B.N. Wlth District President, Mrs. w.A. Begg, presiding, Mrs. w.J. Hunter of Brampton addressed the ladies and gave "good advice and information of a most practical and valuable nature†What position Mrs. Hunter held is not stated, but she could have been a representative from the Provincial Board. In 1919, according to Provincial records the Federated Representative for subâ€"division # 15 (Bruce, Huron, Perth, Union) was Mrs. J. Patterson of G ads Hill. There is no record of her having visited an annual meeting here. Minute books for West Bruce District for l921-l927 have been lost hence only provincial records of officers for that time are available. They are all recorded in this book under section B.W.O. 1923 The twenty-eighth district annual held in Port Elgin on June 20, 1928 had 85 present. Mrs. Wm. Woods, Tiverton, presided at both morning and afternoon sessions. Secretary reports were given from nine branches. Mrs. Robinson of Port Elgin reported on the convention held the previous fall in walkerton. In the absence of Mrs. Edwards, , Miss Robinson reported for her and recommended that Standing Committee Conveners be appointed and that the Federation fee be paid by the branches on the previous years membership. The fees were collected at the meeting but no record of Standing Committee Conveners appeared until 1930. June 30, 1929 Mrs. Wm. Woods, Tiverton, presiding at the Port Elgin Public Library, received the resigâ€" nation of Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W.H. Whitworth, Tara, after serving for fifteen years. A report of the G irls Conference held in Guelph in May was given by Miss Jessie McPherson of Tiverton. Mrs. Calvin Crawford, Tara, Federated Representative, reported on Area Convention held previous October in Walkerton. Each of the eight branches received four dollars from the district treasury with an additional four dollars going to Port Elgin for serving lunch to the district annual. The secretary's salary was 3 35.00. June 30, 1930 Mrs. Melvin Black, white School Branch, presided and heard reports from six senior and two Junior branches with a total membership of 3l3. One new branch had been organized on Saugeen Reserve. Mrs. D. Wardlaw, Ethel, reported for the F.N.I.O. and advised that branches not the district should assume the expense of delegates at the district annual. Mrs. Woods, Tiverton, reported on the Area Convention held in Teeswater. The financial statement showed the following receipts:- Cash on Hand 3 281.19 Members Fees 81.50 Municipal Grant 180.00 ( $20.00 for each of 8 branches and to district) Legislative 3 rant 58.00 ( 3 3.00 for each of 8 branches and $3b.00 to district) Standing Cowmittee Conveners were named by the Board of Directors. Conmlete listing found later in this book under section B.W.U. June 27, 1931 Mrs. Melvin Black, Nhite School Branch, presided at Tara United Church and heard report of Judging Competitions by Juniors at Walkerton, given by Miss Jean Scott of Port ngin. Branches were urged to make use of the Department of Agriculture demonstration lectureS. Mrs. T.K. New- man, Allenford, where sewing clubs had been held for two years, reported on the work of “ A Garment Making Club. †Fourth annual Area convention held in Harriston was reported by Mrs. Byers, Arkwright, Federated Representative. Geo. F.W.I.0. Board member, Mrs. H.M. Dierlam, Ripley, reported:- †The fortyâ€"two branch Institutes of Bruce are grouped into four districts, North, west, Centre and south. These four districts, with four others in Huron, (comprising 85 branches), were grouped into one convention There are twenty such areas in the Province of Ontario. Each area elects one member to There are, therefore, twenty members on the Provincial Board. This It is sometimes possible for them to further good legisâ€" 265 girls of the Province here taken to area. the Provincial Board. Board meets once a year in November. lation. It was at the suggestion of this board Uhat the Royal winter Fair. " h