1 Highlights and Accomplishments Page b Fa rm", also showing a film "Making the moat out of a miracle" at the August meeting of 1956 when the husbands of members along with Mount Hope members and their husb,nds were entertained. A display of antiques by Mrs. Stewart Esplen giving their history and former use was enjoyed. Dr. Morton spoke on museum work. Miss Shirley Bullock, Home Economist, spoke on her work and the training received at College. To mention all papers, speakers and demonstrators during this period would take too long. A few have been mentioned not necessarily the most important. Dr. Fraser spoke on Veneresl Diseases, Mrs. Fraser on her nursing work in Malta during World War I, several nurses on First Aid, Child Welfare, etc. Films shown by several were most enjoyable; Rev. C. E. Fisher, Rev. David Ian, Rev. K. McMillan, and the late Rev. Wm. Quigley spoke on different subjects; Mrs. Brown and Mr. James, members of the Crusade for Christ, took part in our 1956 Christmas meeting. Several of our own members have spoken on trips made showing cards and momentos picked up along the way. Our young people have furnished musoimany times. For several years Girls Club Work was sponsored and convened by capable members. Not always were there enough girls available to have a club. A list of the Presidents to date is as follows: Mrs. E. Smith Mrs. D. Campbell Mrs. M. Underwood Mrs. M. Chsppel Mrs. S. Chappel Mrs. W. Daniel Mrs. A. Gowanlock Mrs. J. Peirson Mrs. A. Finnie Mrs. R. Benton Mrs. S. McLean A list of Secretaries is as follows: Mrs. M. Newman Mrs. M. Chappel Mrs. R. McCarrel Mrs. E. Smith Mrs. L. Schell Mrs. R. McLean Miss B. Geddes M"s. R. Jsoklin Mrs. M. Underwood Our Honor Roll is quite large. Let us cherish them in mnd and loving memory: Mrs. R. Chsypel, Sr. Mrs. Geo. Grash Miss B. Geddes Mrs. Jss. Cheesmsn Mrs. J. Bell Mrs. A. Gsddes, Sr. Mrs. J Kaufman, Sr. Mrs. Albert Mauser Mrs. J. Kaufman, Jr. Mrs. Maurice Cha1pel Mrs. A. King Mrs. John Schwaes A fairly accurate account of C‘sritable contributions for the entire period is n 3 follows: Ditty Bags €: 96.05 Salvation Army ?0.00 Children's Aid Society 126.00 Oxygen Tent 15.00