I13" History of Park Head continued. Park Head choir was assisted by Allenford and Wepworth with “iss Egg; Cordingly as Organist. John Philp was appointed treasurer in Ministers since that time have been; Rev. T. Fydell h. 3. Warn 911 J. Truax, S. A. Laidman, J. Jilkin, J. Ferguson, J. A.3Jewitt “J -Fr_ ) McClelland, N. C. Almach, N. Clark, F. W. Crowle, J. Barbaree1 J. 4. Bean, C. D. Noolley, H. Ackert, N. A. Hurlburt, A. N. Fosbury’ I: Waldron, A. G. Hewitt, E. Meyer, J. B. Curran, J. h. Henley 5. h. Flindall, S. E. Annie, J. wheeler and Mr. Walter Smith. ’ In 1925 following church union, the Methodist Church became a United Church. In 1951 there was a re-arrangement of cdrcuits and Park Head has since been part of Allenford charge. In 1956 it was decided to improve the church with the add- ition of a porch on the north and two rooms at the south with a baseâ€" ment under these rooms to accomodate an oil heating system. The church was redecorated and a new Conn electric organ purchased, this latter in memory of the Park Head pioneers. The dedication service was held on June 9th 1957. Rev. J. R. Wheeler assisted by Rev. 8. E. Annie of Owen Sound a former minister was in charge, with Mrs. G. Huehn at the organ. The following donations were made to the church by various individuals and societies; pulpit, three chairs, cowlunion table, picture "Head of Christ" and hymn board, clock, pulpit rug, pulpit lamp, picture lamp, drapes for archway, coat rack, silver plates for communion, baptismal font and twenty two choir chairs. These added greatly to the comfort and appearance of the church. The W. M. A. was organized in 1920 with Miss Amelia Spencer as president, and in 1961 is still an active part of the church work. Promoters of the first school at Park Head were Henry Lewis, William Simpson and Edwin Spencer, which school was Opened on July 10th 1867, on the Henry Lewis farm with Miss Mary Gory of Derby township as teacher. In 1877 a frame school was erected on Lot 1, Con 4 with Miss Sanders as teacher. Some of the other teachers in the fifteen years it was in use were Elizabeth Hearst ( HRS. J. P. Evans), Miss Malkington, Miss Elves, Miss Kate Danard, Miss Celina Grieve ( Mrs. Joseph flarmington) was the last teacher and had an enrollment of sixty pupils. At this time the section was divided and a school erected on Lot 1. Con. 3 known as U.S.S. No.5. U.S.S No. 16 was built in 1892. Classes were held in the hall with Miss Mary Ellen Anderson as teacher until the opening of the new school Jan. 25th 1893 with J. D. Hannah as teacher. The first municipal election for Amabel as a separate municipality was held in 1870 at the William Simpson home. James Allan was the first Reeve. On August 15th 1866 a Post Office was established named Park Head after Mrs. Simpson‘s birthplace in Scotland. Mr. Simpson has appointed Post Master and continued to set until he mowed to Wiarton. In 1886 Mr. James Pattison, who had come to Perk Head on the first passenger train to Wiarton in 1882 was appointed Post Lester and kept same until his death in in 1912. Rural Mail Route 5 started from Allenford in 1913 and served Con. 3 a 4 and part of Con.5 a6.