Mr. History â€" Port Hope historian [ind collector Michael Wlazlykn is [it home among his collection afhisloriml dac- umenls mid iii/ominrimi. Photo by Mi'kz Hamilton Lifelong fascination With history By Peggy Faster l9 , I “I ‘7 3‘ As a youngster former town mayor Mike Vfladyka deveioped an interest in history that has turned into his life's work Now 76, Mr. Wladyka has amassed an enormous col- lection ot‘ongmal documents, newspapcts, artifacts and maps from the beginnings of Port Hope and area iii the 17005 to the present. cemeteries, servrce clubs and architecture. Mr Wiadyka estimates he has between 175 and 200 ï¬les, each on a different topic. The ï¬les are placed neatly in boxes that are stacked in Mr, Wiadyka’s garage, basement and in a small barn in his backyard. Many of the original documents were purchased by Mr Wladylca from an antique dealer who had a shop on Highway 23. He has more than 20 bound copies of Mr. Wlddyk \- parents, the late 2\lexan- W The Evening Guide which he collected in a the 1960: and 19705. A bound copy holds (let and Dori (Zalesehook) Wladyka eml~ grated LO Cdlludd m [911 and lUlB respec- tivel v They met in Port Hope and were married on Julv 14, 191') Both Mr Whitlka and his brother Hill wore born in Oshawa wirch the famin lived for sum? time Iiach weekend Mrs Witt .yku COHVIHCCd he' litrsha'id m takt‘. the {ninth fur a drive in Port Hope in their Model T car where they VlSllï¬d \\':tl‘ fr lends The \totiiigstet grow [0 1m r, lllt, town eirtl .tS pcopl "when i “(is J t ugt-rl had a i’lt‘tlt'l’ ï¬le mi {llt‘ lltrtrtls .i. Port Hope \‘Jlan anv- tme " l‘rL sdltl during J ltLCllI rnu - :\ born a , l\ ist, ht: llt‘llCV (0'1. cunmtt liuaitlcd‘ in this v n he lins alu a)» burnt generous in Shell'ng his knowlt‘ us and {Oilk‘ljtlvll .tli Jll)UllE who writes. rxills or \'lSIt> Ni \\‘l.id_\‘l; has hail liuizdir thTilSS Cdlltltid the L lit‘(l\(111seiiï¬i ill! their tlim 'iis tries -\s' r its rt lit : LtJllL’LYCti lrlilrflllttJUll 3n every tlhpt'ft til tl, tllithLIll.\' Ul l’tirt llilpr‘ i'lntil the ti tilltl lKJLA‘lel‘]\LI1>;Â¥,IN \[ulhinn u, l1. l'iliJi‘ler llr‘ hits rsntii llISt llt‘s «in t" t "3 llll‘ uler'r‘d um til mt 1 still»: , m1 ht ,itv titlntl Willi 'l illllf tli Lil's livid lli'ilKJS L‘ll [llt‘ ilJri’JUHl '5 :rl'leiters from pr‘oplc :ltl :il Europe as the}: each of the editions ofthe daily newspa- I W hen I was per in a givenyear. a teenager l Asrtle from mounds ofpaper, Mr. Wla- dyka s collection also includes hundreds I had a better oraiilrams file on the floods at Port Hope 1 orumtm There is the cornerstone from the first britk building ever built in Port llope. It was constructed at the foot ofMill Street i {or John Brown, one nithe prime movers Hi llcction includes original land than an!!me j deeds, paintmgxofthutown‘s Streetscapt‘s by Peter Heller, more than t \llke “ladika I lSU historic postcards and bits and pieces ni prtsonal belongings from former rest» i dents ‘ ,\i' \s'lady‘ta talks about perle such as Coll Arthur , Trr'ilHIS llenrtagc Wlll|dln5 and his Wife Lillian as ifthcy arc Oltl friends ills vast knowledge nfthe life and times at lilr‘ leader attire Midland Regiment at the Battle of Hilncrle bring: history LO lilo \1t Wladt ka is czlil‘usiastic about the town's history, write t iinru Ilirs n'nim he delves lnlu a project and hot 7 meiimrs smy up all: nlEht pursuing it, Mr t‘i‘ltzt‘lt'ka IS in the proeess of dwiding his caller.- tiwn ilpiwitrt r the ri \ Sandra 'a Regional Archives, "-Kii‘.‘ isdiie men Li: Llli _ r me Easr Durham Hist lL lSci i"|' it he has been :i mnmber for ' «rs lnLl iln public library man}