'__ It may not look Itkc it Sign of thc timcs mm. but wltnu IltL‘ Kay CSLII: um tint built. it made a mudcrn Statcmcnt fut ttrchitcctur: in Cnbnurg. The house and grounds at the estate .sluod (tn (l1: sit: or CDCI Ea>l on King Sltccl Elm. It wax blttll m 1910 for Alfred Kay, and of th: Antcrtcun summcr colony stttl- watt: who was tn the Ptusburgh slrel industry. Tl): urchitccls of the home wcre Rtttttn and Ruxscll of Ptmhurgh, Mm were mph“. sihlc for thc ttc<tgtt at :t tcw UlllL'r grand tmuws tn the Cohaurg arm. inuluding ('nllcsnmn‘ Hull But \vhurr (ht: ntltun wch hmll ln :t mnrc trndttinnal \t}lu. tltc lxa) lmmc ms ductdctll)’ moat-m The lmuw M.» an updztlcd version nt lhc pupum 6 495‘ Peggy Wright FR MEWORK American easlrcnztst coluttial style ll higndllctl lhc hrgin- mug of :t mart: mmlcrn approach to homes. mm less nrnnmcntzttion and c nut lines. The thtrd Hunt durmcr windows art ulsn inturnling burntâ€: at their httt‘kwttrd‘ s‘lupmg dcï¬tgn. The grnundi M the estate. like NhL‘ts tn the nctghhorhnud. strclchud from King Strcct tn Lalu: ()nlztrltt wtth tls gttrdcm running next It) Dttncgnn Park ttnd (hr lamnus Cohourg Horse Show whit-h was a htghltght ul the summer wasnn. the Kay. offered their ltlflu when :t polo match was added to the festiv- ittes. Thu hullSI'.‘ pasuctl to Alfred Kay's daughtg ‘ Lucy Kay Schuunmuker. \\ ho marrtcd James Schuunmukur. also (If the Pittxhurgh steel tndustty. Tln: couple owncd the [tropcb ty until thu Wills. Part of the A modern home from the past Kay uxtntu was bought hy Ilt: Nurthunthcrlund .mtl (‘Inringtun Buztrd ut‘ Educttliun Whtt‘h blttlt ('DC] East \In lltu property in Nb} It» fl ammu- dale :t rapidlv ex tnding Cuhourg. Thu tnformattmt fur lhu nrttrlz‘ wax prm't‘tled b) Cobourg lttxmrmn Ruben Mt'k l, unncr u] tlu' Cnbattrg P7 in! Gttlluty ï¬aï¬ ID 109$ I Friday, February ID. l995 Dicksâ€"0; Flodring Win A local flanr-mvurmg business has won a retailer nl'tlw rear award From the Floor Covering Institute or Ontario Russell Dickson of Dickson Flooring JCCL'plL‘d the award‘ which ls bqsvd nn customer servtcc, prod- uct knowledge and professional mstallation.Tl1v bustncss ts 30 was old. r 7‘ I153 21 199:“ Thts ï¬eld day at Port Hope High School was m t937 ln lhe sock row are Mary Keorns Beryl Auslm and Evelyn Jameson Front row are Lorena Smith, Francts Jex and Wanda Ogden Phclc and information courtesy of Mrs Beryl Cressey, Dor' Hopev an: a 30 g 51mg 3 a' 'rmt/ HH‘ 0’ Aux/m m; G 8 award Peggy whghmews Stall l l l t ‘93' «mg we talents ol students from TCS arm T'L‘Cl "es '.'tlll ccnltrue this weekend ill)?“ arr: a/atlable by Lalltng 8854565. ‘