WI celebrate years One hundred and seventy-eight members and guests attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the BruceEast district of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO), in conjunction with the district’s annual meeting. It was a departure of the regular district- annunl as it was held in the evening and preceded by a banquet. It was, however, a resounding success, with most of the credit for the planning go- ing to the district-president Mrs. Judy (Eldon) Macximon. A11 14 branches took part in the preparation. The atmosphere was festive, the punch was cold and refrahing, the meal was tasty, the anniver- sary cake was beautiful, the decorations col- orful and everyone was smiling, all basic in- gredients for a pleasant evening. The charming hostesses were from the Walkerton branch and their president Mrs. Janet (N. Wm.) Eindiguer spoke words of welcome. Everyone received a booklet with all reports printed therein. Also, courtesy of the Grey-Bruce Tourist Association, everyone was presented with a tourist map of Bruce County. Ratification of District Directors was con- ducted by Mrs. Elizabeth (Ivan) Thomas, board-director for Subdivision No. 1'7. The pennies for Friendship increased con- siderably with extra donations. The 4-H competition for the Bruce-Grey County WI. Scholarship was won by Terry Johnson in the Bruce-South district. branch with the presentation of a Memorial booklet. Greetings were brought by guests from the Grey-Bruce area, Bruce-South, Bruce-Centre and Bruce-North districts, the BruceCounty Rally, Grey~South District and the Ministry Of Agriculture and Food. The guest speaker was Marcie Johnston, treasurer of the FWIO, who spoke on per- sonal behavior, friendliness, praise and self- worth, attributes to a pleasing personality, and a good WI member. Her message was well received. Britta Ball is the new Rural Organizations Specialist, following Barb Klages. who recently resigned from the She conducted the election of officers. Only a few changes were made in the slate of of- ficers. Mrs. Sadie (Les) Pilgrim will be se- cond vice-president. The new district- secretary is Mrs. Lorraine (S) Sawyer and Mrs. Doris (Wm) Osterndorff becomes Public Relations Officer. The auditors are Mrs. Lois (Earl) Schopf and Mrs. Edith (George) Manery. For-lack of advertisement the, promised special newspaper edition did not materialize. The fashions of the last 50 years were shown with charm and grace by WI models. The styles evoked many memories. It was a nice finish to an enjoyable occasion. Con- gratulations Bruce-East and well done. And last but not least, a reminder that the board-director’s report, as well as the con- veners’ reports need to be read at the branch meetings. In Memoriam was done by the Mildmay 50th DISTRICT ANNUAL KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS HALL HIGHWAY #9, BETWEEN WALKER'DON AND MILDMAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1988 HOSTE‘SS - WALKER’I‘ON v.1. w“: M