0F7I33"j OF hrs. P.J. Brown, Tivsrton Branch, Tiverton, Chtario. District President 1914-17 trs. Christena (tustard) Brown was of Scottish Ancestry. She was born at Brucefield, Furon County, Sept. 29, 1853, the third child of a family of eight. She was married September 26, 1977 to Peter J. Brown. They settled in Bruce County in 1883 on a fanr near Tivorton and were blessed “nth a family 0‘ four girls and two boys. l'rs. Brown attended Brucef'ieli public school, tauqht school in 3.5. ,IS' 5, Hay Township, "‘npham Public School and 3.3. M 7, East Williams near SprinqhankJ liddlesex County. Yrs. Brown's interests ware widn and varied, she was a leaner in evprv movement which would benefit the conmunitv or the people is a whole. Sh: v s a mood reaicr and interest3d in all social, political, national and international affairs. She wrote Imder the pen name "Tana" for the Ontario teachgr, a paper purlished in lB73-7h and 75. trs. Brown lovad workinn out of doors, she had a wonderful Harlan and beautiful flowers. She loved nature and was a wonierful promoter of rural life for families. she received a rich TeliEiDus hï¬ritawe from her Jnottish parents. aunday was considered a sacred day for the Browns. Both she an'i her husband have much tire to work in the Sunday school. hrs. brown taught the Yotmr Woman's Bible Class. She was Prasilent of the Jomen's Foreizn Missionary Jociety in Tivarton in 191a and was much in iemand as a Gunst spanker at lhankoffering meetinws. Her happiest moment was when her daughter, tarrarct, went to China as a missionary. lrb. Brown shared her husband‘s intere-t in the Farmer‘s Institute. she 10Vei countrv life, any hardships were never to be considered in com- parison hdth its wholesome hsonits. 3hr prided herself on her brealâ€"naking and butter-waking which always won orizes at the fill fair. Yrs. Brovm was varv pleased when ste learnei that th: Jomen‘s Institute of Ontario plinnel to organize a hrqrch in Tiverton. UnfortunafelV nat enourh wowen ntteniaH For a quorum but thhsa p nnt sclcctud l r5. Brown to act as trvnory Pro ient, until 3 re"fler hrwnch Po-dl he orranizei. ln uu‘unt 171: hrs. Promi invitpj the lOC'l ‘wren fa rent in her tans. banv cmmn and 2 19:21 branch has uruanizei with trs. Brown as lheir Trnai‘ent. Tour rears lat‘r sh» n15 electel uistrict Pr2siient. le returmlnfl horn frO“ a very tear friend: ' in “nrcnt: 91 ~‘ril 3152, lr'l'7 Irs. Frown passrl a Funeral in Ottawa. can. ;]_23 V" .‘Wrournt xrozm \Ltnhâ€"r lï¬AQ