UEIOhPr 3, 1966 October 214, 1966 November 25., l9b6 November 29. 1965 January 12, 1967 February 9, 1967 Harch 1a, 1967 April 28, to June 20, 1967 October A, 1967 November. 1967 Councils of Port Elgin and Saugeen agreed to an all-new school on a new location. A revised request for tentative approval of a building propOSal excluded 3 Library. Estimated Cost of 15 Rooms plus General Purpose Room was $419,665.00 (Including equipment and excluding site). Tentative Approval for Grant purposes received from the Department is $266,056.48. There is a deduction of $53,903.52 due to proposed abandonment of Classrooms. Inspector declined to approve the sketch plans. Municipal Board's letter to Town of Port Elgin states that Port Elgin's share of the undertaking is $268,800.00. Not more than about $210,000.00 would be approved. As a second choice, Board agreed to build only a lZ-Room school plus Auditorium. Tentative approval for building and equipment of a 12- Room school was submitted to the Department of Education. Estimated total cost is $397,400.00. Tentative approval dated February 28, 1967 was received. Improved Grants System gives approval at $354,506.00. April 28: Architect presented three new plans to Board. May 19: Request for approval of sketch plans was sent to the Department. June 17: Second request for approval was forwarded to Department of Education. June 20'. Received revised sketch plan approval (dated June 13, 1967). Tenderl for the building opened at 8 p.m. Burt Urquhart Construction Co. had lowest of 11 bids ($354,239.00). Request for final approval submitted to the Department. Final approval dated Nov. 6 (received Nov. 13). Amount approved for General Legislative Grant is $339,389.00. Nov. 10: TM of Port Elgin applied to Ontario Municipal Board for final approval and iuuance of Debentures in the mount of $385,000.00. Nov. 1!»: Ontario Municipal Board lulled final approval. Construction started on the new school building on November 15, 1967. _9_ l 8 l 5 9 râ€"L_l. 4 lo "IL: :7 I :6 .J_;â€"i 3 I] Z d-â€"-- tumult! man .â€" imam llKHl)‘ nmw " muum muool