Members thanked for local donations BY MAXINE ZEITLER Spocinl ll) WHT Eden- Eden-Grove Carg'ill Women's Lnstitute met at the home of Maxine Zettler on Jan. 20 with 10 members present. Marion Chesnoy opened the meeting Eflflifl with Mary Stewart Collect and the Opening Ollï¬ida Abell read the minutes of the last meeting as well as the correspondence with thank you cards coming from Walkerton Figure Skating Club and the Jantzen family. Maxine Zettler gave the treasurers report. Members named the Prime Minister the Year they were born as Roll Call. We discussed our December Christmas meal which was held on Dec. 1. at the Hanover Slots. everyone enjoyed the lovely meal and our gift exchange was a Christmas ornament, All the members and their guests enjoyed the night out. We organized what each member is to bring at our February meeting (M the Valentine boxes given to local people. A draw was made for quilt squares which was won by Debbie Young. Everyone is eager to see what crafty art work she does with them. ‘ Our guest speaker was Kara Kostncr, a public health inspector. She gave a very interesting talk on her job and gave important tips such as why it is important to know how to read blue prints, water testing and told us that it is important to keep informed about any public functions regarding food. A demonstration by live volunteers with hand washing was done. each one washing their hands for a different time with soap and water one with just water and one with gloves on. Kara put a special light on the hands to show us thatjust water does not take the germs oll‘. washing for a lllllltlll' with soap and water was the best and We learned that you should always have clean washed hands holoro putting on gloves as the germs gt‘t on the ouLsido while putting the gloves on. Hand outs V\'t‘rt‘ given with inort- information. Everyone enjoyed hl‘l' talk and she answered lots of quostions. Grore \v ’ sung by all members and :1 delicious lunch was served by Marion lilu-snr-y and l\l€l\llll‘ Zettlor. Quilt lit'ki'ts are still Inï¬llillill‘ I‘rom an) “2] Illl‘lll- bt‘l‘. l’rorei-ds go to the lantzt-n Children Fund. Dru“ is lit-h, l3. Members make Valentine boxes The Eden Grove-Cargiil Women’s Institute met at the home of Debbie Young for its February meeting. with 13 members present. Marion Chesney opened the meet- ing with the Mary Stewart collect and the opening ode. Linda Abell read the minutes of the last meeting as well as the correspondence, A Valentine card sent from Edna Zottlor was also read and Karen Thompson Riley gave the treasurer‘s report. For the roll call. members said what they did for their sweetheart that took him by surprise on Valentine's Day, The group sent a sympathy card to Brian and Corinne Dayman. All members then agreed the women will purchase a ticket with money going to support Ontario Agri-Food Education. Following the meeting. members made Valentine boxes to distribute to local people. Grace was sung and a lunch served by Young and Carolyn Abel], The group met at the home of Maxine Zettler Feb. 13 for the quilt draw and all those who bought a ticket were thanked. The winner of the quilt is Annabelle Wilhelm ol' Chepstow. Eden Grove-Cargill_W.I. Meet By Maxine Zettler Eden GroveaCargill Womens in- Home and Counw" stitute met at the house of Sharon Fitzsimmons on March 17, 05. with 12 members and three guests present. Marion Chcsney opened the meeting with the Mary Stewart Collect and the Opening Ode. Linda Ahell read the min~ utes of the last meeting as well as the correspondence. Many thank you cards were read. Karen Thompson Riley gave the treasâ€" urer‘s report Members said “The Best Bargain You Got in the Past Year“ as Roll Call. Books were bought by members and one for our WI called “Women Remem- ber World War II Fighting For Congratulations goes out to Carolyn and Les Abell on the ar- rival of their baby girl. lngrid Wilson demonstrated how to paint and decorate a flower pot. Each member then did one of their own. Everyone enjoyed this relaxing and fun craft. Grace was sung by all members and a deli- cious lunch was served by Sharon Fitzsimmons and Ferne Abcll. On Fcbmary 13,05 members met at the home of Maxine Zettler to have the Quill Draw, Thank you to all those who bought a ticket. The winncrofthe lovely quilt was Annabelle Wilhelm ofChcpstow.