toronto Area and 84 that 93531¢51931§teredfron19> are leavmg the Guelph A‘rea. M°nd$Â¥ rimming and continued to arrive durlna the dav. It was announced that Subdi I :_ . inon 14 consists of Grey Centre. M‘5~A- Manndleuofsaumamp- ‘ L. SubJDn ‘tst vice-president presided 5"“ Norm' Grey Eas‘ an the Monday morning sessions I 4 I ’At Lhe requesr or the Camdiai Association Provincial Liquor Co- mmission a brief had been pre- pared on liquor advertising. to - which the institutes had objected. firs, Hageerty and Mrs. May 'nard presented the brief in per- .i son. She had represented the W0- . . I l Grey-Bruce W.I. Area F'$2?'i.ii‘§‘335%§i..3§ii§? :22; Largest Women‘s Meeting _ Ever Held In Owen Sound l other national women's organizâ€" - ations and had found her organ- ' ization several steps ahead each time, She spoke of the placing ol a plaque by the Historic Sites Committee to mark the home oil Adelaide Headless. founder of the '[Dr Sick Ch ildren, Save the Cu -r , » . .dren Fu-nd. London Hospital and womms Insumle as ‘1 msmnc - ., site. Mrs. Haggerly spoke of ggfifrsgéi‘ifivflnd sq'o‘oo to m[ World Refugee Year and urged l r ‘ ‘ i 0116 A t'.:;imr.i:r.:‘.r 3.21.31... begun for the Area and “Us boo happy homes, at [hair henlthy, was on display. I‘ Luncheon was served in KMunwell ted. well-housed children and - _, . chin}: of these people in camps United Church hanquei hall 10 bum in camps underunbeuembb :22)?figlgl‘lfifl‘findeiegam” at u‘ children bom in camps under unâ€" ' ’5 ' t l . 't' an know- ONTARIO PRESIDENT SPEAK ‘w'e‘ab" mm“ “"5 d » r - . in no other life. Ontario Federation President. EH” three rear: as prrsitien' division 15 includes Bruce Centre. , North : Grey West a n :1 Bruce Subdivision 16 includes Bruce East. Grey South and Bruce West. The Convention cmnniitter for 1960 will be chosen from Subâ€" division 14. This year the district summers of standing committees are asked to send their reports to the new are: COfli'Ent‘l'S and also to their former area conveners. The con- VPHEI‘S iii-e: Agriculture and Cam. adian Indue’trles. Mrs. George Alderdice oi Meaiurd: Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Robert Mortâ€"‘ ley of Durham: Home Economics and Health. Mrs Arthur Teas- dale of Dobbinton; Historical Re- aearrh ‘and Current Events. Mrs. Archie Givens o1 Wiarton: Resâ€" olutions. Mrs. A. A. Mcca‘lan. Hanover: Publlo Relations. Mrs. R C. Robinson 01,Durham. M” Ewe” Ham‘s” of Anna“ filer-flu work the Women's InsilLui- 'W'i" Pl'esjdem M "‘9 903161“:an announcm we dug“ for me Area's do, women's wings should be of her three year lEl'lll. Branch 11 the absence of President Mrs. ordon MacPhatter. who 15 ill. rs. Norman Smith of Park Heed 'as song leader and Mrs. Mc- nlght R.R. 3 Allenfoi'd was al ‘ie piano for the opening exer- lses. Secretary Mrs. Gordon Bo- hwell gave a resume of the glans token to organize the new res and the names oi the In- erim Board, Treasurer Mrs. T. J. Cornish t Chesiey reported receipts from anuary 1959 [D September $794.85 xpeoditures of $337.69 and a bal- one of $457.16. Mrs. Cornish also y'ead the auditors' report. IVIC WELCOME Mayor E. C. Sargent extended he civic welcome to the delegat- s On behalf of- 18.000 citizens nd the City Council. Mrs. James Haggerty of Neonj nee congratulated the couventio , committee for the eiticient way in which they had made the ari rangements for the first meet- ‘ing of the new Area. She knew. ‘she said that the idea of the new Area had been received with some inisgivlng. [Tut the IlnP at- tendance proved that the plan' ning was Justified. The theme of the convention she felt was time- ‘ly. “It takes a mature mind, not alone to actept new rights. but also to give up the old", ii'oi'ds fipoke by Dog Hammersklold. Mrs. Haggai-Ly expressed re- :ret at Mrs. Gordon MacPhtii- ,er’s illness and spoke appreoiu- llively of the loyal support. she has had been happy years. Mrs, Ida‘â€"v gertv said and she had receive an education she could nevq‘ have gained in school or univer- stiff. Mrs. Donald MCCOSh FLR. 3‘ "Ripley was in the chair [or the .altornoon meeting. The Conven. lion chairman Mrs A. Mound. i‘ell introdttt‘ed three Guelph Area women before speaking briefly at the planning that had gone into the (‘unvciitmn pl'Ogl'HllLThk‘x: t'ent‘s committee “as lemming she said but llii’i had worked pleasantly and in Immunity and another VEi’ll' would see mum of the problems ll'ollPtl om, It has pleasant uniting to know the wo- He was’ was making nnscious, he said, OI the power to the Grey-Bruce Area. 5119 was i women and aware or the won. maklflfi 1181' “HP-1 TEPUH ~15 011- . . , 2 Convention. and it was decided . to hold the conwntion and the “rd' he [91" on 3'“ “npm‘mm bannuei m we Coliseum. Mrs'ssues. \i'l'iether school curricula Wilson Johnson was named con- r nuclear “'“Wns' - . REA NAMED vener of the billeti , nmmittee . and m“ make a wiggling), te_ l 51x names were suggested for . he new Area includi J El ' - . t , I _ . . n: no Via pail. a the Jul) meeting It is r, Sangeen valley GemgiBm 332%? that “no members WHIP“, Vacation Land, Twin Conn-.1 M the Fin-am anemflon Masha and Grey-Bruce. The interim mg the muffin .m. the “New vame, Grey»Bruce was selected tion was planned and ‘tlitI o- “:10” Wimble- D'JSEd by-laws were studied. y se M's' A‘ 5‘ M50911“ Of Ham“ _ , yer presented the Resolutions and by laws Wm be [O’NMdEd w theger report as Convener. The l'lf- I ' ’ ' it een bylaws for the new Area were approved. Seven districts had sent in reports. i MANY DONaTIONS Mrs. C. Robinson of Durham gave the Public Relations report. It was noted that $12,922.35 had been expended on various caus‘ es under the heads of charitable, educational, health. including hos-L pttal work and mlscellaneous. Do- . nations to appeals on the local scene amounted to $2653.57: to F‘.W.I.0. pl'ojecLa (or Ceylon and” Korean ‘retlet and the Unitarian appealjsasfl't: to the mltdreos'. Aid. crippled Children, Hospitni l smuBr histories were being coni- had as president. though she mm at the Arm boiler. her {list report The choir man .\-li.~. McCosli o‘e \C'le-d (ls tun lint: i‘rporis those on by Mrs. Arthur Teasdale Ul Dobbins-nu on Home Econo- n V. . . . membership had dEC'im‘d S]igm’hdiertangtotfiioflmmmgurghmMgh ' {Y ID 33.549 W'- b'EUChPS had‘CillZP‘ilsllip and Education increased to 14.078, The Pl'EFJ'sle 135111111: SONG dent described her activities du mg the past year. attending in- numerable meetings. conierenc» es, workshops on an area. pro- vincial and national level, for she had been elected a national vice president. The action of the Department of Agriculture in making a subâ€" stantial contribution to the ex~‘ penses of the five voting dele» gates to the A.C,W.W. coniei'ence in Edinburgh hitd been greatly Mrs nugget-tr paid tribute to mm?“ the nylon“ "mmmn‘ 3“ ' i 7 tende at m‘oiv leioL the \i-o'k- gispgfs‘fsgwfi' is]? harngimbggjolmps. tho presentation or honors. -She offerrd sliuposlirina murd- . _ , 4 ,. . noted “13‘ “‘0'9 m“ 1-00” T“e”d int: courses and progiams and _ > I on ad that. Lllf‘ Women's Institute [31155 b." the Blflfl‘lhe-‘M 1119'” mm Should not odd to the aiiiindunue been. a Swim [he T“?Ed""of those who haw- much. but to smuii histories “are being mm- add more “If mom who have, the words and music coi'l1riet.i.tlon'1m1C for an Institute song. 40 in the ‘ assai- Things My‘ Mother Told Me and 31‘ In the essay on How I Can Train My Child t be a citizen of the World or the Senator Catrina Wilnon ‘ Trophy The Bruce Cirilth Quai'tei.Mi'5 James. Bell. Mrs Allstin Clul ‘ Mrs, Charles Keller and Mr . “"llil‘t’d Summon sang the In l- lutt- Song composed by Ml's,‘ Jlillll‘< McEn'ing at me South Gait-wen Brunch which won lhlrdl up in the instituti- Song and Wilma. Prm-mc'iul contest. Mrs. Mt-Ewuip, Wits at Ill.) piano. l Mls. D w Cami-ion oi Walker-j iOll Bunirl Director gave the re- port at her lorsl your n,‘ a Pro-

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