The SCHOOL BELL usually mounted in a belfry to call children far :na nZar [0 classes, is symbolic of the one-room schools whiah have Tgusa‘ our elementary school pupils far the past hundred years. e SCHOOL BELL from 8.3. #5 Saugeen, ï¬ictured above will be mounted aL‘Port Elgin-Saugeen Central School in cmt’moratiun of the Eclloumg eight school buildings which have been cloud. 55. No.1 "5 No. US .No. S.S.No.l¢ ss N 5 SS U 1 2 .5. S. No. 7 PORT ELGIN PUBLIC SCHOOL Th , a bell and plaque presented to Port Elgin-SaquEn,Centgll School I) Lt. y Col. met.) Juhn McEwing - a fume: pupil S‘.S. Ila, 5 SW?“- .4. PORT ELCIN - SAUCEhN CENTRAL SCHOOL DAVID C." STEVENS. M. R.A.I.C. Architect W The Port Elgin - Saugeen Central School was constructed during Lhc summer of 1968, a: a total cost of $354,239.00. The total area m the buildLng is 21,150 square feet and is comprised cf :he fnlluwlny, areas: Twelve Classrooms Staff Washmom: General Purpose Room (Cymtoriuzn) Kuchen - Sen/cry Guidance Room Storage Rooms Library - Staff Room Health Room Principal's Office & Secretary QJstodian'S Roam Boys' and Girls' Washroams Boys‘ and (31' rls' Dresslng Rooms Outside Equipment Storage Boiler Room Schoal has been designed for 6 additional mums which may be added in stages. CLASS ROOMS 29' A" Long and 25‘ 0"W1de. Each classroom contains project counter and slnk. bookshelves alnng [he H8115 below the windows. 34' of chalkboard and maximum amount of tackhoard is provided in each roam.