Mrs. Maxwell conducted the installation of new officers who were as follows: President- ------------------- Mrs. Robt. Atkinson First Vice President --------- Mrs. Alvin Riley Second Vice President- Wilmer Alexander Secretary-Treasurer---â€"â€"--- Hugh Campbell Assistant Secretary ---------- Mrs. Tom Young District Director ------------ Mrs. Wilson Parker @2952 Historical Research â€" Mrs. J. Caskanette Agriculture and Canadian Industries â€" Mrs. Maurice Young Citizenship and Education - Mrs. Wilmer Alexander Home Economics and Health - Mrs. Alan Abell Public Relations and Press Reporter - Mrs. Alvin Riley Resolutions - Mrs. Jae}: Spitzig Pianist - Mrs. Wilson Parker It was decided to have our meetings on the £0 urtn Thursday of each month. The initial membership of this new Institute began at twelve and by May of the same year, 1961, the total membership was up to 25, and did not exceed that at any other time. Mrs. Wilmer Alexander donated a copper picture to sell tickets on to procure sane funds for the Institute expenses. Mrs. Wesley Abell's name being the lucky number drawn at a later meeting. The Institute sponsored a girl's h-H Club during their first year of operation, with thirteen girls in the Club. There were Various activities to procure funds to carry on wi tn and to fulfil our obligations as required of an Institute. Speakers during the first year at various meetings were; Mrs. Artner Teasdale of the Williscroft Branch, Mrs. Geo. Downey of Tiverton, and Mrs. Horace Clark of the Bradley Brancu. The first annual meeting5 of our Institute was held in the Ellengowan School which has now, as all other rural schools, ceased to function as a seat of learning and has been sold either to private individuals or as a Community centre and marks the end of all era and the beginning of a new one. EXECUTIVE OFFICE)th FOR 1902-03 President â€" Mrs. 3.. HEKinSOI: First Vice Psesment â€" Mrs. w. Alexander Second Vice President â€" Mrs. 1). Porter Secretary-Treasurer â€" Mrs. H. Campbell Asmstant Secretary - Mrs. T. Young Branch Directors - Mrs. A. Abell, Mrs. W. Hopper