ï¬rsf é‘ombine i-n Bni‘ce "' ‘ “i moved to agricultural mgseum is The first embine used in Bruce County lef: "May, morning for Toronto where it will be exhibited in the mzsrmgnculcâ€" ural Museum. 141‘. Cliff [much Sn, whn Earns north of - Bel-vie received the McCormick. nearing comâ€" blue in 1938. Unlike the selfâ€"propelled machines now in use, the combine was tractor drawn and one person had to sit at the side ta fill bags with grain. 11:. Hewitt rememâ€" bers that a crowd 0f about 50 people gathered $1 to watch the combine when. 1: srrtvpid. _. '! The machine was in use for 22 years before being retired in 1960 fur a bigger end been: niodel.‘ It had been in storage a: the fan: ' of Charlie Lemon until recantly, whenflr - 'â€" Hewitt contacted the Agricultural Mussum no ~’ / 7é see if they wished it as an exhibit. i / Although Mr, Hewitt resilvad his naehine‘ ’ In 1938, 1: was mnufacturea‘by the Madame ‘ ink-veering Company in the early 1930's. L He believes that only three came to 0111332, 'one to}. farm mm Paisley. , Cllfl‘ Hewitt Sr., RR 2 Kincardine, sus astride a tractor Agricullural Museum I! was picked up by museï¬m star! whmh pulls the first combine that ever appeared In Bruce members on Monday. (News Photo) . County. Mr. Hewitt dnnated the combine to theomaria ' Sean, Duane and Kathy Hewitt svnm‘ r-r f’he numbine turned by their >grandfa67mr, Cliff Hewitt, 51". 1712 am e was taken Mow‘ay to the Ontario Agricultural Itï¬wawn in Toronto.