Former councillor results with Jim and l 0 Early watch“ the election Ferguson and Reeve Mltt Steveneon lithe Horton Bportlplox Tunday night. For ' guson ted the poll. elected councillor Judy Deputy Been John Doerth was also roâ€"eleetod. tor councillor, tattooed try ro- CImpboIt and Jo. Geuthlnr. w Two rié’iil councnlors In Horton by Wanda Bllmlde Mercury reporter There are two new faces on council but no major upsets in Horton towriship. DeputyRecve John Ducting had an easy win over Dave Bennett while new comer to politics Jim Ferguson led the polls for one of three councillors. Councillor Judy Campbell was reâ€" elected by a comfortable margin while the fight for the third position was up for grabs, between .loc Gauthier and Jamie Larone, until the last vote was counted. Although Lartinc was leading in the early returns, Gauthier ended up the victor by 10 votes. Gauthier stated afterwards he didn’t know if there would be a recount but Larone Would be entitled to one. Councillor Bub Kingsbury Went down to defeat, as did Horst Walter in his first election bid. The final totals were Deputy Reeve Doeririg with 750 votes to Bennett‘s 365. The vote for tho councillor can- .didates ended with Ferguson 951, _‘ mphcmaulhiermn, throne 4‘50. Kingsbury ‘03 and Walter 181. The voter turnout in the township was about 50 per cent. 0f the 2.735 eligible voters. 1,115 persons cast their ballots. There were three polling sta- lions. polls 1 to 3 (RR 3) was at the tire hall. pail 4 (RR 1) Hutton school and poll 5 (RR 6, RR 1,11tornpsnnhill) at Clark Eady‘s residence. Bittersweet election Reeve Milt Stmnson, who was ac- claimammmrmwu 1 where candidates and their families gathered. Stevenson stated his biggest regret was losing Kingsliury and turned him the hardest working member (if coun- cil. Kingshury carried a heavy load for the past three years, heading the Waste Management. Recycling and Fire com- mittees, and his defeat is a tremendous loss to council. 0n the plus side. the teen: is pleased experienced council members Ducting and Campbell are littclt to balance new; comers Ferguson and Gauthier. He feels it will he a good working council and will establish committees based on capabilities and personalities. Campbell stated she “as looking forward to another term to ï¬nish the jobs already underway. ller “()rhluad included the Official Plan. VON board of directors, Home Support Program and Property Standards By-law, Howmct, Campbell ntllt‘S every member tifcountil is hooked in every- thing concerning the township. ‘ Fermi-Aunt fel mm the support 0! tom ip I’CSILlL'nIS and hehnpcdhe couldlive uptoitJle plans to work with council and will take whatever committee appointments thc rccvc gives him. Gauthier. who noted deceased councillor Gilmour McGregtir gave him the incentive to run for council. also appreciates the opportunity the voters gave him. As a former fire fighter, hcwould Iiltetoworlt onthcï¬rc and. roads committees. Kingsbury extended his omigratula- lions to the new council and expressed appreciation for the support he reunited during his term. The election victories and losses were bittersweet for Stevenson. as well as the township's present and former elected ofï¬cials, who remembered their colleague. councillor McGregor, “but died Sunday with his funeral scr- viccs scheduled for ‘2 p.m. today. Mt-(iregnr served tin-council for a total of 12 years, although not consecu- tive terms. and had earned the respect and support of ratepayers, friends and nciphliors. "(iilmour was not a high profile councillor but he was well respected and did well at the polls. He voted, proxy, in the advance poll because It was something that was vet) important to him." Stevenson stated. McGregor served with three reeves. Tom. W v ()tEr c. s is tounu u merits included the Horton Recreation Committee. Renfrew County Veteri- miry Association, Victorian Order Nurses Board of Direuors and the Big Pine Committee, the forerunner ofthe tourist assmialitm. Former councillor George Early recalled serving on council with two ms at ttitt'erent times, Gilnwur M06 and fatti chest, a long-time QQOWthdam diuresis wufldu‘“ †PM“ ageing?" a- - Innsâ€"re.-. _.. - :. n...L..~ mm EDD