an. .a u. nwncrw-nu nr tu-un Laugh/n -. nu: shown above 13 the Eden Grove Women's Institute float depicting 1891 and 1987. WERE THE' FIRST AND SECOND WHITE GIRLS BORN IN BRANT At the November meeting at the Walkerton Women's Institute. held at the home ‘0! Mrs. 0. Mc» Clevis, a framed picture of ma first white girl born in Brant annshlp was given to the cum vener or the Historical Cox-imit- tee, Mrs. McClevis. by the Misses Bertha and Clara Inglls 0! Walk- ertbn, who are relatives at the late Mrs. Donald Sinclair. F‘ar sometime the controversy ‘extlted as to whom was the first white girl horn In Brant: ’39â€" cards reveal thnt Isabella Adair has that distinction. She was a daughter of Thomas Adair and ergaret Inglls Adair. being born October 20th. 1850 on can. 2. N.D.R. in Brant Township. She Was married In AanI 26th, 1871, 9.â€" to Donald Sinclair. Registrar of Bruce County. She died Decem- her 28th, 1925. At her christen- ing. she had been given the title of “Queen of Brant," Jane Gowan‘ork. daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gowanlock, was born August 15th. 1351. in Brant Township, on Lot 56. Con. 2. N.D.Rh She would therelure be the second White girl born in Brant as far as records shown She was married in 1874 to Mr. John A. McGiII nf Walkerton. Bath these Irnmed pictures hang In the 1.0,D.E. room at the Town Hall. The Gownnlnck picture was painted from n tinrty'pe by the late Miss Agnes Ritchie, 21 nntlvn a! Wall-tartan. ' ha ran; -- l This Eumme‘ the Clmir used b." Donald Sinclair when II? was Spoaker of the Dnlmlo Houï¬e nf ParIIHanI for several years prior. to 1393, was presmted to the, Bruce County Museum at Soulhq am (on ‘ Donald Sinclair . Barn in the Island of Islay. 5(0 - land. in July He immigrat-l ed to Canada W I] his parents in 1551, who settled the following year in Arrxm Twp. Sinclair Came to Bruce in 1&53 and (bl-l lowed the professiun of a School- teachel’ here. and also later in the vicinity at Toronto. From 1558 he was nermnnently a rash dent of Bruce. In 18ï¬3 he was elected deputy reeve of Arran. In 1565) Mr, Sinulau DJUYEd m Paisley and carried on a general store. In the general election of 1867 he was elect d as member of the house of A cmhly. by ac- clamation, fur the riding or North Brucct This seat he held nntII 1583. when he was appointed Registrar of Deeds for the Counly of Bruce, and mnved to Walker- tnn. Where he remained a resident until his death, In Aprll. 1874, he married‘ Isabelle. daughter of Thomas Adair. and had a family at two sons and three daughters. In politics he was a Liberal. In religious behalf he was a Baptist. Mr. Sincinlr possessed a character MUSEUM RECEIVES iSPEAKER’S CHAIR fur upr" tn vivr hum h2< lonuruo l‘éd Nui'en‘lwr 15â€] (mm. wlwre he 11 tam m~=dl .31 adi hurirri at Snutham County Historical 1m. ’1'": when .wrnp LI Torâ€"