CBC budget cuts kill Front PageYIhallenge Clip/u. 1 1+. 1 El 4 5 Audience for longest-running TV panel show in North America. perhaps the world, down to 500,000 BY CHRISTOPHER HARRIS Arts I'LGofler TORONTO â€" From Page Chal- lenge. an institution on Canav iiian television since 1957. is history. The CBC announced yester- day the end of the topical quiz show, which it says was the CBC'TV- longest-running TV panel show in North America. if not the world. The season‘s last ep- isode was broadcast in Feb- ruary. Also ending production after 30 years is the Winnipeg-based “it feels sad to he doing this. From Page Challenge has had a terriï¬c run 7 38 years is a rec- ord. it's certainly not a decis- ion we take lightly." said Phyl- lis Flatt. executive director of arts and entertainment for The weekly halfrhour cur renihffairs quiz show. with its panel of journalist inquisitors and its mystery challengers plucked from recent headlines. L‘th ngmm HW" 31'†ser‘s Jubilee. Hockey which will broadcast only re- peats next year. The country’s longest-running Hockey Night in Canada. which started in 1952. show is The end of Front Page Chal- gram-i†lenge severs one of the last re- maining links between the so» called “golden age" oi broadl casting and the projected 5007 channel universe, Mystery guests by TheRi’ght Honourable ’97 9E†Ramon J. Enatyshyn 5‘ Gowiing. Strathy & Henderson is very pleased to announce that The Right Honourable Ramon J, Hnatyshyn. P.C., C.C.. CM.M.. C.D.. QC. has rejoined the ï¬rm as Partner Mr. l-lnatyshyn returns to Gowiing. Strathy & Henderson at ter distinguished sen/ice as Canada's Governor General h'oin 1990 to 1995. His pubhc career has included numerous cabinet port- folios, including Minister of Justice and Attomey General of Canada, President of the Queen's Privy Council, and Minister of En ergv. Mines and Resources. Mr. Hnatyshyn was ï¬rst elected to the House of Commons in 1974. He was called to the Bar of 535» kati‘hewan in 1957 and to the Bar of Ontario in 1986, Gowling. Strathy 8; Henderson is one of Canada's largest firm, serving clients from ofï¬ces in Or town, Toronto, Vancouver. 1 KJlUllt‘llCl'. Cambridge and Mos~ ‘ row ‘ is at least as much a cultural icon as such shows as Don Mes Night in Canada and The National. in his 1994 hook The Microphone Wars. Knowlton Nash called it "the grandfather of all TV pro- have in- cluded six Canadian prime ministers. countless provincial premiers and other politicians. Statesman and celebrities have been as diverse as lndira Gandhi. Martin Luther King. Mary Pickford. Eleanor Roosevelt, Gordie Howe and Errol Flynn. "It was a feisty program at its best." Writer Pierre Berton. a pan- elist on the show since 1957. said yesterday. "We always saw it as a news show. not a Variety show. which I think is one reason why it worked so well.†Mr. Berton said he wasn't sur~ piised by the news, however. “Its der mise has been predicted for the last 35 years, " Ms. Flatt said the decision to can cel Mm Page Channel and Hymn Sing was made during the annual spring review 01‘ all programs The lineup [or the 1995-96 season will he announced in June. “This year. we’re also looking at issues of ï¬nancial constraint. and new expectations from the CRTC," she said. “Writ large. we’re having to review our entire programming strategy, "We’re also in a TV environment that has changed so much in the past 38 years. From Page Challenge was created at a time when news- makers weren't exposed on televi- sion nearly as much as they are today. From Page Challenge hail ii loyal core audience. she said. with rat ings holding steady in the past live years in the 500 000 [0 550.000 range. (As recently as 1978, it sometimes reached more than two million Viewers a week i Ms. Plait did not reveal its budget. but said it was "hm an ptpensive show The CBC has dropped Front Page Challenge. a fixture on television for as years. The sho regulars {from left) were Betty Kennedy. Fred Davis, Jack Webster. Pierre Berton and Alan Fotheringham. The network cited a changing broadcasting environment. "It doesn‘t come as that much of a surprise, considering that CBC TV is in trouble with money," Mr. Berton said. "It's not an expensive show really. but something has to 3° " He said he was surmised. how ever, that the plug was pulled now, at the end of a successful season, “The network had indicated to us that they were going to keep us on until our 40th season, but I guess they decided against that." Columnist Allan Fotheringham. who Joined the program in 1954. didn't sound too happy. "I heard about it in the usual classy CBC style 7 on a speaker phone," he said. “The boss 7 George Anthony 7 was conven- iently out of town. [The announce- merit came] very cleverly on a Thursday before the long Easter weekend. when frw newspapers were publishing the next. day." The show was launched in 1957 as a summer replacement. first air- ing on June 24 Although Mr Ber» ton and moderator Fred Davis have been on the show since 1957. mi . ther was in the original lineup. ‘ The original panelists were i newspaper and radio newsman Gordon Sinclair. sliowbusiness columnist Alex Harris and the late actress 'lhby Robins. Mr Berton re placed Mr Barris, and in 1962 Betty Keruiedy replaced Ms. Ro- bins Mr. Sinclair remained a fix rure on the Show until his death in 1984. when he was replaced by Mr. Fntheiinghzuu. A fourth regular panelist. Jack Webster. also Joined in the 19805 {Canadian Press)