Elsinore WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, [1853] - [1980], p. 10

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Juice Centre District’s 22nd annual The Etsinore Women's Instl- tute were the Hostess branch tor the 22nd District Annuat at Bruce Centre Dtstrtct Women’s institute meeting new in the Alleniord United Church on Tuasday. May 9Iht 1976' They were in charge at registration and gave name tags Wlth a sketch 0' the Etstnore Commum I: Centre to the tea rrtwrhem ‘ . and guests. Mr: Graham Cham- Emma barf ua :t-ng leader and Mrs Maurice ananlnck gtanlst tor the song tests during tha day mamm- tor swatch I5 Dronabtv the rt‘tht dttltcult part 01 ttarsrtmg She cnnctuaea Lvltlt V‘lhat r' a Mother? Mrs. E‘Jittt \i’chuiet thanked Mrs KE‘tli the 10H :alt W3: a tour tine onqmat hug“.- on the tarntt; at to-da, and proved most interest- rnq Pennies tor Frlendshln were UM'DV‘ It- the trcastiwt Miss De‘t/Issnhert Hgme ‘t~H Ernrtonttct :nrmtm flit , tr. THth < .i van t . " Grunt} Boom and tar Achievement Ba» 5 activ t». M's: Haw"! Simpsm' P'smc‘ starting With the p'otect Ottlflont President was in the chair and L“ “g ma‘ ‘5 no“ m way“; her theme tor the meeting was 'Our strength tor the Future" Mrs. Morris Mthltiet secretaryv trnasiirm nave the annuai re ports amt iir'attuldi s'atemants Wdtfieit Git/v Hymn watchmen thc tunes and tnwted them to sesswns at Bruce Couhctt He commended Elsinore Women's Institute tor their assxstance in maintaintnq the” Community Centre Mrs. H McArthitr thanved that \Wa’dfirt H" t-t Simpson in her Presment 5 address told at her [Wu years as Fresmenl and the tuncttons she had attended She compared a good home to an Institute She satd 'i am npttrntstic that am Institute can become stronger and more vttat Ii peopte are to behave In us then we must provide them with reasons tot 00mg 30. Let‘s share our skilts and concerns with Iriends and neighbours Chitdreh need models tar more than may need critics because what a child hears and sees at home colors hls tdEas more than the school. Real education-tut Ilte Is tn the home. Our strength tar the tuture lies on uur own donrstaust In our own hemes. In the outreach to others and In our determination to promote an even strungnr organization, Mrs. thhard Fenton. Provlnc- ial Board Member tor Subdivn sion 16 gave her report at the Fall and Sprtng meeting at the FtW LO She spake ot the $15. donation to the Ertand Lee Foundation Fund trum each branch that would tn three years carry the Fund. There are B‘r‘: rrltliurt- members in 76 countrias that betung to A c,w,w All converters reported a highlighl at their printed raports and there was 100% repurting. The P.R.O. stressed the tmpart- ance at double checkth figures hsiore sending report to next level. The Altantord U CVW. served a hat lunch to the guests. The Bruce Cu. Tartan had a must attractlve dtsplay set up tn the entrance to the church Stick pins are a new addition to their stock and these are very DDDUIBY The 502: v tor ‘ha cat was M Artrw mu, ht Omen SVJYJ -r,hc (3563 Mol- nsrs' as her theme tor a most inspiring tat wtth a reedtt’tt‘ Mothers once were daughtrflrs she Sitessefl the t'nnortartce 3‘ teaching chttdreh that the-re are peop'e who tt tett them what to do, and .\ht:t\ It: (In tt and it the» -:."It t’Vt' tts'an ahc respora .‘.hE'\ ll’tEt are in the work worid they wrli ncl have tom the permssne soctety at? have been living in has not red to success at math dumg Vour own thing Ruiefi are as important today as in the days at wacdsheds Damn: it tchens where v.9 tearned respect was a qualtty or tile and Ht‘lng Havlttg to ltvE an “PM state- u’ 0” There \.-. Nut/tin” Mrs Gan poilouk presented (is and Con- .eitet< atu Miss Devtsscher tfi‘ilaiied the tonm- ng ‘ Past Pres-dent, Mrs Harold Stmpsort. RR 2‘ Tara, Presment. Mr5.t .tzlarvav Wentziet., E3 in us a sev‘tor protect an Mrs P a Fiirn wasented the mqu rtéstdent Mrs H an} Ntli’t .t Erucc- Cu mt. t m, 'At‘» i; r...t -.t inputted tor lhc Hattiv Fair and the members {ELY ‘ snuctal Imago; .'.lttt tttr.it (I« inI‘J rnon [tenets Itorrt Mrs McArrr hur The program books tor the cumtttg ynar were dlstrthuted to the branches The District Direc- tors ware vaulted and recanted Ute teports from the convoners DatPs tat acttvtttes In the Museum were given to the branches involved In the mean- mg and the cratt displays Spectal dates to remember arc thny Fatr «1 port Etgirt Arena, July 5th; District Directors Fall meeting wttl be Whlte School BtdlLil Haliy wtll be October \9th in Wtarton. Area Conven- “on in Southampton October With and 12th

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