Our annual bus trip this year was a scenic drive through the Forks of the Credit River, then on to Melton Airport and then back to Black Creek Pioneer Village on the outsxirts of Toronto, then we visited at a Brampton nursery and greenhouse. In October this year we had Miss Joan Anderson, Home Economist of Walkerton as our guest speaxer, at our meeting. She spoke on "Meat in the Menu“. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS FOR. 1907-68 President - Mrs. Hugh Campbell First Vice President - Mrs. Robert Porter Second Vice President - Miss M. Chisholm Secretary-Treasurer - Mrs. Allan Abell Assistant Secretary â€" Mrs. Thos. Young District Director - Mrs. Wilmer Alexander Alternater â€" Mrs. Wilson Parker Public Relations Officer and Press Reporter â€" Mrs. Maurice Young Assistant â€" Mrs. Wilmer Alexander Branch Directors - Mrs. Allan Abell, Mrs. Arthur Abel]. Sunsnine Committee; Mrs. Maurice Young, Mrs. James flapper Tweedsmuir Curator â€" Mrs. Wilson Parker Committee - Mrs. C. McLeod, Mrs. Thos. Young Pianist â€" Mrs. Wilson Parker At our first meeting of Canada's Centennial year, 1907, in January, a very interesting paper was read on the History of West Brant Presbyterian Church, wnich was built in 1809. This is a stone-blocs Church, and served the Commmity as a place of worsnip until 1.909. In 1962 it was converted into Douglas Hill Mortuary. Early in l967, ways to further our Centennial project were discussed and one project decided on was to sell tickets on a quilt, the draw being made at the Annual Meeting in April with Miss Carol Pilgrim of Eden Grove being the winner, also money received from a previous baxe sale was added to the quilt raffle. The total amount of $06.00 was given to the local Boy Scouts to buy sleeping bags. This was the extent of our Centennial project. Brant TownsnipLs Centennial Project was a Farm Beautification Contest, with a member from each of the five Women‘s Institutes in Brant Townsnip being the judges. They were namely, Mrs. Norman Frock, of Malcolm Institute, Mrs. Gordon Inglis, of Solway Institute, Mrs. Morris Francis, of South Line Institute, Mrs. Earl Johnson, of drant-ureenock InstituteJ and Mrs. Nilgon BarkerrJMQE been grove Institute. 1' I ’(