Mao Walla and Mra Bill Humphriea ware dollohled lo have their Humphrloo aarva thorn at lha annual Gulda. grsnddaughlor Cindy .Bmwnla..Palhï¬ndar.and Snark: in. ; Renfrew man serio 11â€"st iï¬juréd in i Saturday night Hwy. 60 accident By Ray Stamplecoaki u A . I SpecialtoTheSun 97 7 l)†A 64-year-old Rent'rew man is in serious condition in the Ottawa Gen- eral Ha ital following an accident Wm ' waylSO. three miles east 0 Eganvil e. John Barium sustained major in- ' when he was ojected onto the ' way ï¬'om the Jeep in which he was a passenger. The vehicle. driven by Gary Coop- er, of White Lake. rolled over several Effie! before settling in the south ' itch. “Jon: e 1 5 on by ambu- , ictnria Hospital. Mr. FergusOn was immediately transferred to Ottawa. Four young people from Renl'rew were amon those who stopped at the some a the accident. Two of them rendered particular help with ï¬rst aid to Mr. Ferguson, who is well-known in Toronto as a long-time employee of the Royal York Hotel. _ Trevor Antbmziac, a young private In the army home on leave. stopped, along with three others - Chris Lase- wyj Kerri Dom-snare and Jo-Anne M. Alibi-02in: and Kerri De- Grandpra both have ï¬rstâ€"aid train- mg. Tl‘rovor did moat of the ï¬rstaid," and Kerri. ‘Ha's more advanced - “1m leda'reford Tweedsmuir History naddlig Pvt. Ambroziac said he found Mr. Ferguson on the highway, suï¬'en'ng from maior injuries. John Ferguson "He had two broken legs,†he said. “A compound fracture in one and a fracture of the femur in the other. He also had head i 'uries and waa in a lot of ain, but I: didn't complain. We cli all we could for him." The accident happened at 9:07 pm. and Pvt. Amblozisc and others arrived on ihe seen at 9:I8 pm. 'I know the time use I looked at my watch," he d, adding that Will? ,lglg’dï¬zflr IMEE 9:35 pm. Andy and Cathy Boudens, ongan- ville. were among the very ï¬rst on the scene. Mr. Boudenl described how one car nearly drove over the injured man on the highway. He and hi! wife both directed traf- ï¬c until the police arrived. Earl and Marlene Hein, of Egan- ville, were along a few minutes later. Both pitched in, along with the rest. to help. Earl Hein assisted withoutâ€: W trol. His wife, Marlene, gotseveral push brooms, which the two young ladies from Renfrew, Ken-i De. Grandpre and Jo-Anne Butler, used to sweep up the glass on the high- way. “You don't see young people being so helpï¬xl.’ observed Mr. llein, who thanked both ofthern for their kind- ness and consideration. The investigatin ofï¬cer, Constl Gordon Schultz. oft e Renfrew OPP. also thanked them and others for their help. Jâ€"___ 13of175