Area WI convention updates members iï¬deiniGroVe WI assemble-fl ; Valentine’s boxes for shut-ins 1 Eden Grove Women’s Institute met at the home of Feme Abell on February 14. The roll call. “if someone new came to Canada. how would you promote Canada", was answered by 12 members They assembled l4 Valentine boxes for the shut-ins. Abell handed out some Valentine games and FROM Bictr AND VICKI JACKLIN Special to SCN The Grey Bruce Wl's 43rd Area Convention was held this fall at the St. Peter and St Paul's Family Centre in Durham Guest 5 eaker Pastor Sheila Fletch spoke on t e irri ortance of volunteering. urn,FWIO President. did the honours of conducting the elections of the ofï¬cers and gave a very informative account of what is he ening in the WI pravincially. We Shoulch Christine Re our accomplishments. Our Grey Bruce President, Vicki Braeker, conducted the meeting and had i various humorous Lid bits throughout the Kimberly WI was given recogni- day, Lion for being 100 years in service. We are to encourage non-members to e very proud of a Cupid word ï¬nd. The institute will be sell, ing pics at the home Show in Walkerton on April 6. Michelle Phillippi and Marion Chesney served lunch. The next meeting is March 21 at the Cargill park building at 7:30 pm. Barb Patterson will be speaking on women‘s health issues. tional opportunities. around the world. roofis needed. merits Bruce Area. and meetings were. by Barb Klages Ethel Brant Monture. Adelaide Hunter Hoodlcss. Agnes Mucphuil and Peggy Knapp. In the last century. those woan hiive made enore mous contributions to agri- courses and prDJCClb related to ngnculturc in her com~ munity. She was the ï¬rst president of the women‘s section of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Soeieties and worked to establish agriculture courses culture Lind a way of life in l‘ui native people. Sht: Canada. Joined the stall of the Ethel Brunt Monturc wus Cnnudittn Council of born to :1 form family in Brunt County in 189-1. She was a dCSCL’lldunI of Joseph Brunt und led many short Christians and Jett's and helped :irrnngt‘ student L’ALlitlllgC\ hrtwrcii Ontario and Quebec. She was renowned as u lecturer. author and expert on Canada's native people. Adelaide Hunter Hoodless lived in the last half of the 18005. She was prompted by the death of her infant son to devote herself to edu- cating women in household muntigement. especially in uruiis of prevention of lllr iiess Jntl discuss To this cud, \h? eslnblished Women‘s inSlllUlC\, helped to miiiblish the Victorian on issues come to any of the branch's meetin d enjoy friendship, fellowship, fun. ragtiiilcrii- _ There was a brief outline of the time the ACWW convention in Hamilton was and how informative the workshops Order of Nurses, lhc YWCA. National Council of Women. MacDonald Institute at the (NOW) University of Guelph and MacDonald College in Quebec. Agnes Mticphail was hunt in the CllDfl in 1890 and wet the ï¬rst woman to he electv ed to the federal Home of Common». She supported \vrtint-n'x suffrage rind helped establish initiin allowances, pensions Inr the ' and a way to con- tribute to your community here and We had an informative report on the Erland Lee Museum and branches are requested to help donate funds as a new There was a lively discussion on the new health board regulations on food handling. It was decided that because there seemed to be a conflict of informaâ€" phonthat the exerauti've should meet with e tnspe: ors an to et the require' - uniform tLl'iryoug out the Grey great Local women have made big contributions to agriculture, WI hears elderly and disabled. uncmr ployment insurance. eqqu pay and prison refomi. She also served in the Provincial Legislature. Peggy Knapp. a women of our times. has served its Provincial President of the Federated Women's Institutes iil'()ntztrto. as well as the Ctllludlan Area President of mu Associated Country Women of the World. Shr- has also served on many bourdt-Oiittiriu r WOMEN/from page 8 \mincn \\ll<i tire .ici.\r Ill Iluni “petition lllCltltlt’ l.|_\l’lt‘ Dietrich. Brut-r Cuunl) l'edrrrilinn ul .»\3.'iiculttirt~ PlL‘\|\lt‘l‘ll .iiid mutt-tinder tit Ruutx ul Britct‘. Kdlll) \l-Iott'i. :nlimu “Hit the (tummy lt’llllllI'C I .tiningl Institute. \llllt‘ll piittirlcx training \(l\l(C [U lllt' ilgnL'llllLl'L' iiidiisii‘). Carol Riit’lt. co-qunct'i' Lind C\Ct‘|lll\t‘ killk'L‘lUl' nl \V'Rlâ€"jl’) thiiien‘x Ix’urrii Ft'uiiniiiit De\clupiiiciiti \\l\lrll i~ tit-titrated in \llY ltlinlii Illl.ll L'ItIIlllllJlllllL'M (‘olittritt'il Furin \VHI‘IL‘II. t\lll‘ dll‘CL‘lt‘tl attention III the Inuit tiisis .incl nun) 'lliIIL‘ With Meme iintc. WI iiiciiibrrx c Inted Illt: number “I Prtldllt‘h people the not} dot-limit L’tl\lliL‘llL\_ clothing humanoid my nixhiiigx, timid the ll\l » endless Mcinlx-is rilw limht‘tl tit lion liiiliiiii; Ill I‘llltl rlilll' lune» l-v Inimquv I‘l 1mm ll I‘Mltl, ll t\|lllltJ llht'lunl .i l.IllIlt'l .lhlllll \1 [I‘ll In \rl up in win“ tannin} In .‘lltlll. lllL'IL' .iie l'llill“ mute /t'ttit'- ii. the slril'lrlll‘ Unit The lulu t'\pt‘tltllli‘ll~ mutton mi In.“ llllll:_'.tIL' tlt'llt' li.i\r .ilw t‘liniit't‘tl m Inn mm the At the March meeting at Malcolm Wninen'x Institute. members “'1†he LthLr to sing. sit) or pit \ttlllrll‘llllg ll‘l\ll .\ miter it ill t.i|L min .illcriizitnt' tiit'tllt'liic Agricultural College, Ontario Vetenntiry College. Ontario Agricultural Museum. Royul Agricultural Winter Fair and the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Besides [how women, the Malcolm Women‘s Institute learned much about many nulxlflndlllg women in agri- culiun: through It prewntnr iion by .Vliirg McCrcudy. one of the brunch members. WOMEN/tic mu [4 ‘