«i. 5.9.“. I I I Record of i Barnum Family Recently, the contents of a book entitled "Genealogis . ilil “mind of the Barnum, Family" has become avail~i able to some members of ‘the “Bal'numsâ€. ‘ This book, published in i190!) in Massachusetts gives a complete record, opening .with a canspcctus of the old Barnth family of England The Cobourg Senflnelrsiar. Wed. September 23. 1 “Ancestral Roof" (Coolinuorl imm page 1) Thnmas. than [he sun Albert E. :iiachaa in constant consult Hoskin sold to the Budd familyl With, 1nd sometime: in 2pm r plethora oi wouduurk.‘ Relating to his finer details Anthony Adlmsun. who wrola i According to w P. Hinman “or home: the brink relers lo lhr the lost word and the last word Ann Siroei. Fuhnurg. the" "a rmplnlment oi ireillage in build antyhladalha drawn: <"» ; rinrea Mallory nousos on the m2. "A: Fun anr.†it slairm’i-ha hook is composed of largo lKiogalnn Road. The centre one.“‘i'e see a WWII axlensige de’ pages. eight by ten inches, on . . has our owned, | i'zlnpmenl "f "E! are wit possr high quality paper. The type in “um â€â€œr'.‘,“"""" “"l“ ‘1‘ “ï¬rmly; \laellnl'v \lhn Ilsadsallhrzye “719 Chime “‘“W‘w ilarze and easily readable and ‘9' "5mm isnns, Clark, Benjamin and chit-h; A piquani 21012 appears rm tho contains many names of can “my P1‘"“‘5““Ph ““P‘C‘Si In 1503 [he mm irontispiars; “The Ancesiral ada's earlier citizens. Itirrrwsili the walla. Port Hnllei a Villa in Cm" v - I ~ .y . writtan and interesting account. 4 the llalianaie lasle “llallana‘r‘tlflnd near lhe Golden Plough Rm“ ““5 “um†1†mm" shot of lhs doliblerdoori in [115‘ Eluesiane House wilh lhelr “deep bisehuerd. the wide mour ldinz (if Hie ilnilr trim and 0h:- extending from Sir Walter Barnlmm. 1377. The peerage lapsed in. 1728 in default of male ‘heirs. The flounder of the American line was Thomas ilst. born in 1625‘ He became ‘one of the Very early setllr tors in the New England Sta- Tes at which time he altered the spelling of the family. name in Barnum, ‘ One member of the Gill American generation was Phinias Taylor Barnum who attained fame as the found- er of the Barnum circusr Oi particular interest to Northumherland County was Colonel Eliakim Barnum. He was born in Franklin. N.Y., in 17%, and on his 24in birthday travelled to Upper Canada to visit his married sister at Grafton. Subsequently he bought pro» party, married Hannah Ew- iing from Vermont and built the present Barnum House. This latter dwelling is now an hisltcrical museum for Northumberland Coun- ty. The oldest ii rig descend ion: at Eliakim is HaroldGl ‘. Barnum of Purl Credit, On- tario. Seymour Township receivv ed a 7th generation Barnum in the person of Caleh, who in May, 1867, bought the ion 9. This was crown land 11' though apparently lt was held in the name of the Un- iversity of Toronto. north half of lot 26, concess: Caleb's father, Lalnan,was a mud ouusln of P. T. Bar- num and a third cousin of Col. Ellakim Barnum. Caleb Barnum married Agnes Reid and they had lwo sons, Daniel and Amos The first dwelling was on the Site of the present home of Mn and Mrs, Ernest Ir- Will. boltglil lllL‘ south hall of lnl Iii, oliiluemun li ll'nln lhe Uan ly {If Tun 'onio. This properly passed to Amos Barnum who died at ihe age of 38 In lgli" N is a ‘llll'llUI‘ of this lallcr [mtppr ey thal is bring (lm/aned hi- R‘il‘illlflL’ “Hunt-ifs ‘lil-illliJi- " ti Collli-lllllul Pink. ' H‘ L'l'l'l‘lflllllv lili- lhv tlwliualmn Ul [his llllrk lfi lll lit: lii‘M mi Juli) lll. Thu I)lfl(‘Nl llvlnj,‘ Illilll‘ l‘P-l ‘yl'l'lldill‘l n! l‘iilt-ll IL.iililiiii l‘a Mill-ti Barnum. tillzz l:)llll[|' lwlll'lrtl, as well as three daughlersw t On March ll, mil, Calabi [or woo, t Villas graced: nomhrmi rit of Ontario," ranris one pa graph in The Ancestral Rom, “but the pruning hook oi lime has cut them down. Some have been deslrnied ‘wy iirr. others have her): mutilated beyond res cogmllnn. ldalia, in Port Hope, survives \ii‘lll only minor abrasr ions," Ancesinr of Cal. ril'lhur Will» iams of War†War I fame, John Tucker Williams acquired 5e:- el'al lhoilsand acres of cmwn land zil Pf‘l’l Hupe. These inclildr ad Pam-n Park whore one of iha iamily Mrs. Spill-hour tit-rup- lcd ldallz, Later, ll-li= Hemnlick lamlly were summrr rpsillpnl: liar many years and after long varanr-y lllalia him-am? the Git and Cnunlry Club Hulisc. Dn Kingston “nail he Barr num House Is the Mallor) imuse. built by .Tllsill"? Friend Mallnry and ii is {hp hallway that is nuts ed to he of parlirular inierrst. "In UM narrml' apartmenl the massive simpllully oi ihe ‘rnl'ed' I inn: and [he fine qualilv DI the painted graining rm iht: two- panelled door are suhmsrged in Lodge to Mic Peggy Jones him in mm drodeii it to Zarcheur Burnham in 1805. still standing1 .on this land today. on Highway. 2 lust west or the Lodge, is the lhnuse that Burnham hiltll. Pres- trai owners are Mr. and Mrs. A!» len B Moore The house had neon owan latterly by Harold Ferguson and heiora him try 1112 Rnhert staples lamily. The house is painled while and gracing [he from onlram‘a ire Inur pillars, lwn rm Eithr. side oi the dnnr. The hank refers in lhese pillar< is "slim HellF'h istir columns" and ust {he name “WhiLPl-lal't“ in connection till)! the limits, 'Y'n dale The Senlinelrslar has been unablelo lnmle [he origin 01 lhis name, Al thr hrlclr' oi lira hook un- der ihr- tiilo - orrhrs" arr shah (he: or various housrs inolurlins lhe Renwonrl hfluse near Cn- hourg This was Ihr hnme of the late Dr. R s. Ruherlsnn and lira. nohertsnn, now nt ralgary, It is a brirlr hooaa huilt in m and is now ncrupiad hy H. or Malthls. This Was nnl'e owned 1)? ‘W. A Hosklu‘s grandfather grhirofnwhrmhri . . _ "roam: ‘x waive