i tn St; tr 1, Fl rm n'dï¬F'Bru-j (1’: Giving and Thoring BUB AND DORIS Fergus-m wrll b: a: home In men ï¬nds. neighA hnurs and relatives on It): occasion i ot’ lhflr 50th Wedding AnnMrsar‘j. Stplrl. W90. [mm 2-5 pm. Best WISth only makes ii work hy Susan Qunillun Mercury n-puru'r an lu split hairs, hul while the lumen hmughl lhcm togcthcr, hair lcpl lhum lugclhcr. Rolwri and Doris Fcr- guson cciuhrnlcd 50 years of marriage uu Saturday, ILZrncmbcllng “Ii-J lmn’csl excursion and a special haircut. The cnuplc met-En Duris‘ lmmu luun River- hurst, Saxlrntthcwan. West of Mam: Jaw, the mum's Impulatiun was about 3(1). Castleford Tweedsmuir History Hcr Iuluru husband had cnmc (ml nn :1 ‘hurvcsl cxcursion', in which a frcc lickcl hrnught workers m the ï¬eld and 315 gm lhcm hack harm; with summer Cdfnil'lpf. A huusckccpur in the home Ruhcrl livcd in. Doris ï¬rst mcl him mu .1 hair L'ul. ll'. sccms nnbarlwcr shops were open so Duris did the lrimming. 'Wc sccmcd in hit it oli lngclhcr, Dmis said. 'Hc‘s never been in a barber shup,â€shcnddcd. "I still cut his hair.“ Ailcr marriugc lhcy rclurm‘d In Casllcfurd, Rnhtri's home. and {cumin (here In [his day. Tu cclubmlc, lhc couple cnjoycd lunch with family and held an npcn house m'cr the sunny ailcmuun. Lunking back, Doris agrcud In aharc the wcrcl (if a successful marriage. ‘Ynu'u: gm [0 givc 3 Mb lit: and take a. lilllc. Yuu‘x‘c got I0 givc in and 51‘: gm In uurk Inï¬ll new†- And [he sccrcl In their fulurc together? "We'll mend it leaking lumurd In gnod health." 1990-1998 Community Interests & Citizen Interests 10f175