A10)ng Jgnwspaaml pmpnseo (D (D 'P (0 Lo 0) O c 3 3 x: 2. Q 9â€". m 3 g w W 9. N. m :x i m a 2’, 1/) Election! were recent hold to ï¬ll ml: en's slate on lhe ï¬enl’row Fair on and Mac M‘chen. Standing in back are_ (H) Ed Hanson. Board. Shown here'yaro directors gram row Inn to right) .v onnfloneJn Whomw, Ran Coughlm. Jerome Mask, Humhries. Marg for-tier, :ecretary Judy Dobec. pfflidemfl 8m" swk“ “‘1 3°.†we.“ Ja n ‘ :2 9L SLHO 62