P Wm...’ 7-...nunrnlr E ec’r Mrs. D. wannmnm. . â€"...---mâ€".â€" MocKoy President Bruce Centre Approximately 125 women al-i. tended the sixth annual meetingH CONVENORS REPORT l'ot Bruce Centre District Wo- men's institute lipid in Burgoy~ no Presbyterian Church. W e s t Arran W.I. Branch was hostess for the day. Assembly. singing was conducted by song leader Mrs. Laverne Brnadtoot, Tara, accompanied by pianist .‘ilrs. Eldred Aiken. Allcnford. President of Bruce C e n tr e. District, Mrs. Harry McDougald 'l'ara. presided and gate the theme oi the program “Accord- ing to our vision [rt-day. so will be our achievement to-mnrrow.“ Mrs. Gordon Crauirird. But-go - no. district secreta' treasurer gave her report. Mrs. C. E. Fisher gave a warm welcome to the visitors. The reply “as git i‘n by Mrs. Harold Sutherland oi South Sauflccn W. l. Ratification of 1962-53 District‘ Directors was cnmlut‘icd hy Mrs. Arthur Maiinrirell. Satith ampton. Mr, Mchugald com» plating her third lGI‘lTI as prest- iuent. expressed her apprecia- ition to all Institutes. Specia [thanks was given to the secre- Harydrcasurer Mrs. Gordon Crawford who was completing her sixth lerm of office. Mrs. Reginald Arts. Underwood Wfi. pleased the audience with a liuniourous reading, The Terror- by Gregory Clark. . Miss Francis Htisks. Home lEconomics Branch. Department at Agriculture. TorontoI descriv bed the various short courses available through this depart» ment. Short courses ai'e valu- able intorniation to all home- makers in the community and she urged the branches to take advantage of the service at a convenient time of the year for all concerned. She also stressed the loan library available to all interested persons. Brief greeting were brought to the district by Mrs. Donald McCosh. Ripley. President Grey Bruce Area W. l.; Mrs. Percy Radhourne. Parkhead. president. Bruce North District W. 1.; Mrs. Clifford Hewitt. Eeri‘ie, presi- dent ot Bruce South District W. 1.: Mrs. I. B. Sharpe. Board Director, subdivision 16 ot RW. 1.0. Mrs. Victor Emmet-son. \‘t’hitecllurch. secretary Gr 2 5'- Bruce Area. The Grey-Bru ce area convention will be held in Southampton September 5th and 6th. There are 13 branches in the Bruce Centre District and all branches_sent in complete re ports to the convenors. the l ’1 Kennedy president l .‘-\c.i'iculture and Canadian indus- 1i'lcs. Mrs. Eldred :tiken. Allen- lUl‘d; Citizenship and Education. Mrs. George Siegrist R. R. 2. Alloniorrl: Health and H 0 In 9 Economics. Mrs. Percy Patchell R. R. i. Allentord: Historical Research. Mrs. Arthur Curtis. I’orl Elgiri: Resolutions. Mrs. ‘Stewart Karrher. R. R. 5, Pais- ley; Public "RelathI’IS, Mrs. Ew- art Tennyson. Underwood; Fed- l OFFICERS ELECTED Past president. Mrs. Harry ‘ itchougald R.R. 3. Tara: presi- ident, Mrs. Donald MacKay. R. It R. 3. (l‘itierton: vice-PI‘ESIGCHIS. Mrs. Harold MacArthur. R. R. ], Dohbtnton. Mrs. Earl Busch. .‘ R. R.i. Southampton. Mrs, Jack Pierson. R. R. Port Elgin; I secretary-treasurer. Mrs. H a r- vey Sparks. R. R. 2. Tiverton: Federated representative. Mrs. Arthur Maundrell. Southampton. ‘alternate. Mrs. Wilmer Ribey R. RA. Paisley: Area represen- ‘taiices. Mrs. Spence Mat-Lean R. R. 2. Port Elgm, and Mrs. l Gordon Crawford. R. R. 2. Port Elgin: Public Relations Officer. Mrs. Ewart 'l‘conyson. t'ri derv SONG “’INS PRIZE l The South Sangeen Branch than. won third prize for their |Institute song composed by Mrs H. McEiving. A ouarietie lrom Sou'ih Saugeen sang this number and also one composed by Mrsl M. Black. Both were cnjnyed‘ Mrs. McEwmg was pressured with the cheque. . Mrs. 0. Gaieinan gave lhe re port on the Museum and asked each branch to be hostess for a day in the log house. ‘ Miss Nora Ci'eyke. Exiensiun :Seryice gave an address and‘ 'st eased the fact that the courses .are usElPss if there is not a real ‘desire for them. and that they ishould be put to hiriher use. i The president glue an excellent address concluding ivith the: words "You must live each day“ at your very best. The work at t i oration of Agriculture, iii-3. iwood; Federation of Agriculture line world is clone by few. God. Harold Wolfe R.R. l. Dobbinton. LL'NCHEUN SERVED A delicious hot luncheon “33‘ SPHBd by the women at the Burgoyne district. The atternnon session npcnetl with assembly singing. Mrs. D. C. Gateman. Southampton read scripture and Mrs Bert l-lcndcr- son Allenford offered prayer. An In Memoriam Service was conducted by Mrs. Wilmer Rib- ey and Mrs. Harold Jones of Brucedale W. l. A The report of Junior institu- tes was given by Mrs. Donald .Byers. Tara. Mrs. Wilmer Rib- ey. RR. 4. Paisley gave the Farm Safety Council report. str‘ essing the great importance of .this project. safety stickers and posters are being distributed lhroughnut the County. good films are also available on this subject. Miss Selma \"illms. Bruue County Home Economist WalA herton gave an encouraging re. port of the 4H girls work in the‘ County sponsored by the var-l ious Women’s institutes. l Mrs. Arthur Matindrell. South-l ampton. Provincial Board niem» her F. W. I. 0. gave an inspir- ing address on Institute work.‘ Mrs. Jack Pierson Port Elgin. and Mrs. Basil Undernnod. i P011 Elgin. sang a duet. Beauti- ful Isle of Somewhere. Mrs. Melbourne White. Tara 1 reported [or the Bruce Counti‘ Folk School which was held last Spring at the Venetta Motel. Underwood. A folk school on wheels will be conducted at the Lime Kiln Lodge Inverhuron, June 22nd to 24th. The district 'l‘wceds m u i r books were judged. Tara W. i. winning lop honours. Mrs. Harry accepli n g the check. and Mrs. Bert Hen- derson. president. of Alient'ord W. I.accepting the cheque for. second place. i Mrs. Harry McDoueald R. R3. ".Tara; auditors. Mrs. H a r o l d Jones R. R4, Paisley. Mrs. Arthur Rcoch. R. R. at. Port EI- .gin: Saiety Council. Mrs. Wil- mei' Ribcy. R. R4, Paisley. as .sistant. Mrs. Archie McCullough R. R. . Paisley: Junior Instituti‘ representative. Mrs. D o n a 1 cl Byers. R. R2. ’I‘iierton. Con~ tenets of Standing Committees: .tgiculture and Canadian Indus Tries. Mrs. Eldred Aiken. Allen- fnrd; Citizenship and Education. Mrs. George Slegrist, R. R2, Allenl'ord; Health and H o m c Economics. Mrs. Percy Patchcll lR. R.i. Allenfnrd: Historical Research. Mrs. Harold Woilr- lR R.]. Dobbininn. Resolutions. ‘Mrs. Stewart Karchcr. R. Rs. Paisley. The Courtesy report was :iien by the Mount Hope Branch. i . Tuesday. lune Z. 1959 Bruce Centre Wl Meets at Mount HOpe The third district annual O was held at Mount Hope Church on Friday, with on attendance of '37, The president. Mrs. welcome was given Mr. Wolfe oi Ari-an Township and Mrs. J. Peiison replied. ., The morning session opened lwlth assembly singing. with Mrs. lDonald McKay as pianist and ‘Mi's. H., McDuugald song leader. Mrs. C. Doll gave the auditoi‘s' . report. Mrs. D. H. Cameron con- l'ducted the ratiï¬cation at district ldirectors and stressed the ilportant part they have in Institute work. Reparts of standing con-i» mittees were given as follows: L.ltgrlculiure and Canndlan‘lndus- "triesâ€"Mrs. A. Mouser. Citizenx _ship and Education: Mrs. P. . Pratchett; Health and Home Econo . mics â€" Mrs. A. McCullough. His- itnrloal Research â€" Mrs. Irvin . Stewart; Rï¬nllfllons â€" Mrs. H. ‘ Hopper. Publigï¬elations â€" Mrs. " {no}: Kirkland; Federation of "Agriculture; Mrs. 76. 5813110114 i Bruce Centre Women's InstiiUie ‘ Wilmer Ribey presided. The address of im-l asks that a part he done by you." DINNER SERVED A delicious diner was served by the WA oi the chuich The. afternoon 55351011 opened with scriplure reading by Mrs. .Haines of Port Elgin iollonccl by prayer by Mrs. Harold Jones of =E|ruoedale Mrs. Jack Kirkland [and Mrs. Rosuell Smith read poems. and piaver followed Livo minutes at silence during the In Memoriam Service Miss ‘I'rena McLean t‘epOllEd for the Junior Institute loltowed ‘by an address by Miss Mary Lou Black. Home Economist for Bruce Co. Mrs. D. W. Cameron hroughl greeting: from the Provincial. iBoard. She said the (ri-opei'stion of every maian is needed to make a strong Institute. There lave 145 Institutes in Ontario. Tim, W.l. Holiday at the 0 AC. is to. he July 13 to 17. ‘ The Tara branch Pl'thdEd a piano solo L'l_\' Mrs. W. J. Croat- ‘ford. Mrs Norman Smith. past'. also chairman ol the Guelph area ‘addiessed the meeting and nave serei'al useful suggestions. Th e iW.I. was compared to the crew of a ship with ihe pl'EaldEnl and secrelai'y in control. Commimiiv n..i_iecls such as srhnlarships. 4»H Clubs a nd community needs should be conssrlererl first. OFFICERS CHOSEN Mrs. M.iundrcll picscntcrl the report oi the nominating cnInmiL tee and Mrs. Cameron conducted ilhE election of oiiicer.c who are: honorary president. Mrs. Mauri- drell. Souitiampion : post presid- eiit. Mrs. G. Gatcman, Soulltamp~ ton; president. Mrs. Wilmer RI» hey. R. R. -l Paisley; vice pre- sidents. Mrs. Harry Mchiiizalei .H. H. it Tara Mis. Donald MC. lKay. R. R. 3 Tlverton. Mrs. Jack Peirson. R. R. 2 Port Elgin; fed- eraled representative. Mrs. O. Gaieman. alternate. Mrs. Moiiatt Jamleson. R. R. 4. Port Elam: ‘sect‘etary - treasurer Mrs. Gor- Jdon Crawford R. R. l Southamp~ ton; area representative. Mrs. Robei-L Scott; alternale. Mrs. J. Mcwhlnncy; Federation of Agrl- culture, Mrs. Gordon Salmon; Junior representative. Miss Trena. McLean. auditors. Mrs. Clayton Doll. Mrs. Almer Morrow R. EJ Southampton. Mrs. Arthur Teasdale spoke briefly. Mrs. M. McVittle of White School Branch expressed the op- pre'clatlbn of £113 irony. ‘