Bruce W.|. hold a; nu“; guest speaker and Slnglerilil; procedure from the clay mt h: was hem Thur. had an interesting dispi l with Chairman troduced by Mrs Harry Ken- _ Chambers of nedy and thanked by Mrs. Ar- residing, assisted thur Teasdale; who presented her with a gifig. b The theme Q!" the Rally was Friendship. :Muu Graham _ Chambers spoke'bn thetheme charge of Silver as did the Presideni'skof the four Bruce South. In dishingâ€"Mrs. Ja _ ,Kirk- '_li, Bruce S Branch. Brute , . . .x Barbara , Mrs. Fred Finer. Bruce nd Mrs Jar-hes, Coyne, Busch gave _ _ 1 _ , ort She reported we“: statistical frenoris. m: ly singing was led by . Broadfoot with pianist i; ly’. my Chairman. Mrs . R.R.3. Tara; 2n ' man, Mrs. Arth R372. Dobbinto .13» Centre, provided '3 music. Mar - North and R.R.6. Wiarton: Treasurer, Mrs. Ken {ï¬ne ' nty womenvs [m thru tothe ï¬nished produc' ' ~ 1. 19‘ in Allenford various types; She was In. Graduates As Medical Doctor From Western . _’- 'Dr. Marilyn l'egulu MrKnguc‘. daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Wilfred Pegelo‘ Cargiu, was one of a class of .59 members 91‘ the grud- Iluling class of the I'llirersili' of Western .Onmriu, who received their degree of Doctor of Medi- nine. The ceremony was held at DR. RMBILYN McKAGUE the new Alumni Hall an the Uni- versity grounds on Friday, June 3111. Those attending the Krudrm- ‘tlr'm included her liusbnnd, Mr. Ar- thur McKngul.‘ of Teaswawr: Mr. and Mrs. \V. chrlo and Jim 0! Gnrgill; Miss Evelyn Pegt-ln or “’Pllnnd. and Miss Jenn cht‘lo of London. Dr. MrKngua will 5:5 to St. Jo- Bt‘pl‘l’s Hospice! in Hnmllton ior iher intern year. starting in July. l\[\mu:u;ln I15 z. b dam LQWMV r mm “* 1:51 ’ '/V‘ , ,n J aux/n A" lJU-Hr"4‘ L’“ 1"" ‘ J’