Changing the! rlcs, M French songs amt-Hi it. h- a 9 Au rt and Keith Eady gave a comic twist to some lavome y nlï¬ï¬l. ï¬gs 27,267 ’nm- 2'15†Heritage Renfrew to erect coim in Horton Township chilngc chl'ruw is sucking ï¬nancial assisluncc In crud u c'uirnln mark lh; silu Micro curly sclllcrs starlcd up the ()pcongn Trail in Hurlnn Township. chruscnlulivcs Dnris lhlmplnics and Hank chris, thairmunollhc l'lmu» ingCommillcc,nullincdthcir pmpnsalnl :1 Norton Township cuuncil mccling Muth 1-8. Humphrics explained many sctllurs in the 1840's came up llzc ()llumr Rit'ur by Castleford Tweedsmuir History boat and gut all at Furrcll's Landlng it ill: all their plagcssinm. new on rim INUIM'I - ly olAudruySchurfc.Tmccs with; m cuss innclmmIhcrixcnluljuinulllxctlpgnn- g0 Trail can still be found 0†Cnunly Ruud l3. Schnrlc has agruud in dnnatc land In:- lhc hismrical plaque. In their presentation In cnuncil, Humphrics and chris. mde for ï¬nan- cial aid In help cow: llu: coal of cicarin}: 1990-1998 Community Interests & Citizen Interests , , 7 lhc piccc nl properly, installing a culvcn. making an entry and cxil for vehicles and the cm: of building the slum: calm. They have also asked county ruuncil fur ï¬nancial assistance as the cairn will he lncalcd un a counly wad. Hurlon cuuncil Incmbcrs indiculL'd an inlcrcsl in lhc pmjccl and suggested Ihcy wuuld discuss lhu rcqucsl all a lalcr limc. In the meantime. lhcy will rwopcrutc in nugnliulinns with lhc County of chlrcn: 110f175