GREY-BRUCE AREA TWEEDSMUIR HISTORY CURATOR -â€"- 1975 - 1976 Mrs. Percy Radbourne, 645 - 10th Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario. NAK 1T1 D Number of Districts 9 Number Reporting 9 Number of Branches 120 Number Reporting 120 Number of Sin, Branches 1 Number Reporting 1 Number of Branches Disbanded - 4 Needsmuir Histories lst. Volume 120 Tweedsmuir Histories 2nd 6: 3rd Volumes 36 Histories from Disbanded Branches continuing 6 ' History Scrap Books 86 Community Scrap Books 37 Family Histories recorded 105 It is my privilege to bring my Fourth year's report to Grey-Bruce Area Convention. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation again this year to all curators at Branch and District levels who have made it possible to again achieve 1007. reporting. 1 also wish to thank Mrs. Emerson, my assistant, for her help and encouragement. Special thanks to Miss Helen McKercher who has been a S'guiding light" to me through the years, and to the Department of Agriculture and Food for their (Jo-operation and help in the microfilming of our History Books. District Curators who reported:- Bruce North - Mrs. Gordon Hapburn, Wiarton, Ontario, R. R. #6 Bruce East - Mrs. Donald Cameron, Tiverton, Ontario, NOG 2T0 Bruce Centre - Mrs. Harold Foreman, Allenford, Ontario 9 Bruce South ~ Mrs. Stewart Farrell, Ripley, R. R. #2, NOG 2R0 Grey East - Mrs. Charles E. Thompson, Heathcote, Ontario, NOH 1N0 Grey Centre - Mrs. Martin Kaufman, R. R. #4, Chesley, Ontario Grey West - Mrs. Harold Hewitson, R.R. #5, Owen Sound, Ontario Grey South - Mrs. W. J. Hockridge, Box 4, R.R. # 3, Conn, Ontario. Grey North - Mrs. Roy Shields, R.R. #1, Meaford, Ontario. District (hurators â€" 1976 â€" 1977 Bruce North - Mrs. E. C. Izzard, Stokes Bay, Ontario Bruce East - Mrs. Eldon A. MacKinnon, R.R. #3, Paisley, Ontario Bruce Centre - Mrs. Howard Foreman, Allenford, Ontario Bruce South, Mrs. Victor Emerson, R. R. #3, Wingham, Ontario Grey North - Mrs. Clarence McPherson, R.R. #4, Massie, Ontario Grey East - Mrs. Charles E. Thompson, Heathcote, Ontario, NOE-I 1N0 Grey Centre - Mrs. Martin Kaufman, R.R. # 4, Chesley, Ontario Grey West - Mrs. Harold Hewitson, R.R. #5, Owen Sound, Ontario Grey South - Mrs. Clifford Brown, R.R. #3, Conn, Ontario. Branch Roll Calls:- Note â€" This is an opportunity for each Member to make a contribution to the program. 1. Bring an antique, old coins, buttons, jewellery or stamps " many of them have an interesting history. 2. Display your oldest quilt or quilt pattern, Needlework of yesteryear. 3. My House Log -- Is it started?! 4. Bring an article or picture for your History Book 9 Mottoes:- l - Our dreams take on a softer glow as years roll back to "Long Ago". 2. Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you can see farther. 3. Life is like a garden. What are you planting?? 1+. Tweedsmuir Histories are a treasure chest for future years. 5. May your footprints on the sands of time be such that you need not worry about where you leave your fingerprints. Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"w